Testing Tunzes


New member
I recently bought a very large set up and it came with some tunze powerheads. These are the older ones but from my understanding 2 work and 3 might. I have a couple different model numbers and I think I remember reading that matching certain pucks with certain powerheads adjusts their capability.

I would like some input from those that of you who are familiar with tunze powehreads and their accessories. Are there any two parts I should not plug in to each other?

Model numbers.

2x 6260.10 with 7240.27 driver
1x 6100.10 with 7240.27
1x 6100.10 with 6 pin plug
1x 7240/2 with 6 pin plug.

4x 7410.602a
1x 6200.800a

Thank you.
All of those pucks are comparable, 19V, the 6200.800 is an 80W puck vs 60W for the 7410.602, this is of no consequence since the 6260.015 is meant to be pulsed off and on with a wavecontroller and then draws average 30W. The 6100 draws 45W.

Basically you have 2 6260 wavebox pumps, 2 6100 and a 7400/2, you can use the power supplies interchangeably for all of them.
Thank you Roger. I will spend the next couple days testing these out and seeing if any of them have any problems.