Been manually removing the hair algae, to small effect. It is concentrated in the branching type live rock and getting into the nooks and crannies is difficult. Using tongs helps a little. gven the unfortunate events of the skimmer being shut down because of a bad seal, half of the added anthias dying, a starfish dying, and dumping quite a bit of New Life Spectrum into the tank (this was an accident)...I think the algae was inevitable. Even with the 45 - 60 gallon water changes every 2 weeks. Im sure the elevated CO2 and the lower PH caused by it didnt help much either.
Looking at adding more flow to the tank as well, I think this may be part of the problem, or could at least help a great deal. Looking for a fourth Tunze 6101, and am contemplating buying apair of the Eco Tech Vortechs to be placed at opposite ends of the tank. Looks Like coral Vue has added Powerheads to their product line, the have a 3000GPh dual unit that is around 45 - 50 bucks,... trying to find out how think of acrylic it will work on, may try these out....
Added 25 cerith snails, 20 nassasurus and 5 turbos approx. 2 weeks ago. Firefish have been in QT for 12 days and feeding well. They were stressed initially with a few frayed fins but look better now, no signs of illness, or parasites. May add them to the display at the end of this week. Upon adding them, Will be placing an order for a few yellow wrasse and a christmas wrasse.
May be adding the tangs out of turn, the Tub o' live rock is starting to have a cyano problem and Its getting troublesome. I may add the tangs after the fire fish have settled in. Only fish left to add after the purple firefish are - Pair of Percula clowns, hippo tang(?), the wrasses mentioned above, possibly a reef safe butterfly or two (pyramids or heni's) and either genicanthus sp. (pair) or a large angel (blue face or imperator). I havnt made up my mind whether or not I want to give up clams/zooanthids yet.
More updates to follow.....