T5 HO lighjing suggestion needed


New member
I have a 75 gal. tank that was FO until recently. I am reconstructing a reef tank. I am going to use TEK T5 HO lighting but I am unsure if I should use 4 X 54 or 6 X 54. I will have some LPS and some clams and fish. Any suggestions will be helpful...thanks
If your going with clams then go with the larger fixture. If not you could get away with the 4x54w.
A 75g is not that deep. Pretty sure either fixture will work.

However, if this were my tank, I would skip mixing a clam with in a LPS/Softy dominated tank simply because such the differences in lighting requirements. Having clams with an SPS dominate tank is more appropriate.
I've got a clam, softies, and SPS in my 90 with MH lights and no problem. For clams I would go with the 6 bulb fixture, if you could get an 8 bulb that would probably be better, but the 6 should be fine as long as it has individual reflectors.
Thanks for all the advice...graveyardworm, you don't think the 8 bulb is too much??? If I bought an 8 bulb unit, could you use just 6 bulbs at any given time, depending on what is in my tank???
My 90 gallon which is just a few inches taller than the 75 has 2-250watt halides, and 2-110 watt VHO. There is one softie (sinularia) almost touching the waters surface, and a sarcophton just above midway up, and both are growing well. Its all about acclimation.

As far as the 8 bulb T5 fixture I'm not sure, you could get in touch with the manufacturer and see how the lamps are switched. You wont be running all 8 bulbs all day, you should stagger them so all 8 are only on for a few hours or so during what would be midday. The more switched circuits the better, I would hope for 4 so you can run the bulbs in pairs.
FYI - If you are indeed getting the TEK brand they come with independent reflectors and Triad T5 electronic ballasts which control 2 bulbs at a time. Great system if you have an open top aquarium.
We have a 75 with 6X54 watt from Reefgeek and the tank is awesome. We keep LPS and some softies and clams. The LPS grow like crazy.