The 480gal Fish Condo Has Begun


You had asked earlier about my controller setup.....bought the Lighthouse controller and I'm pretty happy with it so far....have had it going about a week. My Pinpoint pH probe is worn out so I ordered a new pH probe plus an ORP probe. I have a Linksys WRT54G router by my computer plugs into it, and of course my DSL modem is plugged into the WAN port. My dogcam is plugged into a wireless bridge because I couldn't run Ethernet to it, and it communicates thru wireless to the Linksys router. I ran 2 cables from my room, into the attic, and dropped them down into the fishroom. My Lighthouse plugs into one of them....the other goes into another Linksys router, then my 2 Fishcams plug into that router.

I wanted to customize a few of the settings on my Lighthouse webpages, so I wrote my own PHP and HTML can check it out on my homepage HomePage or here is a link to go directly to my customized Lighthouse page Lighthouse Settings . The Lighthouse refreshes its page every 60 puts out a data.htm page and you can query the parameters to put on your own page....or you can just use their pages.....I did my own because I wanted to use my own graphics and descriptions......

Hope that explains the setup....if you have any questions, let me know.
why cant you have a puffer with sharks and rays?

my LFS (big Al's) has a big shark tank with two sharks in it ...both about 3' there is alsoa 3' undulated eel and a couple puffer one looks like a porquine and the other is a dog faced...

guy there said the feeding time freny is always interesting...the puffers are generally the first at the food, the sharks sometimes inhale the puffers and spit them out quite quickly..

will the rays eat them or is it just the fear of one accidently becoming supper and hurting the shark..?

btw your tank looks amazing as does the rest of the setup... congrats on the outstanding accomplishment..

Most people advise against putting puffers, triggers, and large angels in with sharks/rays because they tend to pick at them.....I've talked to a few people that have tried it and have also read it in books and online.....not saying it would definitely happen, but it would be a probability.....

Thanks for the remarks!!!
Tank is running fine.....just got thru with a major aiptasia outbreak though......I have 5 sharks in the tank, 2 Cali Horns, 1 Epaulette, 1 Coral Cat, and 1 Arabian bamboo.....have a Jeweled Eel.....Orange Shoulder Tang, Unicorn Tang, Yellow Tang, Naso Tang, and Blue Angelfish.

Will post some new pics soon.
OK, here you go....some pics I took this evening:










AWESOME TANK!!! I would LOVE to have something like that one day. Really like all the diversity with the ray, eel and sharks!

Thanks for the update!