New Sump
Tank and sump...
The "waiting tub"....all of the stuff from the 120.
The quarantine full of LR from the 120... killing the pests before placing in the new fuge set up....Will probably have 2 purple fire fish in it tonight also.
The new fuge and where all the work has been going into over the past couple weeks.... can only afford a few minutes at a time with a wife3 weeks from giving birth to my baby girl, school... and work...
The fuge is being filled with RO water right now... should be filled by sunday... am going to try and plumb everything in in the morning.
AND I RINSED AS MELEV SUGGESTED! carrying 200+ lbs of sand up two flights of stairs to the rarely used bath tub and then back down is hard work... and back breaking... took 7 or so trips with a 5 gallon bucket...
New media in the reactor...
couple more tank shots....
Calcium was 390 last night and alk. was 3.9 meq/l. Did a 45 gallon water change today as well. 10 gallons from the tank into the QT tank and 35 changed from the DT into the holding tub.
Overall I think the tank is coming together nicely despite spending a lot of time doing things differently than planned. Don't have as much time as I would like to spend down there so things can get finished, but that's life. Going to take off to the LFS to pick up the 9 Bartlett's, 3 cleaner shrimp (the one from the 120 died about a week after introduction... the fire shrimp is still kicking though.), also will probably purchase two purple fire fish. He ordered in a mystery wrasse for a good price but I am still contemplating him... heard they get kind of rough with some of the other fish that will be in my DT.