Steve's 480g upgrade

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you just get a little excited on setting that monster up. have you tried being a mermaid yet since i know your wife is not going to volunteer :D? ok so what about electrical?
I will have my HVAC guy run 4 20amp breakers into the garage along with the duct vent for heater. I also look into hooking up an Dehumidifier (spelling) but do i really need it since my tank is in the doghouse?
dehumidifier will create more heat, you can always add on later if needed. so did you get into display to get a general idea how big the tank is yet :D
Just order 4 wavy sea tunze holder, 4 sch.80 bulkhead and lots of sch.80 elbow and coupling for the tunze holder :D
where did you ordered wavy sea tunze holder? how will you clean behind the area where tunze pumps are mounted close to display walls?
Bart, like Ryan said i want to use the sch.80 because of the dark Grey color plus the tunze 6301 will have a very strong push. I don't trust sch.40 because it happened to me before that the tip came off from my sump return :(.

As for cleaning concern, the pump will not lean against the wall or too close to the wall. I will mount the bulk into the brace, use an 90 elbow to turn the direction toward the center, use another 90 elbow and and coupling to mount the pump into. There is a reason why i use sch.80 as well as using the 90 elbow. Beside the fact that sch.80 come in grey color, it also thicker and stronger. using the elbows to reduce the pressure from the pump to the bulkhead. If i put tue pipe straight down and connect the pump, there will be too much pressure into the pipe, it may wiggle or the pump tent to flow downward every time it run at max speed.

I don't know much about physic, as a matter of fact i fail physic in HS and college but using the elbow seem like the right thing to do.

I hope i don't get anyone confuse.... I know i am kinda abnormal reefer :D
Look like i need to do some update

More bulkhead, and plumbing part arrived yesterday and they I-Aquatic zeovit reactor will arrive on the 10th. The wife still nagging about the size of my aquarium :D. Don't remember she used to nag that much. Must have something to do with her being pregnant.

T-boned's ER 250 arrived yesterday. I thought Terry sending me an Refrigerator :D. He must have spent lots of money on packing material with many different color tape :D. Thanks Terry
LOL, Steve. I wanted to make sure it arrives safe for my bud. And all the colored tape - well that's another story :p
Let not talk about different color tape. Thanks dude.

Just encounter another issue with the oncoming baby. My move is in 3 weeks, the baby due in 3 months, the wife has an issues, The doctor want to monitor her till she deliver. Never thought having a baby could change your life and career that much. If i deny my order to move in May. I will be in a big trouble....
good luck with your baby, Steve. Priorities first! You should follow your doctor's advice. Can he recommend a doctor in CO that could assume care after your move?
I try to extent for couple months if possible. If we are moving at the end of the year. I will be climb rocky mountain during snow season.... I hope everything will work out...
Now that is crazy and will never happen...:D

That is what im doing brother. I better take care of my family before anything else. But my career also important.
Many women do not like changing Ob-Gyn's even when they are not pregnant, so good luck with what ever you decide. And yes, pregnancy changes a woman in soooo many ways, most of them wonderful, but the hormones can make you think you have married a bi-polar person ;). In the end though, it will all be worth it when the little one gets here.

Career is important but I bet you can get a hardship extension if you apply for it. If they give you a hard time you can alway go congressional on them :). That's an extreme resort but always a possiblity.

If you need some help making noise to higher ups let us know. I'm a very good noise maker.
Johnny, you are the man. Worst case cenario i just cancel my order and they all can kiss my behind and i will kiss my promotion goodbye. But i used to work for my monitor. I don't think he want to see me getting in trouble. But he may get up on the wrong side of the bed tomorrow and tell me to go pack sand.
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