About time for a update, a lot have happend lately and even more will happen in the neer future.
First the tank is still douing great, but more importand is the prospect of a new house, and with it a new office/aquarium room

The new setup will be a 720 Liter 200*60*60 cm DT and sump either 575 (current tank) or a new 720 liter depending if I can sell my "old" for a decent price.
Sump I'm currently thinking a setup like this; (based of the 720 Liter sump)
1) DSB, with Mangroove 150*15cm
2) Algee lke calpuera area 150*15cm
3) Living stone 150*15cm
4) Ozon
5) Ca, reactor and Kalkwasser reactor
6) Bubble King Supermarin 250
7) ZEOvit reactor and then return to system.
Anything I should reconsidder?