The Dream Tank 400 Gallon Display - IN THE WORKS - Input appreciated!!!!

Heres the tank in the floor :( unscathed.... :)

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Lots of work ahead....
Nice tank and I can feel the move of that size of a tank down the narrow stair must be hard. Hope to see your development soon!
Ok, the holes have not been drilled for the returns yet and the overflow boxes have not been attached to the back of the tank... I was thinking of drilling a hole at the center top of the tank and running a spray bar type return or a 1 1/2 inch PCV with 4 outlets, across the entire length of the tank to evenly distrubute the water. Also thought of bringing the water into the right side of the tank due to the planned space for the sump in reference to the tank (would minimize head loss). Any ideas or insights on placement or distribution??? The side entrance wouldn't evenly distribute the return water and I am close to throwing the idea out.

I think the return pump has been switched to a Reeflo Goby Gold, (instead of using a Hammerhead as the only circulation pump for the entire system) which at the head I calculated would give me ~2000 GPH of flow, I am going to use a PCX-40 that I have on hand to feed the fuges and then let one of the fuges over flow into the grow out tank. This minimizes the catastrophic effects that would be presented if the hammerhead failed unnoticed. I will also have a second Goby Gold plumbed into the system that will remain off. As long as a friend comes through for me I think I will have access to some free 1 1/2" solenoids and some relays. Plans may include this hardware wired to kick the secondary pump on in the event that the primary fails, which would let me sleep better at night and on long vacations.
Alright, someone with some experience with overflow sizing ect. I have two 12" X 1.25" overflows in the back wall of the tank, The guy who built it built them for a 2000GPH flow, the stand pipes have not been put in yet because he has to come out to the house and put the over flow boxes on, but planning on two 2" drains. Question is this,... I'm trying to size my pump... originally the tank was going to be around 5'10" - 6' at the top but to center it in the wall I am lowering the top of the tank to just above 5'. This played a number on my head calculations for the pump, Looks like with the new tank height head calculations put my flow around 3000GPH out of most of the Reeflo pumps, will the 12" X 1 1/4" overflow holes be able to process this water volume?
WOW this is a BIG tank I personaly wouldnt worry about the 400wers unles you plan on having alot os sps on the bottom of your tank
plans include 2 maximas, 2 croceas and a squamosa... probably closer to the bottom... and I don't want to be limited to placement on the SPS if I run out of room in the top portion, before I collect all the species that I want...
Construction begins tomorow. Got a few Christmas gifts to go into the fish room. I'll be spending the majority of my vacation next week building the stand, getting the walls framed up and the electricity ran for the fish room. Looks like I'm going to have to add an extension box onto my electrical box though. The fish room looks like it's going to need 5 - 6, 20 amp breakers all to it's self, only have 6 free in the box and I'm working on finishing the basement itself too.

Anyone run their lights or pumps on 220V? Is it worth it? I'm probably going to stick with 120V just for the future of the house, trying to weigh the options.

Also has anyone ordered or know someone who has ordered LR from Marine Depot Live? They have good prices but didn't know the quality of the rock. Places around town sell from 5 - 9 bucks a pound, planning on keeping around 450-500 lbs of rock in this system gets rather costly, but I don't want to cut a corner and be sorry.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14017262#post14017262 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by obiwanthegoby
Looks like I'm going to have to add an extension box onto my electrical box though. The fish room looks like it's going to need 5 - 6, 20 amp breakers all to it's self, only have 6 free in the box and I'm working on finishing the basement itself too.

I had all of my fish circuits moved to a separate panel. Sure makes thing a lot handier when you are in a hurry..

im shooting for less than 6 20 amp circuits so im going to try and find an 8 or 10 breaker extension going to have a friend of the family who is an electrcian come over to consult with me. im going to use a reef keeper elite so im trying to minimize outlets so that i can employ its power strips instead.
Brother In law came over today to help with the concrete block for the stand. The block is done, going to pour concrete in all the holes tomorrow and let them set up for a few days. Then add the beams and the tank will be on it sometime after the holidays. Have to wait on the tank builder to come by and put the over flow boxes and the return holes in. In the mean time I'll be framing walls and running electricity and plumbing in the utility sink.



The Mighty Mighty I beam. ( 3 - 8 foot W6 X 20's)
Looking at my acro today and the base is starting to lose color... don't know if it is because the base isn't getting light any more (the acro has spread out much more now than before) or if it may be another issue. I have noticed flatworms in the tank, but they have never been present on my acros, only mushrooms and my frogspawn. I have made an effort to blow them off occasionally and when I do I go ahead and blow the acros off but never see anything come off of them. I'm kind of at a loss... here is a picture... Any one have any thought or agreements?


the base is a cream color but the rim of it that still gets exposed to light still has color to it. The picture was taken with my phone so it's not the best...
The stand is getting the last 4 in topper block today or tomorrow morning depending on how framing goes. and the I-beam will be on top of it by Saturday. Then it will be waiting on the tank guy to come finish it up next week.

The fish room has its exterior walls framed in and I am awaiting to see how I decide to do the wall that it will be connected to. I'm thinking of using a wall of creek rock in front of the stand ( with a hidden shelf built in at the top) to make the tank look as if it is supported by the rock and finishing the rest of the wall in drywall painted black. With the black tank background all visual focus would be on the tanks inhabitants and the creek rock.

Electrician is coming over to consult with me on Saturday to see how we are going to power this behemoth. As stated previously probably a separate electrical box dedicated to the fish room with between 6 - 10 20 amp circuits. Going with the reef keeper elite though, each powerstrip is internal protected with a 15 amp..... so.... not sure if the main circuits should even be connected to a 20 amp breaker...

Also working on freeing up some room in the 120 for a frag rack, so I can start stocking up on coral for the big tank.

Ordered 88 lbs of Live Rock from Marine Depot today... at ~3.40 a pound I figured I'd give it a shot, all of the reviews were good.... we'll see.... if it turns out bad... I'll be going through my local guy.

More Progress...

More Progress...

Made quite a bit more progress today thanks to JohnnyBassman's help. Framed up the rest of the room that will "view" the tank and started on the TV room. Part of the agreement of the fish tank with the wife included getting the first half of the basement done so that the big screen could go down there and be out of her living room. ;) So... I'm trying to get all that framed up while I'm at it. I put the 4" topper block on the concrete mini- walls for the stand... leveled perfectly... how I managed that who knows. So... I-beamed anchored and epoxied as well as the treated 7 - Ply 3/4" plywood epoxied. When the epoxy dries I'll be zip screwing the plywood to the beam just to be sure. 1/2 or 3/4 inch piece of foam on the plywood... and it will be waiting for the tank to be finished up next weekend. Here are some more progress shots....





Also constructed a frag stand in my fuge. I placed some baby blue montipora digita in the frag tank, this afternoon... polyps were out. I hadn't seen the polyps since a couple weeks after I moved the tank from it's original home. I guess the decrease in flow helped.



Ill be tearing out my green cap colony to make room for a temporary frag stand to house coral frags until the BIG tank is done... so that for those pieces of eye candy I can't resist can still be gotten. Here are some crapy pictures of the 120... havnt had time to clean the coralline growth...



Broke a rock in half to get a huge colony of GSP out of the tank... had a rock topple and break my Monti... it was time for him to be busted up any way...
