The 'infamous' named polyps

I have to say I believe the huge price increases in the price/polyp over the past few years are due to a huge growth in the popularity of this hobby. Newer, cheaper and more reliable equipment is being offered though thousands of vendors, making it more affordable and easier for new entrants.

As for this affecting coral prices as a whole...Zoanthids probably got hit the hardest because a lot of people are probably in the same situation as I am. I would LOVE do be able to responsibly keep SPS, but after sinking thousands into my 75 g tank, I still need to spend a bunch more. Aside from sps zoas have such a wide array of extremely bright colors and are by comparison easy to keep.

In an extremely roundabout way I'm trying to say it's probably the huge increase in demand (along with some clever marketing, i'll admit) that zoa prices have risen so dramatically.

I don't care if a STUNNING polyp like darth mauls or rainbow paly's are expensive because many reefers desire exotic colors and variety in their tank. I do think it is ridiculous for some of these bland looking polyps to be sold at a huge markup because of the name, and that mostly occurs from the inevitable influx of a small group of dishonest individuals looking to make a quick buck.

Anyways, sorry for the long post, but there's been a lot covered in this thread and I wanted to a bit on all of it.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14692098#post14692098 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Chandlerpelhams
I have to say I believe the huge price increases in the price/polyp over the past few years are due to a huge growth in the popularity of this hobby.

In an extremely roundabout way I'm trying to say it's probably the huge increase in demand (along with some clever marketing, i'll admit) that zoa prices have risen so dramatically.

I don't care if a STUNNING polyp like darth mauls or rainbow paly's are expensive because many reefers desire exotic colors and variety in their tank. I do think it is ridiculous for some of these bland looking polyps to be sold at a huge markup because of the name, and that mostly occurs from the inevitable influx of a small group of dishonest individuals looking to make a quick buck.

IMHO ... when there's a Huge growth popularity in this Hobby then prices SHOULD be way Lower as opposed to steadily rising and steeply priced prized corals. In this case Zoas have been introduced and propagated for the longest while ... so WHY then are We (naive reefers) being Con into paying for some multi-colored "odd looking" Polyps?? I haven't done any research yet but I gather this specific Hobby is a multi million dollars business ... and steadily rising!

Most of if Not All Zoas that I've seen or witnessed looks great when they're Greatly enhanced by ways of camera Macro shots or brightened up by some super Actinics (which is Fine) but then in all honestly ... Don't All Corals Look Amazingly Great under Actinics ... and even more when it's viewed under any macro lens ???!!

Don't All Corals Look Amazingly Great under Actinics ... and even more when it's viewed under any macro lens


I could throw out a lot of examples of not just polyps but SPS LPS and Chalices ( don't get me started on that ).
IMHO ... when there's a Huge growth popularity in this Hobby then prices SHOULD be way Lower as opposed to steadily rising and steeply priced prized corals. In this case Zoas have been introduced and propagated for the longest while ... so WHY then are We (naive reefers) being Con into paying for some multi-colored "odd looking" Polyps?? I haven't done any research yet but I gather this specific Hobby is a multi million dollars business ... and steadily rising!

Unfortunately, that's not how economics work. As demand increases, price increases as well. Supply should eventually increase and lower the prices, but there is a lag time for cultured corals. For example PRPE's used to be like 80-90/ polyp, but now you can find them fairly easily at around 30 / polyp from a vendor if you aren't lucky enough to have a strong reefing community in your area.

I do agree that any coral can look sweet if a macro shot is taken under actinics which can distort the look of a coral, but then shouldn't this thread be titled, "The 'infamous' high quality macro shots"? The influx of cheaper digital SLR's is what has created such a high demand for zoanthids as they look absolutely stunning and seem to be much larger than they actually are when you receive them, making people more willing to pay higher prices/polyp.

If you read the beginning of this thread, it actually is talking about the infamous NAMES of zoanthids, not the stunning pictures. Your argument about photo misrepresentation supports the idea that named corals are ideal as they can easily be googled for various pictures under different lighting, giving the buyer a more realistic idea of what they are receiving.

The naming of polyps is similar to franchises - People won't be as willing to go to joe blow's burger joint over mcdonalds because they don't know what they will get. A big mac is a big mac no matter where you are, and purple hornets are the same no matter where you are so you can avoid clever lighting and fancy photography tricking you into purchasing something that won't look nearly as nice in your tank.

I think the names and actinic photoshopped macro shots go hand in hand...its all about PIMPING the polyps to justify the price tag.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14696044#post14696044 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Chandlerpelhams
Unfortunately, that's not how economics work. As demand increases, price increases as well. Supply should eventually increase and lower the prices, but there is a lag time for cultured corals. For example PRPE's used to be like 80-90/ polyp, but now you can find them fairly easily at around 30 / polyp from a vendor if you aren't lucky enough to have a strong reefing community in your area.

