Steve's 480g upgrade 730g total Zeovit system

New look

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15618023#post15618023 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jar*Head
Greg, a month ago i thought about using your avatar to make money :D.

How is your tank doing?

Feel Free to use the Avitar as you see fit, lol I will send you the file if you want it. Tank is doing good everything is crusing along havent added anything new in quite some time thou, need to change that soon!! Your tank looks amazing with all those fish, your wife must have the patience of Jobe, cause if I got to half that stock list mine would really start the evil eye, lol. Good to see you on the board again.
i thin out my sand too a while back for the same reason.i what to post a picture but i am embarrassed to.because i tank is not as amazing as Steve
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15621728#post15621728 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by roktsintst
lookin good steve!

Hows that skimmer holding up?

Thank you Ryan. The skimmer working very well. I am going to inject 300mg/h of Ozone into it next week.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15622203#post15622203 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by GregC
Feel Free to use the Avitar as you see fit, lol I will send you the file if you want it. Tank is doing good everything is crusing along havent added anything new in quite some time thou, need to change that soon!! Your tank looks amazing with all those fish, your wife must have the patience of Jobe, cause if I got to half that stock list mine would really start the evil eye, lol. Good to see you on the board again.

Greg, as long as i am paying all the bills plus her expenses money she is cool with it. That is why i am pulling a part time job just to help with the stocking :D.

I notice a lot of bubble on the rock, i suspect the cause is from disturbing the sandbed. I hope i don't have to go through a massive brown out or TN...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15622971#post15622971 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bullitr
i thin out my sand too a while back for the same reason.i what to post a picture but i am embarrassed to.because i tank is not as amazing as Steve

Come on bro. Nothing special about my tank except a bunch of cheap yellow tangs. BTW, disturbing the sand bed is not a good idea cuz my rock are covered with bubble. Must be from the raising NO3 ?
mine have really nothing special except my wife letting me have it.
your tank will be one of my inspiration for for my upgrade. thank you
its only two months old since switching back to mixed SPS.feel free to give suggestion.i apologized in advanced for the bad picture
as you can see i barely have sand




1 of the newer acquisition from fellow socal reefer
Wow, that is a very nice protein skimmer. how big is the body? Your son don't seem to be too happy :D

Your tank look pretty good though... Is that 250w or 400w?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15623392#post15623392 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jar*Head
Wow, that is a very nice protein skimmer. how big is the body? Your son don't seem to be too happy :D

Your tank look pretty good though... Is that 250w or 400w?
he is not happy because we do not have space on the sump anymore. we are force to downgrade our sump from 100+ gallon to 60 gallon .
the skimmer body was 18" i got it from mike( tangkeeper) he is obsess with tangs too like you.
i used both 400 and 250 although i want to switch to 250 all throughout because of electric bills are so high.
santa clarita can be 10 - 20 degree hotter than you guys on oc.

thank you for the comment but like i said my tank look nothing like yours
Since i am camping in the ICU with my daughter mine as well bring in the laptop and do some update. here is the latest pic of my tank. I have remove most of the sand to the sump and you know the corals aren't happy but they still maintain some coloration. I also change from Ushio to Radium
2 mh and T-5


All 4 running. sorry for the dirty panel

I manage to snap a few pic prior to head out to the hospital :D





<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15666942#post15666942 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ATB USA
tank looks good how many yellow tangs did you sell hope everything is ok with your daughter

Sell, you mean killed? Thank you bro. I hope she gets well soon too cuz it is so hard to sleep here and they gave me a CHAIR. Thanks god i did train myself to sleep standing up :lol:

I suppose to flight to San Bruno on Wed... Look like it will get delay again..
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15666930#post15666930 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jar*Head
Since i am camping in the ICU with my daughter ...
Whoa dude, I hope everything is OK with your girl.
Steve sorry to hear about your daughter. I will keep you and your family in my prayers and pray that she recovers quickly. Having sick children and in the hospital is a hard thing to deal with. I know because I have been there before with my olderst son who is now 7.

Take care and I like the tank when it had sand in it but I understand not wanting to scratch the sides.

God bless,

Dan, she is getting better and hopefully we will be home in the next couple days. thank you

Bill, Thank you for keeping my family in your prayer. She did a great job dealing with the pain and stay in a small cage in the past 3 days.

As for the tank, i like the look of sand too but it is too hard to avoid scratches.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15669206#post15669206 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jar*Head
Dan, she is getting better and hopefully we will be home in the next couple days. thank you...
Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15669352#post15669352 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by DanW
Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

Do you want to help me doing water change in my system lol. Thank you for the offer bro. We should be home soon. I do get a chance to go home every day to keep an eye on my tank making sure all my fish are alive...