The 480gal Fish Condo Has Begun

Ran some electrical on Monday....yesterday (Tuesday) I framed the right side of the setup which includes my skimmer both my webcams running. I'm going to try to get the skimmer hooked up and running tonight. Right now I have a 3" Naso Tang and a 3" Clown Tang in the tank.....tomorrow a 7" Yellow Ray and a Maroon Stripe Clownfish goes in.......and that will be all for awhile.

Here are a few pics:



very nice I love the way you did everything.I am also thinking to go 96x48x24 but I think it will be to big for my room.I may go with 96x30x24,I was thinking to go 40 wide but the price goes up alot.I am waiting for a price on 48 wide if the price is resonable I may go for it but it will take up alot of room.The tank price I was quoted was $1400 for 96x30x24 $2300 for 40 wide and I am wwaiting for 48.Since I was told that acrylic sheets come in 48 and 60 it may not cost alot more to go 48 wide.I will have to see.I think the price will jump to a good $3000 wich is way more than I wanted to spend
The problem with an acrylic tank that large is that if you have lights on it you will spend a good 30 hours a day cleaning the coraline off the front.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10003293#post10003293 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Opcn
The problem with an acrylic tank that large is that if you have lights on it you will spend a good 30 hours a day cleaning the coraline off the front.

Are there 30 hours in a day??? Sorry I couldnt resist...........

Tank is coming along nicely:bum:
Having trouble getting my skimmer hooked up so I don't have any more pics to show......should be done with it this a Yellow Ray in the tank last Friday.....really cool fish !!!! He's about 6" across the disk....tried feeding him shrimp but he wasn't too interested, so I went to the grocery store and bought some squid (Calamari) and man he loves it!!! His name is Charles.

Here is my homepage if you want to check him out.....I have cams on the left and right, they are PTZ so you can move them if you on the "FishCam" link on the left:

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Here are a few pics I took tonight.....finally got my skimmer going today....

A picture of the sump area:

Another sump pic:

A pic of "Charles", my yellow ray....he's buried, looking for trouble.....he's been in the tank about a week, eating well, very active.

A pic of the right side LR.....the VHO's are on....they are a very low light setup, 40 watts left, 40 watts right.

Left side:

The skimmer about 2 hours after hooking it up......all those electrical cords should be organized in the next day or so....getting my controller tomorrow so that should help alot......

Another skimmer pic, closeup:

Yet another skimmer pic:

That's it for now.....getting the controller set up tomorrow and then it will be time for more woodwork.
Very nice. got to love that 48" deep! Quick note the clamp your using on the skimmer drain will rust sooner or later.Ive learned to use either plastic tyraps or the black plastic clips they make for tubing.Not a huge deal but I figured id give you a heads up.Im so extremely jealous that you have progressed this far,your setup is looking very sweet!!!Got to love that red acrylic on the trigger system skimmers.
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Make sure to post up how you hook up your controller when you get it.Im still trying to figure out which one to buy.
The black plastic clips are ratchet clamps, find them at rural and plumbing suplliers.

Tanks coming along real well.


Yeah, the 48" depth is great....made for some interesting aquascaping options.....I'll keep that in mind about the clamp, thanks. I'll let you know about the controller....I went with the Premium Aquatics Lighthouse.

Thanks Chris
everything is looking great and keep pics coming, definitely 48" depth is the way to go and if i could change mine it would be at 72" or bigger.
also is that Pirates of the Caribbean above the monster skimmer against the wall, where johnny?:D

I've knocked that ship and the ledge off several times lately, doing things with the's a wonder the ship is still intact !!!