I do agree that any coral can look sweet if a macro shot is taken under actinics which can distort the look of a coral, but then shouldn't this thread be titled, "The 'infamous' high quality macro shots"? The influx of cheaper digital SLR's is what has created such a high demand for zoanthids as they look absolutely stunning and seem to be much larger than they actually are when you receive them, making people more willing to pay higher prices/polyp.

If you read the beginning of this thread, it actually is talking about the infamous NAMES of zoanthids, not the stunning pictures. Your argument about photo misrepresentation supports the idea that named corals are ideal as they can easily be googled for various pictures under different lighting, giving the buyer a more realistic idea of what they are receiving.

The naming of polyps is similar to franchises - People won't be as willing to go to joe blow's burger joint over mcdonalds because they don't know what they will get. A big mac is a big mac no matter where you are, and purple hornets are the same no matter where you are so you can avoid clever lighting and fancy photography tricking you into purchasing something that won't look nearly as nice in your tank.

I agree with this paragraph.
I wished to post other thoughts I have here too...

In my opinion, education is needed on vendor marketing for newcomers to the zoa world. This is needed. I'm hugely in favor of educating zoa newcomers to these things. This is education on being a good consumer. So that people can make their own, more educated choices. If they choose to pay more than is normal, than so be it. We can't MAKE that same person purchase it cheaper, nor can we make people want to purchase it cheaper.
All we can do is offer folks the information. By making all options
known to them. This helps. It foes. And it's called "helping" or teaching. a different way to OFFSET intentional vendor scamming.

Then, there is a seperate issue than vendors who aren't intentionally scamming, who are simply doing it that way because that's the way it's usually been done. Following blindly. Following blindly is not necessarily the right thing. But it's presenting of options that throws some light on the darkness.
Presenting of options have to be done with some sense of organization. I think of educating as a road, not a shotgun blast in the face at the entrance. If I consider who I'm trying to educate, and must consider who my audience is than we must ask ourselves is; Who do we want to educate? The purposeful, scamming vendor? Or the potential buyer of that vendor?
Does the vendor know the difference?
If it's a blindly following vendor person, than No, I don't believe that person knows the diff, and must be taught or educated.

It's WORK to teach VARIOUS people VARIOUS options.
And it's an ONGOING, thankless task.
And it has to be done within some semblance of ORGANIZATION. Or it's doomed to FAIL.
It should not be done with a blast of info imo. Newer readers do not respond to a blast, because they are not prepared for it. Either they will run in the opposite direction, or run up and blast back. Those are the two natural responses, whether we like it or not.

So, having a thread for the ridiculous zoa costs topic makes newcomers perhaps curious about it and look in occasionally when they are already here becuase of looking at pics.
They will not be interested if it's force fed to them out of the gate.

Get a thread, and title it what you'd like it to be called, and then start posting. People will become involved.
Others who are looking for "rare/cool/highly colored" zoas, be it the names of or pics of or whatever, can go to those types of threads which will be here by all accounts.
If any such "current zoa costs are unnecessary" thread, or whatever it's going to be called is up top than perhaps some forum members will peruse the thread. And perhaps he or she will post that they weren't aware of these price issues, and that they learned something.

They will not run, nor will anyone get all argumentative. They will be educated about the unnecessary cost of zoas.
That is what is wanted, yes?
Do you think a scammer is going to come into a seperate thread like the one described above and pimp their expensive stuff?
No, I don't think they would. So you would have a better way, a "one stop shop" if you will for anti-price gouging information.

