The Life of Blue Spots Tank 1800L

The Life of Blue Spots Tank 1800L

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Sounds like you've got one of those Tibetan flat black rock snakes of death. The black ones are the deadliest, of course. But really, there are literally thousands of types of marine worms. Best thing you can do is get an encyclopedia on invertebrates and look at the pictures.

Can't believe I forgot to ask this question. When I was moving my rock I lifted a piece and this creature shot out and swam off . I didn't get a picture and i couldn't find it again. It looked like a long black worm of some discription but it moved very fast , it didn't have legs and swam like a snake I would say it was about a foot long. I have googled black worm like a ribbon and the closest thing I can find surprisingly is something called a ribbon worm. I've never seen anything like it before, and I'm familiar with a bobbit worm so at first thought it might be one of these , but definitely not. Does this sound about right for a ribbon worm? Again it moved really fast (and I nearly had a heart attack when this thing shot out)

Sounds like a ribbon worm to me.
Lol I have just seen your reply Dave and I am sure you will find that this is incorrect, I have an entirely Seperate system for my Tibetan marine life.
Ok so I promised I would be honest in this thread and normally I wouldn't admit this but.... I explained I was new to sps, well although my sps is alive it is not radiating any sort of colour other than green. Me being me was convinced it was my high nitrate phosphate level (I explained this and how I sorted it out). So my tank has been clean for a while now and no colour returning. So spoke to my lfs about it. Long story short I have my radions set on blue other than an hour a day ... I know... I know. Don't pan me. I have now changed the schedule to 12.5 k 2 hours, 10k 2 hours 13.5k 3 hours then blues. Shockingly I am now starting to get some colour ! I have read so much I can no longer see the obvious.
So after that dirty confession, the new layout. It's going great , fish swimming better and a lot more interesting to watch. I'm getting really good flow all around the tank, this has cleaned up some small particles I could see hanging in the water column and my corals have their sunscreen on basking in their +1 hour a day light. After all the byropsis and death I am again loving the tank.
A week on and everything is doing ok. Fish have settled and set up territories . I have removed the blue spot house so that I can put this back at a later date and nobody has already claimed it . Corals are colouring up and I'm learning what corals go where again , I've put some new coral frags in and they are still nice and colourful at the minute. Byropsis , I had a few tiny visible bits left, no doubt their could be more hiding, but I found my sea hare, put him on the Rock and he's sorted that out. I also had one coral smothered in byropsis, but it was housing my crab colony , I've put this in a shady spot and the byropsis has also gone from this. I'm not going to say I've beaten the byropsis as its still early days but I have to search to find any now. Whether it's the tank aging, the water being cleaned up, the lack of light, the sea hare , the new sump lights or a combination of all this I do not know. But I'm hoping this is a success story for anyone battling the stuff.
Triton method I am now settling in to the only trouble I was left with was low ph, but since the new sump light and the change in light schedule in the main display this has settled at dropping to 7.97 on a night. It's not 8.2 but I'm good with this. I have also sent off my first water sample so that is going to be interesting.
So what next ? Reintroduce the blue spot , I would still like to try a pair if I can. And now I'm going to concentrate on sps coral growth and colour, I can keep them alive, just want to see if I can get them growing now.
Never mentioned the sump light , I've gone for a 6500K grow light in the sump, my cheato was sort of flat and lifeless but now it's starting to perk up a little. Can't remember the exact name of the light but I'll get a pictur of it. Oh and I'm hoovering out my sump next weekend to give this a spring clean .
The tests are back ! Well how interesting is this. Really impressed with the level of report and help that it gives you. 2 main things to sort out , boron is extremely elevated and iodine is non existent. Strange because I dose and test for iodine , but obviously I am doing something wrong. The report is really user friendly and tells me exactly what to do. Give me an instruction and I love it , it's up their for me with ikea flat pack building (love it). The other thing is my magnesium and calcium are higher than I measure . so I'm of by a value of 60 on the calcium, this is good for me to know for when I am testing the water myself. The one good thing is that my Hannah checkers are spot on so I can rely on these readings. All in , very interesting and very useful I would recommend giving it a go even if it's just once to see how you compare against a super computer.
Hoovering complete. I have taken every piece of equipment out of the sump and cleaned it today. Bit heavy going , but I'm pleased with the results now it's done.
Fish wise everything is happy , apart from one of my banngai cardinals who sadly died today. I think it was natural causes ? 3 years, from what I read this is about right for a cardinal ? Well their were no marks or anything he was just sat on the bottom and then died a little later. Feel a bit sorry for his mate , she sat gaurding him until he died .
Corals again doing well , sps is colouring up , my alveopora and goniopora is going mad since I moved to triton, really extended and looking lovely. Lps is looking a little tired in some places, I think I need to find new places now the lighting has increased , plus my water is cleaner so this might be effecting it also.
So after all this I'm going to keep my water as stable as possible then look to see about getting a new blue spot. I miss Bert !
my fish are acting strange for the last 2 days. it's 2 cardinals I have had for some time now.the one is keeping the other in one spot in the tank. Cant figure out if its aggression or courtship. the fish being kept in place has not been bitten or anything ? what do you think ??
Looks like aggression. Cardinals usually live in groups, a male and a harem of females, and are under pressure from predation. If you've only the two, and one is a male trying to dominate a female to prevent her from turning into a second male, the second one is going to take a bit of a beating. That's why it is better to keep cardinals in a group rather than a pair. Welcome to the world of cardinal fish.

cheers dave. Can cardinals change sex also. I didn't know this. it's really strange , Ive had these fish for over a year and they have always swum around together , although on a night they go to opposite ends of the tank. wonder why it's only happening now.
I've opened a you tube account and uploaded a video. This fish tank hobby takes you everywhere not only am I turning into an expert of aquaria, but now a master of the arts also. it's got a sound track , pictures , video, slow mo.... yes you herd me.. slow mo. I think I'll be up for some sort of award by the end of the week. check it out...... or as us thespians say , break a leg.
The next thing I know you'll be spelling correctly and using proper grammar and everything.

Tank update. I've been running triton now for around 3 months and things seam to be going ok. I find it easier to keep my levels in check just by monitoring my kh. Light wise, I am not sure, I bought some new little frags to see if they would keep their colour , but they still seam to go green. wondering if I should add more light ? My nitrates and phosphates are at a low level so I think it can only be light. Changing the light has also had a negative effect on my lps corals , so at the minute I feel like nothing is going great coral wise. Could it be temperature ?? My tank is still at blue spot temperature ?? Just thinking out load here. Fish wise things seem OK. After what Dave has said I have been tryin to catch one of the cardinals for some time out. No luck so far , but got a fish trap in now. Blue spots are on order and a second home , I'm hoping I can get a good introduction though I would have liked to add them when the tank was less busy, I'm going to try and combat this by moving a few rocks when I put them in (got this planned when I re-scraped) blue spots should be about 3 weeks away, hope they look heathy . I don't usually buy without seeing the fish , but feel a bit obligated when ordering in special.
Before spending a lot of money on lights you might be better off borrowing a PAR meter and mapping the levels with your current lights. This might give you an idea of where you should relocate either your corals or your lights.

There are other things that can affect corals. Not just the strength of the light but also the spectrum matters. Correct water circulation is also important. But most of all is stability. Corals come from a narrow area where the length of day is always the same, where the water chemistry seldom varies, where they have evolved to expect flow parameters to stay within the same norms all the time.
