t5 light fixture

Unfortunately i dont drink because i am Gay like that. But!!! I am accept cash, credit, or full frontal nudity! lol :)

Steffen Sparks

Well since I'm not gay like that I guess cash or credit would have to do, lol. Although I have been told I have a decent chest.
The Racks are full of coral now. I am actually running out of room!!!! I want my 100 gallon wide rimless so bad!!!! :(

Steffen Sparks

Nice pics. Love the clean look on the frag tank. Puff why don't you put the coral that don't fit on the racks in the empty 210 in the living room, with PC/MH?
I think my next tank will be the 100 wide rimless so that is what i am waiting on. It will be 72x24x12. The 210 is for sale but have not found a buyer for it yet. Just a few nibbles. lol But i want to go more towards shallow tanks for coral with a nice top view. That is what i am aiming for at the moment. lol

Steffen Sparks
sweet tank i bet there is something on that rack i couldnt live without as well. if we are still doing the meeting on the 19, BRING THE COOLER!!! lol.
Thanks for the pictures PUF-fun…your stuff looks nice, I had some of those green/brown harry mush, but they got out of control. Our LFS would not take them (would not fit in their tanks…what a joke) for credit sadly had to cook the rock they were on..187…
Well the frag tank has been ordered!!!!! Well the glass for now. I will be putting it together. It is 72x24x12 RIMLESS tank and the glass is half an inch thick!!!! It is time. I can not wait. :)

Steffen Sparks
Got the new fixture on the tank. A lot of the colors really pop with just the actinics. Will see if I can get some pics later this week.