The Dream Tank 400 Gallon Display - IN THE WORKS - Input appreciated!!!!

With the tank being young and you getting familiar with how it may swing from one thing to another, it may be a little early to get that frag you want so desperately. However, if things are stable for the most part, you may be able to pull it off.

If they are really expensive, I'd wait to lower the risk of loss. That's just me.

ah, yes the great saying....

I agree, I think I'll stick with just moving things over for now. Kinda scared to move my super man monti and another piece though for the expense reason. Id hate to move a colony like that and loose him to a young tank. Ive measured Ph almsot every night while topping off the water (still waiting on my ATO) and its been 8.1x every night. Calcium and alk have been holding steady as can be, Ive been trying to slowly bring them up a little higher, KH is at 120 - 130ppm and ca at 380ppm. havnt been able to budge them. I am also going to try some of the ideas on the drains to alleviate the bubbles.

I tried angling and positiong the drain going to the fuge and the bubbles only dissapated for a few minutes then returned. I may just have to deal with these.

Everyone have a good easter!

Ill keep the updates comming.

Picture up dates... a few more frags... and some hair algae (no pics of the algae sorry guys :lol: )




Havnt had much time to work on the tank as it is the end of the semester and other things have also taken presidence. Hopefully over the break between my this sem. and summer sem (the last one ever WOO HOO!!!) I'll be able to get some straightening up, and some small things done. Still havn't tried to rid the micro bubbles...
There is also a huge patch of sand missing in the middle of the tank, not sure if I should just add more sand to fill this in or keep trying to position the Tunze's until they quit blowing it around. Issue is I have one more Tunze I had planned to add this week.....
Moved the Tri-color Acro, purple tabeling acro, white acro (now a mauve color), rose pocillopora, and green birdsnest over. I have 9 frags/colonies left to move over from the 120. A purple stag, red cap, frogspawn (covered in flatworms... will not be moved till theyre gone), green nepthia, blue tort, superman montipora, another tabeling acro (yellow blue tips), an odd SPS not sure what it is LFS told me can't remember, its yellow/orange with baby blue polyps and grows like a montipora danae almost odd one but beautiful none the less. Once these are moved (in the next two weeks or so) I will be taking the MH off of the 120 cause the electricity bill is going to kick my but running both tanks. Anyone have a thought for this though... I have a Derasa Clam in the 120 on the sand bed (24 inches deep under 250 W halides) Can I move this guy to the 400... on the sand with halides and not run an issue... also is it to early in the new tanks maturing for the clam... Rock and Hard spot!

Also tried the concentric pipes to rid myself of bubbles and it is working to an extent... bubbles are a tad worse than when I had filter socks. I turned the pump down a little (Union on output) and saw a reduction but this isn't what I had wanted to do... I wanted the full flow rate of the pump. It may be back to the drawing board.

Will post pictures soon once everything settles in. (Corals and Drains)

Updated Pictures..... Need to get Johnnybassman... to come take some good pictures of the tan with a proper white balance ect. But here is the usual phone camera pictures (Sony point and shoot batteries are dead)

concentric pipes


tank and coral...sorry about the white balance....







<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14869003#post14869003 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by obiwanthegoby
an odd SPS not sure what it is LFS told me can't remember, its yellow/orange with baby blue polyps and grows like a montipora danae almost odd one but beautiful none the less.


montipora palawanensis?
Ok finals week is over woo hoo!!! In the time that I havnt been updating everything except for 5 pieces of coral has been moved to the 400 display. all that is left is a piece of purple staghorn, red cap, green hynaphora, green nepthea and a piece of flatworm infested frogspawn that will have to be quarantined before being placed into thhe big system. I think even with my iodine and flatworm exit dips, somehow the little pumpkin seed buggers got through. I pulled one from the tank a couple days ago and have seen what appears to be two more on some of the exposed PVC.

I have also given up on the tub sump and have a new acrylic sump being built. IOt will be 60" x 24" x 16" tall. 4 inlets (2 with filter sock holders) and an outlet for the dart. One large compartment for live rock chaeto culturing. the redt of the space will be baffles. The last compartment with the pump intake will be wheree the auto top of sensor will be placed. The top of will pump from a from a 35 gal brute trash can into one of the overflows via a mag drive 1.9. I designed the compartment in so that the tub fuge can be used for gracillera and Ulva exclusivly.

I will also be rotating the tub fuge 90 degrees to allo placement of the 120 beside it. The overflow will drain to the fuge and the 120 will be fed via a mag 7. The fuge tub will still drain via gravity to the main sump.

more later including pictures!

Nitrates - 0
Calcium - 380ppm
Alkalinity - 130ppm
Phosphate - 0
Temp 76F

Brown algae is giving way to green algae and CORALINE!!!

I have also decided to get rid of the tub sumps. I am having a huge issue with humidity in my basement. Bought a 65 pint dehumidifier and have emptied it twice since turning it on last night, still reads 80% humidity in the room. I will be scraping the coraline off the 120 and then utilizing it as a fuge/macro tank. as mentioned before but without the tub sump, will be utilizing the 45 gallon sump it is using currently. I will eventually add in a 60 - 75 gallon seahorse tank. New sump should be available this weekend, so next day off will be spent getting the new sump plumbed in and the 120 emptied of inhabitants. Will temporarily house fish in the old sump tub.

Placed a fire shrimp into the display, he disappeared...... wife found him hiding,....and now hes disappeared again.....
Found the shrimp in a filter sock... ALIVE!!! he's back in the display hiding in a nook that I can't see at all. Can see his antannae and that's it. Fabricated some over flow screens as a temporary fix and will be fabing up a full time fix as soon as time allows.