I think it's important to think about resolution of some of this stuff via this seperate thread idea. I think something like that would go a long way.
In my opinion, education is needed on vendor marketing for newcomers to the zoa world. This is needed. I'm hugely in favor of educating zoa newcomers to these things. This is education on being a good consumer. So that people can make their own, more educated choices. If they choose to pay more than is normal, than so be it. Agreed.:thumbsup:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14698768#post14698768 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by 650-IS350
In my opinion, education is needed on vendor marketing for newcomers to the zoa world. This is needed. I'm hugely in favor of educating zoa newcomers to these things. This is education on being a good consumer. So that people can make their own, more educated choices. If they choose to pay more than is normal, than so be it. Agreed.:thumbsup:
Mucho you should post a thread. Or 650.
As the guy in The Cable Guy would say "let's get 'er done".
My husband watches that guy sometimes on hbo. :D
Or, I can bump Dalston's thread. I think that might be a good platform since he's already started a seperate thread for that.
I hope it's alright that I bump it? I don't want to start a fued again between anyone or anything. But yet, that is a thread for discussing that specifically.
Or maybe I should pm Dalston or Mucho. Because it needs to be up top I think. Not necessarily a sticky thread but up on page one. That way people can have it to look at if they wish, while the "rare zoas?" threads are up top too.
Hoepfully a good thread about lighting or alkalinity. And peeps can look at them also.
Do you all know what I mean? Mucho, 650, Dalston or anyone? Is that a dumb idea?
Equal time for the various types of threads in other words. I think that way newcomers here to the zoa section can have the knowledge and options to make a better decision when wanting to obtain zoanthids or palys.
They can learn from Mucho or 650 or Dalston or Chi. At the same time they can learn what zoas or palys look like. How much they can cost and why. Because newcomers interested in zoas don't know sometimes that they can bump husbandry threads. Or they don't know there is a page two for looking at or posting on.
Some do of course. Some don't.
My point is that all zoa section passers by don't get the whole enchilada because of this.
That's why I bump certain threads. For all threads to get some equal time on page one. I'm interested in lighting for instance as far as husbandry, but I can't seem to get a good handle on some lighting things. So I have still questions.
I feel badly at times about bumping things here. It seems I'm the only one who does this with any regularity. I'm not experienced as some of you and I don't want to be a nuisance and I sometimes feel that way. That keeps me from bumping husbandry things lately.
So I wish others of you here would also! :p
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14696044#post14696044 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Chandlerpelhams
Unfortunately, that's not how economics work. As demand increases, price increases as well. Supply should eventually increase and lower the prices, but there is a lag time for cultured corals. For example PRPE's used to be like 80-90/ polyp, but now you can find them fairly easily at around 30 / polyp from a vendor if you aren't lucky enough to have a strong reefing community in your area.
I'd like to know if these faithful and harworking Coral collectors around the World gets any pay/wage raise(s) .... and by How Much $$$?

I do agree that any coral can look sweet if a macro shot is taken under actinics which can distort the look of a coral, but then shouldn't this thread be titled, "The 'infamous' high quality macro shots"? The influx of cheaper digital SLR's is what has created such a high demand for zoanthids as they look absolutely stunning and seem to be much larger than they actually are when you receive them, making people more willing to pay higher prices/polyp.

If you read the beginning of this thread, it actually is talking about the infamous NAMES of zoanthids, not the stunning pictures. Your argument about photo misrepresentation supports the idea that named corals are ideal as they can easily be googled for various pictures under different lighting, giving the buyer a more realistic idea of what they are receiving.

The naming of polyps is similar to franchises - People won't be as willing to go to joe blow's burger joint over mcdonalds because they don't know what they will get. A big mac is a big mac no matter where you are, and purple hornets are the same no matter where you are so you can avoid clever lighting and fancy photography tricking you into purchasing something that won't look nearly as nice in your tank.

How many Times have we seen and witness any Bad & Crappy digitally Photoshopped color manipulated shots of the Infamous Polyps for Sale ... without any chances of highlighted Actinic colors on Top of that??

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14701971#post14701971 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by IridescentLily
Or, I can bump Dalston's thread. I think that might be a good platform since he's already started a seperate thread for that.
I hope it's alright that I bump it? I don't want to start a fued again between anyone or anything. But yet, that is a thread for discussing that specifically.
Or maybe I should pm Dalston or Mucho. Because it needs to be up top I think. Not necessarily a sticky thread but up on page one. That way people can have it to look at if they wish, while the "rare zoas?" threads are up top too.
Hoepfully a good thread about lighting or alkalinity. And peeps can look at them also.
Do you all know what I mean? Mucho, 650, Dalston or anyone? Is that a dumb idea?
Equal time for the various types of threads in other words. I think that way newcomers here to the zoa section can have the knowledge and options to make a better decision when wanting to obtain zoanthids or palys.
They can learn from Mucho or 650 or Dalston or Chi. At the same time they can learn what zoas or palys look like. How much they can cost and why. Because newcomers interested in zoas don't know sometimes that they can bump husbandry threads. Or they don't know there is a page two for looking at or posting on.
Some do of course. Some don't.
My point is that all zoa section passers by don't get the whole enchilada because of this.
That's why I bump certain threads. For all threads to get some equal time on page one. I'm interested in lighting for instance as far as husbandry, but I can't seem to get a good handle on some lighting things. So I have still questions.
I feel badly at times about bumping things here. It seems I'm the only one who does this with any regularity. I'm not experienced as some of you and I don't want to be a nuisance and I sometimes feel that way. That keeps me from bumping husbandry things lately.
So I wish others of you here would also! :p


Sorry I only just saw your post here, its been a long couple of days :o

I think its a GREAT idea to have something on this on page 1 and I appreciate the bump.

