Moved the Tri-color Acro, purple tabeling acro, white acro (now a mauve color), rose pocillopora, and green birdsnest over. I have 9 frags/colonies left to move over from the 120. A purple stag, red cap, frogspawn (covered in flatworms... will not be moved till theyre gone), green nepthia, blue tort, superman montipora, another tabeling acro (yellow blue tips), an odd SPS not sure what it is LFS told me can't remember, its yellow/orange with baby blue polyps and grows like a montipora danae almost odd one but beautiful none the less. Once these are moved (in the next two weeks or so) I will be taking the MH off of the 120 cause the electricity bill is going to kick my but running both tanks. Anyone have a thought for this though... I have a Derasa Clam in the 120 on the sand bed (24 inches deep under 250 W halides) Can I move this guy to the 400... on the sand with halides and not run an issue... also is it to early in the new tanks maturing for the clam... Rock and Hard spot!
Also tried the concentric pipes to rid myself of bubbles and it is working to an extent... bubbles are a tad worse than when I had filter socks. I turned the pump down a little (Union on output) and saw a reduction but this isn't what I had wanted to do... I wanted the full flow rate of the pump. It may be back to the drawing board.
Will post pictures soon once everything settles in. (Corals and Drains)