The "How to go Barebottom thread."

What kind of skimmer are you running again?

::edit:: For what it's worth Weatherman has a piece of Xenia in his BB tank that isn't growing much at all. It's healthy and pumps, but the nutrient poor water prevents them from growing much.
I would think If you had the ability to get all detritus over the overflow and into your skimmer (decent return pump + enough flow in tank to keep everyting suspended + wet skimming) I would think your skimmer is enough (depending on your fish load) to take care of filtration.

Is that skimmer a recirc?

I'm far from an expert, but that's what I think.
Also.. Everyone please disregard my drawing of the sump, it's too confusing.

I'll start my own thread.

The skimmer isnt recirculating. My return pump is a Mag18, so I know I will have enough flow. It will be split for each 20L, the SPS one will get lots of flow, the anemone/clown one will get less. Controlled by gate valves, so if I see one tank isn't getting enough, just open the valve a bit more.

What should I do with the sump? If the anthelia/xenia farm won't produce, then I just won't have a fuge. Ideas? 150g is pretty big.
cecilturtle said:
What's the optimal recommended overflow turnover for BB? Assuming there is abundant turnover inside the main tank....

Depends on what your skimmer can turn over.

I have a H&S 200 with 2 pumps that pulls most of the overflowed water and a Euro 5-3 that catches some that bypasses the H&S, but there seems to still be plenty in main tank that is not making it to the overflow. Siphoning daily therefore.
My guess is either your rocks are still cleaning themselves (most likely) or you may not have enough flow to keep the detritus from settling.

What is the norm per say of Astreas and Ceriths? I have a 75 gallon tank. I will be ordering this week or next week. I'm not sure if the 1 per gallon a rule applies?
IMO, 1 astrea and 3 ceriths per gallon. Or should I have said IBO (In Bomber's Opinion).:lol: Anyways, that is what I went with and have been pleased with the results.
depends on how big the snails are :) I bet not a gallon but maybe? It's probably more than I can grasp a concept of, though. Imagine how much they weigh, in all.
I use a 1:2 ratio (astrea's to cerith's).
For your tank (especially since you cooked your rocks and cleaned them up so well) I would start with 50 A's and 100 C's.
You can always add more.
wastememphis said:
Travis: do you have over 1100 snails???

Yes I do actually.;) I can't remember the exact number I ordered when I set my tank up but it was around 300 astreas and 900 ceriths. May have been less ceriths. Maybe more like 600-700 but still quite a few.
What is the snail attrition rate here, is there actually enough for all of them to eat?