Hey, if you're going to dish it out (which I assume was your objective in posting all the photos of you, surrounded by dead bodies with a big, macho look on your face - in a thread where you knew it might offend someone), then you'd better be prepared to get a little needling back.
Personally, I think the "tweekiest" looking photo is the one of your buddy lookin' all bad-to-the-bone with the "shaka" sign goin' on... (
"Look at me... How cool am I? I killed somethin'... Yeah, man...)
But yeah, if "tweeker" is the worst that anyone ever says about you, then you're good.

You'll live through it.
My girl's got all kinds of photos of her holding up dead bodies, too... Kinda disturbing, given the fact that I DO go to sleep around her...
You DO realize that the closest living relative to lobster is the praying mantis, right? I mean, how would you react to watching someone hunker down on a plateful of praying mantis - a GIANT praying mantis, at that - with a bowlful of garlic butter on the side? Holy smokes... Nasty!
Kym's decided that our dogs need to go on a raw diet. That is, we no longer feed them dog food (amazing to find out what's REALLY in there!), and instead has opted to feed them a variety of fresh, raw meats. Surprisingly, it's actually a little less expensive than the dog food that we have fed them for years, aside from the derived health benefits of taking them raw. The other day I walked through the kitchen to find her slicing fresh cow tongue, chicken livers and cow heart. It looked exactly like it sounds... My kitchen looked like a scene from
Saw VI.
The bottom line is, dogs are carnivores. Their pointy teeth prove that for millenia, they have eaten raw prey. So... I believe that what she's doing is probably the best for the health of our dogs. But what really amazed me was that one of our daughters was sitting in there, looking at this stuff, going, "Eeeeeewwww..." when she saw parts that she could easily identify. Doesn't it make more sense to eat the heart or the liver or whatever instead of the animal's buttocks? Yet, we think, "Yum" when we see a steak and "Eeeewwww" when we see it's heart.
The reality is, it's all pretty disgusting when you think about it. Yet, I believe that the average American is addicted to it. And in my post-cancer thought process, I believe that our reasons for tending to be overweight as a nation and our reasons for being addicted to such a vile meal as dead flesh stem not from "what's natural," but from the hormones and additives that we feed our slaughter animals, which certainly DO make it into the parts we consume.
...Which I suppose makes a case for eating free-range animals like fish caught in the ocean... But still, there are much healthier and humane ways of obtaining protein that don't require your kitchen to look like a scene from a horror movie.