The "How to go Barebottom thread."

SeanT said:
I would have your UV be part of your drain system and have it exit in front of your skimmers input.

In general, is it OK to have the UV on the drain system? I'm wondering if the UV would do better with some head pressure.

In a setup with multiple drains, I suppose it would be best to try feeding all drains through the UV?
In a setup with multiple drains, I suppose it would be best to try feeding all drains through the UV?

I really only use the one drain, the other is purely for power outage to prevent a flood.

In general, is it OK to have the UV on the drain system? I'm wondering if the UV would do better with some head pressure.

wouldn't the UV slow the pump pressure? (never used a UV before)

could you also recommend one?

What are your thougths on my flow? enough, too much, etc
ezhoops - there will be some headloss associated with the UV sterilizer. But, the slower the flow rate through it, the more likely you are to eradicate everything that is in the water (to a point). So, IMO you could easily hook it up on a drain, but you need to make sure that the second drain you have can handle 100% of tank flow in case you isolate the UV to work on it.

I purchased a 120W Aqua UV, excellent device with great customer service.
ok random BB q.. and this comes after 6 months or so of being BB

under the starboard .. i have a .. collection of filth and pods that i can see looking up at the tank.. is this going to be a problem? Or should I investigate ways to either seal it.. or give t a good wash out?

BB rocks :)
Matt, you have a lot more in the rocks that you can't see. You want/need a certain amount, you just don't want so much you over whelm your system with it. Having a 'tad' under the SB is not a problem.
When I startup my tank, would it be benificial to put a line of silicone around the starboard to keep that from happening?
It's really moot.

I can't get over the irony of this though. People have changed from 4-6" of detritus to what can squeeze between a flat piece of starboad and a flat piece of glass, and now they worry about it.

You don't want it all out, you can't get it all out, and you can't run a system "sterile".
On a perosnal side note,
I have had a 'dirty' little secret for the past 6 grow out tank.
With all the rocks and racks in there it was physically impossible to siphon detrius in there without removing the corals.
I could get a few spots here and there...but only 10% of it.
I recently sold almost all the corals in there and have gotten 99% of the detrius out about 3 days ago.

It feels good to be clean(er). :)

just double checking.. i don't remember that being mentioned on any of the BB threads that I have read..

BTW> i "upgraded" from a eductor to two tunzes 6000 . man i am missing the flow the eductor got in my 75 i should have just broken donw and started with at least 1 6100

Are you saying that you got more flow with the eductor and you replaced it with 2 Tunze that don't provide the same amount of flow? I'm just curious becuase I've been thinking about putting an eductor on my 2400 gph CLS. :) a $30 eductor vs. a Tunze.
Just a thought about the detritus under your Starboard/cutting board. Mine is in two pieces so I could get it in the tank. I've noticed that the only places it doesn't collect underneath are the places where the rock sits on top. Like Bomber said, it doesn't matter, but if you're really anal about it, it doesn't collect where the rocks are pushing on it. It really collects "a lot" on the outside edges and the seam in the middle.
yes.. i had an eductor on a pan world 150PS before that, a panworld 50px
both had more flow than a single 6000 the huge pump bigger than both
i decided on a better power usage situation [not 180 watts]
now, i do have wave control :) which is worth something..

i might put the eductor back in on the 50px...

i might mod one of the 6000's for the more flow situation...

I have also been pullign out loads of rock i don't need to free up space.. my softies might get pulled to another tank...
Ahh...ok. I can't really blame you for going with the most energy efficient solution. My power bill tripled this month because of the heat/humidity wave we're having here. I think I heard the house AC turn off for the first time this month last night.