Stumped with macroalgae


New member

I was hoping you guys could help me ID this....

I have spoken toa few others while not getting a 100% id on it....and it is really bugging me not knowing what specis of macro alge this is.

It is a very very deep red in colour....and is very tough and hard to the touch.

The base/bottom......seem to encrust......and then from there seemes to develope all of the branches as you can see in the photo....

I appreciate your time and help........and look foward to your knowledge, insight and opinions.

It looks like a partially calcerous alga like Galaxaura. Does it have fine fuzzy hairs on it? As that is a trait of Galaxaura subverticillata which your mystery macro closely resembles. If there is no fuzzies it could be another species of Galaxaura. It definitely has the dichotomous branching.

As a second guess I would maybe guess Amphiroa, also a partially calcerous algae genus with dichotomous branching, but my pics really resemble it less.

Call it Roy or call it boy, I call it awesome! :D
hey there.......

thanks for responding......sorry for not getting back here until now.

well no, it doesn't have anything furry on it.........

gee with all these algaes.......and when we get our hands on some less popular ones in the's almost impossible to id them on target!!!!

Thanks for giving me the ones u mentioned above.......glad to look into something rathr than nothing.

This link is to image and some data, but the macro shown is a dried specimen, and bleached looking compared to yours, rocco. I was going by structure and color. I really think frick'n'frags has it right, galaxaura, but a tissue structure varient since it aint fuzzy, or the amphiroa. Anyway, the one above is from around New Zealand, if that helps any...Maybe Kevin can figure this one out.

Flippin' gorgeous, whatever it is!:eek2:
How 'bout a shot with one of your ponies posing in it? Shah-zayum!:p
How 'bout a shot with one of your ponies posing in it? Shah-zayum

you got it!!!!!!!!! BTW, the male isn't that colour normally.....he's in the midst of courting the female so he shifts his colour to that whitish/silverish

as for the algae........

I'll be looking up galaxaura.....a well as.....amphiroa......

many thanks for all the help, all of you keepers. I do hope soon I can have an ID on it.....

I've actually got another I'd LOVEEEEEEEE to get a 100% positive id EVETYONE says that they have it, but wind up having that red bubble kelp (which can be seen as liveaquaria under marine plants.........)
how bout this for another........

can't for the life of me find out what this perfect beauty is!!!!!

rocco - the 1st one fleshy or calcerous or coraline (stony). Really
helps narrow it down. Somebody might freak that your using a dyed coral skeleton as a "flower pot" for the second one, just to warn ya, buddy!
Somebody might freak that your using a dyed coral skeleton as a "flower pot" for the second one, just to warn ya, buddy!

hahahahah....ok ok's a fake coral that was crazy cool wanted to use i so badly, even if it was to hold my keys when i walked in the door!!!!

it's actually WAS in a 10 gallon with a sallylightfoot crab......

but since then....that pic was a while ago....that macro has gone to the main tank.

Wish i knew what all of these were.......and all of your help is always appreciated as the insight here is always a valuable chunk of information......a pleasure as always
that first one looks exactly like the codium sp. we get around here in florida, except ours is green. never seen red codium, but you never know! codium also has a small encrusting base.

don't know about the second one...

the third looks like a sargassum sp. we also get around here in FL.

i'm probably way off...but it's just my observation...
hey xreonx......thanks for hitting this back.

Well I've got codium...had even......and it is almost the same looking but the codium is rounder in hape regarding the formation of its "branches"....where a the red branche algae (that's what it was labeled as) is more aquare, in a round way if u know what I mean.

I can deal with not having id's on them I guess......I at least wanted to give it a go. many thanks again for your input.