The Dream Tank 400 Gallon Display - IN THE WORKS - Input appreciated!!!!

Re: More Progress...

Re: More Progress...

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14058551#post14058551 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by obiwanthegoby
When the epoxy dries I'll be zip screwing the plywood to the beam just to be sure. 1/2 or 3/4 inch piece of foam on the plywood... and it will be waiting for the tank to be finished up next weekend. Here are some more progress shots....

You worried about the plywood going somewhere with 3300 lbs on top of it?:rollface:
Added a Frag rack to the 120 today and broke apart my huge monti colony. Got TONS of green montipora frags to trade.... ;) Couple quick shots off all the frags... no time to make em pretty.

Fuge Rack

120 Rack

Time to get some frags growing for the big one!

Also got the I-beams onto the stand... sorry no pics.. probably in the next few days... Stand will be finished and tank atop next weekend... then it's equipment time. Electrician came out today and all my plans are a go so I'll be putting in electric sometime next weekend too!!!
I beams and plywood have been painted with rustoleum. waiting for the tank builder to put the overflows on the tank to get it on the stand. I purchased 2 110 gallon tuff tubs as well as a 40 gallon tuff tub. when i got them home i noticed an odor to them though almost like rubber, not sure if that is an issue or not? anyone have direct experiance with tuff tubs? I have been letting water circulate in them the past few days to see if it goes away. I did notice one of them is leaking via the brass bulkhead.. which is going to be replaced by a much larger plastic 1.5" so probably not a big deal.

Now for the delima. Marine depot has always been good and let me know before my shipment was processed when it was going to ship. Today i was sitting down writting an email to them asking if my rock had shipped yet and got an answer in the form of a knock on the door. It was the delivery woman with 88lbs of rock... unfortunatly i was waiting on MD to email me to start making RODI for the rock. (Not to mention that I asked them to hold it at the UPS facility) (mean while trying to rinse the tubs out as much as possible.) so now i am letting my RO run while Im at work, JohnnyBassman is letting his run so that ican throw some salt in it tonight and let it mix overnight while my rock sits in its styrofoam in my kitchen floor. Should have prepared i guess.

Oh and I did get an email from MD indicating my rock had shipped...2hrs after i recieved it. Ill post pictures of the rock tommorow when I open it.
I wouldn't bother to mix the water overnight. Get the salinity close and throw the rock in. Aerating it overnight for LR only is probably not a big deal. Better than letting it die off that much more sitting in the Styrofoam for a whole 'nother night.
Oh, and maybe you can try uniseals to seal the leaky Rubbermaid tubs.

I use the Brute tubs to hold R.O. water with 0 phosphate leaching, etc.
Got home last night and searched the web and found quite a few people using the tuff tubs... so I went for it,... it was one of my only options since I chipped the glass on my 55 gallon and haven't got to leak test it. Here are some photos of the live rock I recieved from Marine Depot. Hopefully my LFS can get a hold of the good stuff soon, he apparently had some sourcing issues.


Don't get me wrong the LR I recieved from MD is nice rock, the first box had nothing but larger pieces in it one about softball size the rest bigger than football. Here are some pictures of the first box.



with the rubber glove for size comparison

Second Box...


Second box wasn't as impressive with size but it was still nice shapes.


The curing Vat....


I am hoping to get a hold of more stuff like this for the next batch.


As far as prepping the rock I scrubbed each piece down with a tooth brush and used a pair of foreseps to tweeze any nasties off. Found a lot of boring clams, so I have a lot of holes in the rock. Next I will leak test the 55 and if all goes well when the rock cycles I will be moving a few pieces at a time into the 55 to make sure nothing hitchhiked that I don't want into the tank (at this point there will be T-5 lighting on the rock in the 55 gallon.) From this point if nothing is found in a few weeks the rock will be placed in the Tub used for the tanks sump until the tank is full of water and ready to go.

Sorry the quality wasn't great, the pictures were taken on my phone because the battery just so happened to be dead in the digital.
UPDATE!!! Fish room has electric and has dry wall. Tank stand has been framed out in drywall, waiting for creek rock and the hinged access doors at the top. It keeps getting delayed but the tank is finally 100% ready, overflow boxes and return/closed loop drilled. Have the crew coming over to put it on the stand this weekend. here are some pictures of the fish room...

Framed up and electricity in


Drywall up






WOO HOO!!! start filling the tank in a week and a half or so......

Picked up another 200 lbs of live rock today. Was suppose to be a half and half split of Acro skeleton type live rock and "normal" ended up being 60/40. Still got a buncha of BIG pieces... some interesting shapes... Can't wait for it to cure and get it into the tank... here's some shots... sorry about the lighting it is in the corner of the fish room and I haven't hung any lights back there yet. Have the brother in law comming over to put in a sandstone wall up around the front of the stand to cover it up as soon as the ground thaws out... will post pictures of the tank on the stand and the rock wall soon.







