Store is a Scam! Deceptive return Policy!!

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In Memoriam
This store is a total sham! They advertised $4.95 shipping on their website. I bought something, and had to pay the $4.95 for shipping. When I returned that item, I was credited the item's original price. BUT, there was a deduction for $17. The guy said that it would've cost them that much to ship it to me originally. YET, what the hell is the $4.95 shipping for? Their return policy doesn't say anywhere that they get to do this or charge this amount.

Needless to say, they lost a customer. I hope others follow suit and buy from other online stores that are more honest.
If you returned a perfectly good product (not defective, or the wrong part) why should they eat the shipping because they Subsidized the shipping to get it to you?

If you just simply changed your mind, why should they lose money? (IF)Its not their fault you made a poor purchase, they shouldnt be penalized for it.
The guy said that it would've cost them that much to ship it to me originally. YET, what the hell is the $4.95 shipping for? Their return policy doesn't say anywhere that they get to do this or charge this amount.

:rolleyes: Not would've cost them, it DID cost them $17 to ship whatever you purchased to you. Did you actually think that the shipping they pay was somehow magically $4.95, when the true cost is alot more than that? It is called a promotional shipping price- in other words subsidized shipping to attract customers. They are in no way obligated to take a hit on that promotional shipping should you return a perfectly good item that you did not want.

I hope others follow suit and buy from other online stores that are more honest.

I doubt they will. Most will research this company and see the vast majority of transactions go perfectly well, and they have great prices and discounts. While there are some legitimate complaints, the irrational ones can be spotted pretty easily. I, a terribly impatient and demanding person at times, have not had one single negative experience with this company....that includes returns, out of stock, and dropshipped transactions.
I understand that there is no way of shipping something across the country for $4.95. They advertise that the shipping is only $4.95

It isn't the buyer's problem that they have to subsidize the shipping. Don't advertise a certain shipping cost, (then when there's a return, regardless of the reason), increase the shipping to whatever they claim it would've cost!
thay get pretty good shiping rates better than ya think due to how much stuff thay ship it allso depends on what ya buy from them and how heavey it is what did you buy or did i miss it in the thred

It is clearly posted on are site, under customer service shipping charges are not refundable. Orders process without freight, or where freight has been waived, will be charged actual shipping expenses which are not subject to return credit.

1 - where on the website does it say how much it actually costs for you to ship out an item? the website clearly states shipping is only $4.95, which the customer has to pay.

2 - if you are to deduct shipping from a return, you need to post on your website the exact amount. just saying a charge will be made isn't sufficent. imagine i bought a $5 item that weighs alot and i return it. are you still going to overcharge the customer what you claim would've cost you guys to ship it? so the customer is going to actually end up returning the item for free, plus additional charges?

3 - if these return practices aren't deceptive like you claim, i certainly believe they are UNETHICAL!:furious:

1st: Every shipping cost are not the same because of location and items bought.

2nd: This cant work because of the 1st issue. It is not what we claim! Its the actual cost we paid for in order to ship the merchandise to your location.

3rd: There is no deception or unethical in our practices, we are just being practical.

it'll be easier to swallow this pill if you state on your website that it'll cost say, 5% or 10% restocking fee. you can't just claim an "x" amount after the fact.
it'll be easier to swallow this pill if you state on your website that it'll cost say, 5% or 10% restocking fee. you can't just claim an "x" amount after the fact.

If the "x" amount is what the actual shipping costs were, yes they can! It is actually ALOT more fair than the 5-10% you suggest, as that can add extra amounts that AC did not even pay. You used their subsidized shipping when you paid $4.95- AquaCave simply charged you actual shipping- it Is either that or they lose money everytime someone does what you did. If 100 people do what you did and they had to eat the shipping cost, they'd be out alot of money.
james77, are you actually trying to defend these practices by these scam artists? there are risks to running a business. and unfortunately, i as a customer, can give a rat's behind what they paid for shipping. if they can't handle such things as a simple return without trying to rip off the customer, i certainly hope they change their practices or update their website to more clearly state their return policy.

oh, i forgot to mention that the csr did not even try to explain the additional charges when giving me the RMA. hmmmm...... i wonder why.:wavehand:
I know you came on here because you feel like you got ripped off but seriously, read the fine print next time you order something. Everyone but you understands that $4.95 shipping is a promotional special that benefits the buyer. Don't shop there anymore and stop while you are behind. Look at the third paragraph of this page: . I'm sure you read it already since you returned an item that you bought from them. I mean, why wouldn't you read it? It effects you since you are a customer returning an item.

They are not ripping you off! You are simply paying for actual shipping costs they incurred because of your indecision on a product. Of course you do not give a rats behind, maybe if you had an idea how much of a struggle it can be to stay in business you would. They cannot keep taking a hit each time someone orders ansingle item, uses the discounted shipping, then returns it.

What they did was completely fair and was, contrary to what you stated, spelled out in their return policy. You are out a whole $12, and were not charged any restocking fee......
Jeff, thank you. You make sense. James77, why would I care if they struggle or survive in a business world? It's a dog eat dog business. If they can't hack it, get out and do something else.
You are welcome. It's too bad you ruined your reputation on this site (at least with me) over this.
Reputation? Why would I care what you think about me? Are you going to be my boss someday? Sheesh, stop and think if others really care what you think. Don't fret, I can always create another alias on this site. Ta ta.
to more clearly state their return policy.

From AquaCave Return policy:
"Shipping charges are not refundable. Orders process without freight, or where freight has been waived, will be charged actual shipping expenses which are not subject to return credit."

Sounds pretty clear to me. Makes this whole thread kind of pointless, you should have read their policies. If something was not clear to you, you havd a perfect opportunity on the phone with them. Deal with it.
Frankly, I'm amazed that Enrico even saw a need to respond to this thread. However, he did, and I think he's explained quite clearly what you seem to have been confused about, mbx5r4life.
That being the case, I think this thread is done. If for some reason Enrico, or any other rep from Aquacave wants me to reopen it, just send a PM

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