Test parameters:
Ca - 360ppm - guessing the dip is due to the addition of more coral, upped the flow rate through the reactor today. Also added 10 tsp of Seachem calcium powder through a drip.

KH - 130 ppm

Phospahte - 0

Ive made up a rough list of coral and inverts (as well as my ever changing fish list) here 'tis:

Montipora Undata *
Montipora Samarensis *
X Montipora Danae *
Montipora Tuberclosa *
Montipora Confusia
Monitpora Capricornis
X Montipora Spongodes

Acropora tenius *
Acropora Prostrata *
Acropora Yongei *
Acropora gomezi *
Acropora Maryae *
Acropora Pulchra *
Acropora ORA Red Planet *
Acropora Orange Stag *
Acropora abrotnoides *
Acropora florida *
Acropora Humulis *
Acropora Parilis *
Acropora Rosaria *
Acropora Selago *
Acropora Lokani *
Acropora Hyancinthus
Acropora kirstyae
Acropora loisetteae
Acropora insignis
Acropora eflorenscens
Acropora Secale
Acropora ORA Belina
X Acropora Tortuosa
Acropora Speciosa
Acropora akajimensis
Acropora donei
Acropora elseyi
X Acropora granulosa
Acropora Hoekemai
Acropora Multracata
Acropora Robusta
Acropora Suharsonoi
Acropora tizardi

Pocillopora Damicornis *

Echinophyllia Aspera *
Acanthastrea lordhowensis
Trachophyllia Geoffrie *
Welsophyllia *
Euphyllia glabrescens *

Dragons Eyes *
Angels Eye *
Purple Hornets *
Angels Armor *

Orange *
Blue *
Pink *

Astereopoa SP.
Turbinara *
Species with stars are my short list I'll fill in with others that catch my eyes over the coarse of the next few years. Inverts are below:

1 Maxima (Sky blue)
1 Squamosa Clam
1 Derasa Clam
2 Crocea

3 Skunk Cleaner Shrimpp
2 Fire Shrimp
1 Bullseye pistol shrimp
1 Tiger Pistol Shrimp

1 Fromia Monilis
1 Red Fromia
1 Blue Linkia
3 - 4 Brittle Stars

30 - 50 misc. hermits
20 - 30 Nassarus Snails
20 - 30 Astrea Snails
20 - 30 Cerith Snails
10 - 20 Turbo Snails

2- 3 Feather Dusters

Misc. Gorgonians and Sea Fans

These two lists won't steer to far from what I have listed, but as always my fish list will be ever changing. So ill post when I add the first 6 in the next couple of month. (will be a harem of Lyretail anthias and a Scott's fairy wrasse)

Since I had time I was going to post pics today but the wife ran off with the camera... Sorry guys. Maybe I'll take some with the phone....

PICTURES... with a crappy camera... bu none the less... PICTURES!!!!

Pink and green birdsnest

Blue Mille and pink Mille

Green Acro and the coral that I said looked weird, yellow/pink/orange, baby blue plolyps.... its going through a color change right now the yellow is fading and a pink is coming through.

Purple Stag I moved today... .still expelling a little...

Green Hydnaphora I moved today,... last time I moved him from a tank I almost Lost him see how he does with his final move... heh heh...

Powder blue bottle brush I bought a couple days ago, has a comensal crab with him..

Tricolor Acro recently moved to the top of the aquascape...
Tort just moved up 6 inches and looking good...

Blue ridge coral that was in my 120 for several months with no polyps, has good polyp extension now.

Montipora Spongodes

Superman monti... polyps are starting to turn hot pink, and a metallic blue pocillopora frag

Blue Echino, Misc. Acro, Green Bali slimer, and a green stag

Rose Pocillopora... started to bleach when moved up higher so hes back on the bottom.

Side Shot close up

Side shot whole tank

opposite side... green birdsnest, pink mille and blue mille

MOntipora Danae Frag
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14981473#post14981473 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by melev
That is quite a list of livestock you've got going so far.

Not sure if you were refrencing the wish list or what has been moved from the I think the list is rather huge with an exagerated outlook and I have moved quite a bit into the 400 (and bought 1 piece)

The wish list i posted was a list of everything that has caught my eyes over the years, the ones denoted by stars the most important and will be added first and will fill in with the rest. I have dropped a pistol shrimp due to dropping his counterpart off the fish list. And I believe my fish list is finally getting close to perfect.. hahaha .... but I started a thread a day or so ago and have made some progress with the help of other people's suggestions, Im getting real close to what I think would accomplish what I wanted to see in the tank.

The 120 is now emptied of corals that are going to be transfered, save the nepthea and the frogspawn I mentioned. I will let things stay at this point for the next two months. Let things grow in, let the pod population and the algaes prolifferate. Ill add my first fish to their 4 week quarantine sometime towards end of this month early next month... it will probably be a pair of bangaiis. I will be shuting down the 120 to be cleaned and installed into the 400's loop in the next week or so. I will move the cleaner shrimp into the 400, the rest will go in a 110 tub with a skimmer, the 120s live rock, and a few powerheads in it to sit and wait to be added to their new home when their number is up.

Will post as things happen, hope to get the new sump by next weekend so I can install it and the 120 all at the same time.... :)

I misread that somehow. Oops. :o

I think you'll need more snails than that. I just added 60 Astreas to my tank, and they are doing a good job, but your tank is 400g. Adding 100 in about a month would be a good move.

Good luck on getting all of your favorite pieces. It's only money, right? You need one of those "Will Work 4 Frags" signs. :D