Ive certainly got mixed feeling about it.
However, lately, I have taken a step back and reevaluated my perspective.
Since ive been setting up my large system, Ive noticed a few things.
Equipment (quality stuff anyways) is CRAZY expensive. Electricity to run a large system, very expensive. Things like salt, bulbs, media, and other general things add up to be an enormous amount of money.
Cheap corals would be a welcome change....until i really thought about it.
The only way i can afford to keep a large reef system running, and running with the best equipment, is by selling frags.
If all corals were $5, sure it would be great when buying the coral, but there is no balance. If i buy it for $5, and sell equal size frags for the same price, as it grows out, no one has a problem.
The problem is, when a piece of equipment goes down, or needs to be upgraded, bulbs need replacing, its going to come right out of my pocket.
Now if i buy a $250 coral frag, grow it out, and cut it as needed, selling equal sized pieces for the same original purchase price, it certainly gives me the capital to purchase need equipment, or replacement items.
It terms of reefers being targeted in the "price" debate, I do not agree at all.
If i have to work for a month, and save up to buy a 1/2" frag, spend the money to raise it, and allow it to flourish, why should I (or anyone) turn around and give it away?
Thats not how the world works with ANYTHING.
Now, if we are talking about the margins LFS and sites work on, thats another story. However, at the same time, its not that simple either. They have huge expenses to run huge systems, just like the rest of us. Usually much worse.
My opinion is, buy what you like, and spend what you are comfortable spending.
Surround yourself with like minded people, who share a passion for the "good" stuff.
Share with those people. Do not write up a tally sheet accounting for ever "dollar".
In my circle of reefer friends, its a pot luck. We all buy stuff we like, and spread the love. Money doesnt need to change hands to get good corals. Do not come into it with the attitude, I'll give you a piece of this, for a piece of that.
Try, here is a sweet watermelon chalice bud, enjoy. If you are around good people, they will take care of you too. This mindset has served me much better than the alternative.
Just my .02