Tank circulation change 2:
4 tunze 6301, 2 Tunze 6201 controlled by Tunze 7095, 2 Y adapter
Red dragon 8.2 M3 to feed the chiller and return back to the main display, 1 outlet for the RDSB
4 external waveboxes (2x6212, 2x6201)
4 x 400w Metal Halide with ushio 14K bulb
4 ATI power module 4 bulbs pendant to help with the spread
5 LED moon light from Aqua controller unit
600lbs dry rock
2 large Zeovit reactor I-aquatic 4ltr each
H&S A-300 3 eheim 1260, in process for BK500ext with RDII pump
Custom build metal stand by John (JJ81speed)
108x48x42 using 2x3 tube and 3x3 tube on the post, silver powder coated
float canopy made out of aluminum frame and aluminum panel also silver powder coated.
10 4" variable speed fan will be use to cool off the MH
Temp control:
I want to use 2 Geotronic chiller