Only got a few pieces this size... everything else was big

and a piece of the rubble that broke off to show some of the coralline that came on the rock...


I will have to say the Marine Depot rock came in decent size, but the growth on the rock was no where as nice as what Aquatica ordered in for me. Coraline coverage was nice with a ton of different colors, pictures really don't do it justice with the lighting I had. Size was a huge difference too, as I said previously Marine Depot's rock was nice sized in the first box but the second was mostly softball size and just a tad larger. I got BIG pieces to work with on this batch, No complaints other than I expected more Branch rock.
Do you plan on placing the whole house on top of the stand? This is one of the strongest stands I have seen! Great build.
yes, the stand is a monstrocity. I have a good friend who provided me the Ibeam at 24 feet for a really good price... i just had to take the whole 24' and it was oversized in weight anyway... couldnt pass it up. Thanks! Hope it all starts to fit together here soon.
Here are some updated pictures of the tank on the stand. Ordered the return pump (Reeflo Super Dart Gold), sand and 600 gallons of salt mix, and picking up 2 Tunze 6101 and a controller on Thursday. Going to fill the tank with straight tap water to test for leaks... Then the Sand and RO goes in......




Some sort of pink damsel slipped into the tank at some point....

Plumbing has been fitted, and is ready to be glued. Test filling the tank as I write with tap water to check for leaks. (Not that I don't trust the craftsmanship of the tank, just want to be sure before wasting all that RO water. I've never been a betting man! :rollface: )


Tank will be fed via 3 - 1.5" outlets from a super dart gold. (Pump will be here Thursday)

For those of you who can stare at a blurry picture there is a capped 1.5" inlet at the bottom center of the tank, to be utilized for a closed loop in the future. I don't have plans for one, but I did leave the option open. If i go with it I will drain the tank a little and put two more outlets on the sides (one on each). These two plus the ones currently being used on the back corners for the return would be utilized as the outlets or the closed loop. And the T would have to go in at that point for the return to span the distance between the overflows.


Back side of the tank, all inlets are ball valved to control flow.

I may change the center to a T'ed outlet with two 45's on each end.

Again I apologize for picture quality, I use the phone when in a hurry. Better pics to follow this week when it has sand and permanent plumbing.
Had a big scare happen. I came home from dinner at the mother's house to a floor full of water and a drained tank. Luckily it was due to my ignorance. Before I left I unhooked the water hose from the spigot out side and threw it through the basement window to keep from letting cold air in while I was gone. When I did the water that was left must have siphoned through the hose and starting pulling water out of the tank where the opposite end was still submerged at the VERY bottom of the tank. Luckily the tank was only about an 1/8 full of water. BUT I may have a big issue. I posted some pictures below to illustrate what I am talking about.

In the state of desperation I was in i checked the bottom perimeter of the tank for evidence of a water leak on the foam before I ever paid attention to the hose end I had thrown throw the window. BElow is what I found.

There is a gap between the foam and the tank, looks to be about a 1/4" to be exact.

It stretches a foot or so down the tank and gets smaller as it goes...

and.... a little further...

The tank is still level along the long side...

and from front to back

Gut feeling tells me that it is because the foam compressed when the 75 - 100 gallons of water was in the tank and that is why there is the gap. I really don't know and am seeking a little advice, I will be calling the guy who built the tank for his input in the morning but wouldn't mind getting some other opinions either. I think that when I refill it the 3/4" foam will level this inconsistancy out but I could be wrong... I don't want to start filling it again tonight or in the morning and be wrong.... HELP!!??!!??

The gap stretches much more than a foot or so.. it disguised itself as gap between the tank and foam ... switching to a gap between the plywood and foam. Almost the entire length of the tank...
I'm not sure what kind of foam you put underneath the tank.

I used that pink, high density, insulation foam. The kind you can purchase at home depot. It comes in pink or blue.

I can tell you that the pink/blue foam of the type I used does NOT compress under the tank weight.

In my case, the tank is 6' x 4'. That is 24sqft...or 3456sqin. If the tank and water weighs 4000lbs...that's only a bit over 1psi pushing on the foam. Imagine taking a 1" cubic bit of metal that weighs 1lb and sitting it on the compression!

So...either your foam is too soft and has compressed...or your stand isn't level.

The idea behind the foam isn't to provide a cushy, mushy place to sit. It is to provide give if there is any peak or imperfection in the flat surface of your wooden stand.

In fact....I'm really sorry to say this.....but if the foam you used has actually compressed by this much with only 175 gallons of water, I would change out that foam before you go any further.
...Just looking at how you built that stand....

Were you certain you had a level stand before you place the tank on top of it?