Tank of the Month - May 2003

Awesome tank!

Awesome tank!

Well done man. That truly is an awesome setup. The mixture of corals is amazing. The growth of zoos on the tank wall and powerhead is a work of art. I really enjoyed reading the article and looking at the pictures.
as another reefer that has seen ken's tank in person, I can say it truly takes your breath away. great job and congrats!
Love the powerhead. Simply amazing.

You've got some serious growth. I really enjoyed reading the article.

Great job, congratulations.

I'm really impressed.
I'd like to imitate your method of dosing with lime & vinegar....
rather than kalk, trace, etc.....VERY cool to know it really
comes down to the "keep it simple stupid."

I'd also like to say that this:

Ken, after moving to progressively bigger tanks over the last decade, you've inspired me to try my hand at a smaller tank. What an amazing amount of life in a relatively small space! And no MH lighting or fancy equipment! Reminds me a bit of Julian Sprung's old 15 gallon. . .

Is one hell of a compliment.

Congrats again!
(Oh yeah, and I'm about to frag my zoos onto my powerhead :))
I'm back from a wonderful vacation in Seattle! Thanks for everybody for all the kind words! The tank seems to have made it fine for the week I left it in my dad's care, except for a rock that my female clownfish has decided to move. I'll check it out when the lights come on tonight.

Congrats Ken to a much deserved TOTM winner. Truly inspirational, from the pairing of several fish and excellent husbandry, to the nonchalant attitude with the pics to back it all up...first class.
Is there any way you can give more descriptions about your supplements? I am amazed that you only use pickling juice, vinegar, and baking soda!! If this is so, man I am embarrassed to say how much money I waste every month. I would love more info.

mathman said:
Is there any way you can give more descriptions about your supplements? I am amazed that you only use pickling juice, vinegar, and baking soda!!

That's it, besides the usual fish food (Brine shrimp flakes from Brine Shrimp Direct, plus frozen mysis and shrimp). I figure that along with occasional water changes, it's enough. I'm sure if I had higher calcium levels and more light, the stony corals will take off but with the room I have left I don't think my tank will be able to handle a lot of growth.

I do keep some potassium iodide solution handy, but I only use it to wash a soft coral that that used to be prone to infections. I just take the coral out, squirt it on, then rinse with tap water for a few seconds. I haven't used it in a while though.

melev said:
Congratulations! As I read your summation, a number of questions popped up in my head, but now I can't remember them all.

Two maximas under what most would consider miinimal lighting?! Way to go!

How much longer will that powerhead keep going? I was wondering from the first picture on that page what those Zoos grew over, but I never thought it was a powerhead.

How are you handling your reverse lighting? Is the room dark all day long so the fish & corals can sleep?

Beautiful specimens!

Thanks, melev!

I actually lost the smaller maxima a while back. It fell off its perch, and I think it got stung by some polyps. I moved it to the propagation tray but it died. :( It's also possible that it didn't get enough to eat in there.

I try to keep the powerhead's intake screen clean. I just pull out the screen and brush it down; fortunately the polyps don't seem to try to grow over it.

The room stays pretty dark, but there's light enough that the gramma and the clowns and SOMETIMES the damsel will eat when I feed the Tubastreas during the "night" phase. The other fish won't stir until the lights go on at night though.

Great aquarium, Ken! There are so many corals I could not locate any of my mini carpet anemones in any of the pictures!
BTW- great pictures gregr!:D
Definitely thanks to Greg for excellent pictures... now I look at the ones I took myself, and they just look so... BAD! :)

Gary, I'm sure the anemones are in there somewhere. I saw one up to a few weeks ago, then it decided to take a walk and now I can't see any! They never reproduced for me, probably because I don't feed them enough.

I must agree with everyone, wonderful example of what can be accomplished with time and care (and funds).

As it seems to me many are obsessed (myself included) with what to add or change next about the tank or it's occupants. You must have a great feeling of satisfaction when you look inside your tank knowing you have reached this plateau. Or does one ever get to that point?

As for....
Very nice looking tank, but I think 9 fish in a 29 gallon is a bit much.

I think you have earned the right to keep your fish:lol:

Steve U
gtrestoration said:
As it seems to me many are obsessed (myself included) with what to add or change next about the tank or it's occupants. You must have a great feeling of satisfaction when you look inside your tank knowing you have reached this plateau. Or does one ever get to that point?

As for....

I think you have earned the right to keep your fish:lol:

Steve U

It never gets to a satisfying point... sometimes I fret about not being able to wedge anything else in there, so I'm eyeing a bigger tank.:D

As for having too many fish, I'm just glad that half the fish are on the tiny side! I agree that it's a lot of fish for this sized tank. I do need a rabbitfish or something to (hopefully) graze on the bryopsis, but I certainly don't have room for a big poop machine at this point. :rollface:
