**The GHL Mitras LX7 LED**

That looks really good Scott. Hopefully I can dial mine in. Are you using HE or HO?

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Thanks! I am in HO mode. I uploaded my Composer project to the GHL Project website. Not sure if it's been updated on their site yet.

Looks amazing thanks for posting, nice tank and shows the lights nicely too.

Thank you very much! To say I am pleased would be an understatement.
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Finally puller the trigger on the Mitras. I went over the pro and cons for me of Kessil, Radion, Mitras.

Product Quantity Price
Mitras LX 7206, black, USA/CND
2 $1499.80
Subtotal: $1499.80
Shipping: $15.00 via UPS Ground (Excl. Hawaii and Alaska)
Payment Method: PayPal
Total: $1514.80

I blame this on Slief :)

I may need 1 more in future, but i think im good for a bit. (60x22x22)
Finally puller the trigger on the Mitras. I went over the pro and cons for me of Kessil, Radion, Mitras.

Product Quantity Price
Mitras LX 7206, black, USA/CND
2 $1499.80
Subtotal: $1499.80
Shipping: $15.00 via UPS Ground (Excl. Hawaii and Alaska)
Payment Method: PayPal
Total: $1514.80

I blame this on Slief :)

I may need 1 more in future, but i think im good for a bit. (60x22x22)

Welcome to the club! I think you will love them! :thumbsup:
IMO the difference is due to the number of pucks. The LX7 pucks wash each other out. More of a T5 look. However we all agreed that the G4 made the tank look more "alive".
I did not see a disco effect with either.
Which is better, only time will tell.

Can you describe what you mean by "looks more alive"?
Assuming the LEDs within each color channel are very similar in both units (Ecotech is rather generic in listing what brands are used), it appears that the LX7 outnumbers the G4Pro in every area except for the Ultra Violet channel. I wonder if this is giving that extra pop described in the previous posts?
Assuming the LEDs within each color channel are very similar in both units (Ecotech is rather generic in listing what brands are used), it appears that the LX7 outnumbers the G4Pro in every area except for the Ultra Violet channel. I wonder if this is giving that extra pop described in the previous posts?

If that were the case, the difference would be easily made up for by increasing the intensity of the Mitras UV channel. I am of the opinion that too much UV spectrum isn't needed nor idea. I only run my at 30% max. It does add a faint amount of glow but it's barely noticeable. I still can't help but wonder if some additional tuning on the Mitras could have made them virtually indistinguishable in terms of the look. I tend to think it may have been one of the white channels that would have been lower on the Mitras compared to the Radion but without having been there or being able to see the settings for each fixture, all that can be done is guesswork.

That said, the Mitras will still have better spread and less shadowing due to the 6 clusters as opposed to 2.
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This is how I decided between G4 and LX7 before I dropped my cash...

Kinda in order of importance to me

LX7 wins
6 smaller pucks vs 2 larger pucks
fan is on top of lx7
cost per led is 30% lower on lx7 <11$ vs >15$

G4 wins / Lx7 negatives
Mounting is harder for Lx7 ( for me )
Windows only setup / no apex connection for Lx7
Programming seems a little harder

I like the not found in nature looks G4s can produce. Not sure Lx7s can do that as well.
I worry about side glare on the G4, as the leds are not recessed very much.
Every led light I have even seen live has disco to me. I have seen either of these except on video, but i think the Lx7 has the best chance of not having this for me.

Lx7 negatives are mostly in the beginning once setup they dont matter as much So that gave the win to Lx7s. I think both lights are great and it was a hard choice. I dont think there is bad choice both are great gear. My options may change after I get the Lx7s, but Im pretty sure I will like them.
Welcome to the club I just changed from HE to HO and the tank looks a better in HO mode. More vibrant looking.

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I have run both the LX6 and the new G4 Pro, the G4Pro IMO has the edge, the difference purely seems to be in the lens against reflector. when running the LX6 which I think runs the same reflector as the LX7, there was a lack of refractive light in my tank so the underside of the SPS slowly died off. The G4 lenses creating abundant refraction and all sides of the corals are coloured and growing strong.

This is my experience of course others will naturally have their own, but for me and my personal tank the G4 pro has given better coral health. But every tank is different.
I have run both the LX6 and the new G4 Pro, the G4Pro IMO has the edge, the difference purely seems to be in the lens against reflector. when running the LX6 which I think runs the same reflector as the LX7, there was a lack of refractive light in my tank so the underside of the SPS slowly died off. The G4 lenses creating abundant refraction and all sides of the corals are coloured and growing strong.

This is my experience of course others will naturally have their own, but for me and my personal tank the G4 pro has given better coral health. But every tank is different.

While I am not discounting your experience, one thing doesn't make much sense about your hypothesis. The Radions have two clusters located in the center of the fixture. The Mitras have 6 which are all positioned out to the perimeter. The Mitras based on my experience have a bit wider spread as a result of the cluster layout being a bit wider on the fixture. While the reflectors are different between the Mitras and Radions, that would only impact light at the surface of the corals. It would have no bearing on the underside since the spread reflectors will have minimal to no impact on shadowing.

While I completely understand your preference (despite the fact that you are comparing 6200's and not the LX7's), based on my experience with the Radions, the 6200's and the 7200's, I don't see the Radions doing any better. I have all 3 at home and have used all 3. Granted I have the G3 Pro at home right now and not the G4 but the Mitras LX7's are better than the other 2 by a long shot. I've had limited experience with the G4 (sent it back in favor of the LX7's) but I'd still pick the LX7 over the G4 because of the width or spread alone. Also, the LX7 is a MAJOR step up from the LX6200 beyond just the cluster layout. The power balancing allows for MUCH more output to the needed channels meaning that you can take full advantage of the LX7's total power even when other channels are dimmed down where as you can't do that with the LX6200 when dimming other channels. As such, the comparison between the LX6200 and G4 vs the LX7206 and G4 is an apples to oranges comparison. The LX7206 is a big step up from the LX6200.

That said, I have one LX7 over a 36"x20" tank and I have no recession or die off under my SPS whatsoever. Same can be said about my 4' x 8' main display which has 6 Mitras over it. My SPS are doing VERY well under these lights and I am seeing no recession anywhere on my corals.
Sorry my post was not a debate or mine is better etc etc just simple human experience. The G4pro has the same spread as the LX7 the difference maybe in how the light is utilized, I am no light expert just sharing my own experience.
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I think spread and coverage can be two different things. Coverage being what kind of footprint the light can achieve. Whereas spread is how well the light is refracted and utilized within that footprint.

While the LX7 has more light sources at the perimeter of a larger unit and would theoretically have a better coverage, does this also mean it would have better spread? I'm wondering if the reflectors aren't as effective as the G4Pro lenses in allowing light to every coral surface?
While the LX7 has more light sources at the perimeter of a larger unit and would theoretically have a better coverage, does this also mean it would have better spread? I'm wondering if the reflectors aren't as effective as the G4Pro lenses in allowing light to every coral surface?

May explain my coral issues good point.
Truly a conundrum....both the G4 and LX7 series have great programmability options and control over the individual LED colors....both have attempted to improve the issue with light refraction and thus the issue with the coral growth from the underside. Personally I like the six pucks on the Mitras versus the 2 on G4's regarding adequate light coverage/spread w/out shading or disco effect. I feel that more units may be required with the G4's....I have a six foot (long) x 2 foot (front to back) tank and feel that 3 Mitras would supply adequate lighting while 4 units may be needed with the G4's. On the other hand I like the reflective lenses on the G4 better than the Mitras.......

Why can't we have a unit that combines the best of both worlds...LOL !!!
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