temperature probe problem


New member
just setting up my new P3 system. Temp probe reading 38 C when my tank is actually 27 C. Adjusting the ADC1 and 2 values moves the temp around but I can't seem to get it at 27, in fact nothing less than 30. What does ADC mean and how do they relate to one another with respect to modifying the reading temperature? I gather that settings wider apart with ADC1 > ADC2 brings the temp down but only to a point.


The ADC should never be touched this is the factory calibration of the probe and once touched the probe will never read right :(

Please put the ADC values back to where they were and then email me at sales@aqua-digital.com for us to guide you further.

100% in all cases of a temp probe reading wrong are either not seated correctly, miss match software to firmware or interference

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