here is where it stands now.. with all but 3 of the large ones (and none of the smaller ones) in the tank.
It is cloudy from all of the smutz that I couldn't get off of the rocks (unless I wanted to break out the big pressure washer and chance breaking the rocks) and darker because I don't have the lights hooked up (I am working a little on the lighting to add from VHOs to it). There were lots of little crab pieces parts that came floating out of the rock.. this puppy is going have a pretty big cycle hit.. and likely sooner than later. I still have 50+ lbs of live rock in there already for seeding and I will add another half gallon of aged live sand from our curren tank either tonight or tomorrow morning (after everything has settled down). I will probably just put the rest of the rock in so that they can get "the nasty" out of the way then focus on designing the aquascaping, after it all settles down. It's not like I don't have enough other stuff to keep me occupied now.. adding VHOs for lengthening the viewing times (for us humans) without overly lengthening our electric bill, planning out the two new sumps and getting the racks for them built, finishing up the trim and getting a door installed (which also includes major paint touch up on that wall).
It is cloudy from all of the smutz that I couldn't get off of the rocks (unless I wanted to break out the big pressure washer and chance breaking the rocks) and darker because I don't have the lights hooked up (I am working a little on the lighting to add from VHOs to it). There were lots of little crab pieces parts that came floating out of the rock.. this puppy is going have a pretty big cycle hit.. and likely sooner than later. I still have 50+ lbs of live rock in there already for seeding and I will add another half gallon of aged live sand from our curren tank either tonight or tomorrow morning (after everything has settled down). I will probably just put the rest of the rock in so that they can get "the nasty" out of the way then focus on designing the aquascaping, after it all settles down. It's not like I don't have enough other stuff to keep me occupied now.. adding VHOs for lengthening the viewing times (for us humans) without overly lengthening our electric bill, planning out the two new sumps and getting the racks for them built, finishing up the trim and getting a door installed (which also includes major paint touch up on that wall).