When I started the thread, I didn't want to concentrate soley on the names but mainly on the 'bigger picture' to include the entire 'situation' and my experiences regarding polyp sales. I guess my thread title is very misleading sounding like all I had a problem with is the names (maybe i'll see if I can change the title, any ideas?)

I don't know for sure but I have feeling that Mucho is working on something special but in the mean time if you would like to use this thread I'm all for it! I think we have covered some great ground here already and in the hopes of education, its a start...

So Lily...BUMP AT WILL :D :D
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No one is forcing anyone to purchase corals at any price. The market dictates exactly what a coral is worth. If someone thinks it is worth $50/polyp, they will pay that price. If you don't, then you won't. If no one thought it was worth $50, then no one would sell them for $50.

However, LE and special edition drive me bonkers. LE according to who?

I buy corals for colour, shape and pattern. If something I really like like RDEs or Eagle eyes are so colourful, I buy them. It doesn't matter to me if they are super rare or not.

Colour generally dictates the price. The more colourful, the more expensive generally.

And for those upset about commercialization of the hobby...most hobbies have a fiscal side. Hobbies are what people spend their free time and money on. If you don't want to spend money, then don't. I am always willing to trade for equipment or corals, and I have quite a few varieties just from trades.
LE according to who?

Tyree...... Me personally I don't know how 1 person dictates that is an LE and should be higher in price etc. I personally don't know how some LPS / SPS that tons of reefers already have become LE. I thought limited edition means its limited quantity, how could something be LE when 100's or thousands of hobbyist have it??? beats me..:lol:
Like a bad dream that ya keep having. LOL Sorry but this is tired.
It will never change back to the old days. Sorry guys and gals.
No one that had the nice stuff ever let any of it go back then, And Going to lfs and have to fight with people like it was the black friday sale was terrable i hated it. I am glad i can sway people to let stuff go with cash! You could not before because those people were not interested in that. They were interested in a one of a kind tank that no one else had. Why is that soo much better than today?
I dont know seems like some people are mad everyone can have the same corals now. In a perfect world the rants here would make sense. But i know how it "USED" to be i was around then. I had fish tanks for over 25 years i seen the times.
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Thank you Dalston. :D

Also, I think Creetin has a good point. See below, i'm too lazy to quote properly:
"They were interested in a one of a kind tank that no one else had. Why is that soo much better than today?"
You bring up something I was thinking about the other day after reading something here: I think for the majority (maybe?) we like to have our tank be either:
1. Something with which we individually "design". For some it's function meets form now. That's one area of the industry that I don't mind supporting. I would be a reef tank owner like this. Function meets form, meaning something we each think fits our own personal needs. And those more artistic folks can also practice excellent husbandry.
2. Something simply wish to enjoy watching their zoa animals grow and thrive and to learn about them. And those folks tend to want to practice excellent husbandry as well.
3. Others I suppose wish to sell their zoanthids, palys. Some to make a living, some because they have overgrown colonies. Some to buy nice houses.
4. Some give them away.
Who's taking the higher road here?
I know which one i'd pick.
There are other means of making a living I would imagine.

But the important thing here is to make some folks aware of which option might be best.

Personally, I don't know if I agree with the persons who buy their zoas/palys stricly in order to sell them at a ridiculous gouging price with heavy actinic use, or with tweaking photos of their zoas, photos, animals for sale. And by calling them "rare", "one off", "one time only".
There is tweaking in order to maybe make a photo clearer. I've done that. If I can't get it together to produce a proper photo I may try to clear it up by sharpening for showing, not selling. I don't see anything wrong with that.
And then there are folks (who may or may not sell) who don't know HOW to lessen the blue color in their photos. I can't tell you how many times I've read of hobbyists, sellers and not sellers who can't make it happen with the white balance. I had to be taught or learn by mistake with regard to other items to sell, not zoas. I would imagine others have to be taught as well.

And some want to show off their zoas under high actinic or LED in order to show them off on a photo thread, or produce a more artistic photo?
I feel they should explain a photo if they do this with a short blurb along with the photo in my opinion. There's one i saw which was so COOL. As a photo, in and of itself.
If they were trying to sell their zoas with this photo. I'd be like: "Hmm..". But if the same person had a little blurb with the photo and wasn't necessarily selling. "These were foolling around pics that were done with X", I like them lots." I don't have a problem with that and in fact I enjoy those photos when it's clear that they are more artistic for personal enjoyment, or to show off what zoas can look like when under various lighting or whatever, and not for selling.
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14706087#post14706087 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by 650-IS350
LE according to who?

Tyree...... Me personally I don't know how 1 person dictates that is an LE and should be higher in price etc.

Does Tyree receive $$$ royalties for anyone using the LE id??? :lol: ... and .. and also .... Is that Why the reason LE frag's are that expensive??
