The Dream Tank 400 Gallon Display - IN THE WORKS - Input appreciated!!!!

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Stand Building Accident

Stand Building Accident

Here are some pictures of the toothpick sized splinter that impaled my finger a few days ago. I was working on the stand that I was going to use for the 400 Gallon, waiting to see if I can get a hold of some W6 X 12 beams for a concrete block and I beam stand, if not its back to the wood.

And... The 120 Pictures

And... The 120 Pictures

Whole Tank Shot

Acropora sp. (not sure on species)
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Acro"></a>

Green Chromis in Monti... the Monti Colony is about 18 inches in Diameter and I may need to get rid of the majority of it... I believe it may be turning into a nutrient sink while also blocking a lot of flow.

Long Nose Hawkfish

Bicolor and red Monti
Top Down Green Cap
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Green Monti"></a>

Top Down Red Cap
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Top Down Garden
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Hydnaphora"></a>

Acropora and Maxima
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Prawn Goby Defending it home
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This picture was taken after the change from Pheonix 14K's to Reeflux 12K's

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Picking up the tank the 13th, had to rent a U Haul :(. Still no stand built though!!! I think I may get the wooden one finished up and use it until I can secure some decently priced I beams for the concrete block and I beam stand.

Anyone ever used the Reeflo Hammerhead? I think I am going to go with one to feed both the fuge/macro tank and the display. After using the RC head calculator it looks like I'll be getting about 3000 GPH of flow out of it, use 2000 GPH for the display and divert ~1000 to the 180 Macro Algae tank???

It's more evident in the 12K reeflux pictures but I had a buddy over the other day that seems to think the nice maroon coloration on the live rock could be Cyno? anyone have an opinion on this??? I'll try an get a couple of other pictures but in some other areas the same maroon coloration looks like a calcerous algae because it is encrusting/ plating in areas, but in others it has a softer appearance and I actually scraped a bit off of a rock earlier... it wasn't a slimy type substance like cyno typically is... Either way I have 20 gallons of salt mixing to do water change and I tuned the skimmer to skim a bit more wet in the mean time.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13904335#post13904335 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by obiwanthegoby
Anyone ever used the Reeflo Hammerhead? I think I am going to go with one to feed both the fuge/macro tank and the display. After using the RC head calculator it looks like I'll be getting about 3000 GPH of flow out of it, use 2000 GPH for the display and divert ~1000 to the 180 Macro Algae tank???

I used hammerhead and it's a great pump You should have more that enough for your needs. :p It gives a slightly humming sound and advisable to place a rubber mat under the pump as it does vibrate quite a bit
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13905136#post13905136 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Untamed12
That maroon stuff is not cyano. I agree that it is a type of calcerous algae.

I had a nice argument with him about it, but when I scratched the surface of part o it and it was softer it did make me wonder. There was a small patch of cyano in the 29 gallon fuge when I first connected it about 2 months ago and it was a pain to get it to go away and every once in a while it will sprout up again but now that there is a huge hunk of chaeto in there it has been less evident. Thanks for the input!!!
Paid for the steel I beams today. 3 W6X20 at 7.75 feet so that I have a overhand on one side to place the calcium reactor and kalk stirrer. My buddy has to cut and sand blast them over the weekend, should have them Monday at the latest, stand construction should be finished and in place with a tank on it next weekend.... oh.. and I'm picking up the tank tommorow, will post pictures!!!!!!!!!!
TANK IS IN THE BASEMENT!!! IN ONE PIECE HERE ARE SOME PICTURES OF THE MOVE!!!! Still waiting on the I-beams and some time to do the concrete block work...
woops... walked off while they were uploading to photobucket and forgot about it....

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Due to idiot homebuilders not taking into consideration you may want to put a 400 gallon tank in your basement one day there was quite a bit of manuevering of the tank to get it down the stairs.
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Had to stand it on end in the "mini hallway" only to figure out we had the wrong side going down the stairs (tried to get the back side on the stairs so that if it scratch nothing would show through because of the black background.)

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Angeling it down the stairs... the guys at the bottom werent too happy... THANKS JOHN!!!!

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Down the stairs... pretty cramped only enough room for one on each end...
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Still no stand though...... :(