The Life of Blue Spots Tank 1800L

The Life of Blue Spots Tank 1800L

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So the new plan . I'm removing rock plus I am using some liquid phosphate remover to try and get my levels back from 0.1. Apart from this things are doing well. Fish are all looking healthy , blue spots are fattening up. Both are still doing well . Corals are doing good but I am trying to keep the byropsis of them. One casualty , a meat coral. I've had it for a while but all of a sudden my moorish just decided to eat its mouth . I actualy caught it doing it.
Been a while since the last update, but I'm still on the same battle. Byropsis . I know I know, it's boring now , but not as bored as I am of the stuff. I'm having one last attempt with a product I've ordered from America called vibrant. If this doesn't work I am going to have to seriously consider starting again ! The only reason for not doing this is my fish, they are doing really well and I'm worried that time spent in a large bucket in the garage is not going to be good for them, but I do want a reef aquarium , and at the moment the byropsis is outgrowing the coral. Fingers crossed this works .
Have you tried hydrogen peroxide 3%? Works well to rid algae. With a small cleanup staff of a sea hare, tuxedo urchin and a few snails. Didn't notice any tangs in your video.

Well done on the tank?
Been a while since the last update, but I'm still on the same battle. Byropsis . I know I know, it's boring now , but not as bored as I am of the stuff. I'm having one last attempt with a product I've ordered from America called vibrant. If this doesn't work I am going to have to seriously consider starting again ! The only reason for not doing this is my fish, they are doing really well and I'm worried that time spent in a large bucket in the garage is not going to be good for them, but I do want a reef aquarium , and at the moment the byropsis is outgrowing the coral. Fingers crossed this works .

Have you tried a sea hare? I kid you not those things are hair algae (heck any algae) destroyers.
Hi folks. Yes I've got 3 sea hares. They did really good at knocking it back, but at the moment it's just gone crazy . I'll get a picture so you can see what I'm up against> I haven't tried the 3% hydrogen peroxide . Maybe this might be my last shot . Do I just dose the whole tank ?
Right question. Is blue spot jawfish disease an actual disease ??? My reason for asking is that the smaller of my jawfish seamed to be showing signs of what I recognise as bsjfd the pale patches on the back , loss of appetite and heavier breathing. However this jawfish had made his home right next to the glass so I could see in its burrow. In the burrow was a very large bristle worm and some smaller ones , I myself am extremely allergic to bristle worm stings . Not hospital allergic, but balloon hand allergic . So I thought if I'm like this maybe this could be irritating the jawfish. So I broke down its house and made a new spot for it, at the same time I took apart my other jawfishes house (who is doing really well) very carefully to see if their were bristle worms in this house... nothing. So this was a couple of weeks ago, since then the bsjfd fish has made a full recovery no marks , no patches and eating well. So this is my question, in the wild I assume a jawfish if set about by some unwanted creature could move, in a tank their options are limited . Could this irritation be partly to blame for my fishes bsjfd ? And what is bsjfd ?
Another update and more of the same in a way. Byropsis . I am now in the process of removing rock , I'm figuring less rock , less to try and kill . This stuff has put me completely on hold . But I'm not going to be beaten by a bit of bloody sea weed ! So I have another plan . I am slowly removing rock , trying not to freak out my fish , when I've got to a point where no byropsis is present I am going to stop and wait to see if any more returns , if it does I've decided to strip my sump out and keep my fish in there while I completely redo the display tank. Then get the top cycling , when it's done transfer the fish into the display and syphon out the sump tank. I am not 100% this will work . I'm a little worried about adding so many fish into what will essentially be a fresh set up . Any thoughts ?
Everything else is doing really well all fish are healthy and doing well . Jaw fish are now both doing great ones still a little pale , but is eating well so am hoping it's getting over it's illness. Angels are all growing and the tile fish is still the fish that everybody looks at and loves. I've been really happy with my lizard blenny . I did not know much about these fish but after settling in it's a really interesting fish to observe . Clown fish have now bread 4 times and pipe fish 3 times . Not looking to do anything with the fry , at the moment they are just good eating for the rest of the tank. Casualty wise I've had 1 . My sea urchin. I've had it for about 2.5 years and it just disappeared ??? Can't find a shell or anything . How long do urchins live , not sure if it was a natural thing but I did catch my blue throats nipping at his spines .
Anyway that's all for now , hopefully I will be wrighting about my byropsis free tank soon .
Blue spot said:
I'm a little worried about adding so many fish into what will essentially be a fresh set up . Any thoughts ?
For moving everything back into the tank you might consider one of the several bacteria-in-a-bottle solutions, e.g. Dr. Tim's One and Only or Instant Ocean's Bio-Spira.

Hi Dave this is my thinking . So the plan is , I'm getting a large plastic container in the garage. Add a skimmer , power head , heater and 2 of my lights , find some sort of mesh to cover the top (I have a lot of jumpers, that's the athletic fish type , not the clothing) . Then take the water rock and fish from the tank and set this up. Like Phoenix has done on his thread. Then I'm gonna strip and clean the tank and sump and equipment right back to new. Then sand in , new rock , water and doctor tims, then slowly add my fish back in . 2 things I'm worried about the first being my sea anemone , I'm not sure how this will fare in all the moving around , and the second being my coral. the reason for all the hassle is because the byropsis is swamping my coral so I don't think I want to risk adding it back in the tank when finished. Also can anyone recommend something to clean my tank and equipment with, don't want any spores or anything left behind ?
One possible solution might be to use more than one temporary tank during the make-over, though this requires more equipment. Make sure not to tear the anemone's foot when moving it.

When moving the coral, it would probably be best to just make frags. That way you won't be transferring and preserving any of the bryopsis on the plugs with the corals.

Usually a 10% bleach solution is good enough to sterilize the tank. Make sure to use all new sand as well as rock.

Hi folks. Yes I've got 3 sea hares. They did really good at knocking it back, but at the moment it's just gone crazy . I'll get a picture so you can see what I'm up against> I haven't tried the 3% hydrogen peroxide . Maybe this might be my last shot . Do I just dose the whole tank ?

I dose into tank. 1/2 ml per each 10 gal water volume. Per day till algae under control. Sea hare and cuc are good too. I did all three with success.
Thanks Dave and thanks advre. I'll change all sand to. Being honest advre I've given up on dosing things into the tank , I've given it a year trying all sorts of things , I know some people have success , but I only ever seam to be able to knock the stuff back never getting shot of it. It really bugs me. My lfs had it in his large display tank , raised his mag and it looks immaculate in less than a month. I tried this for 4 months and it still came back. I'm just going to have to go for it . I know one thing I'll have eyes like a hawk in the future !
So their has been a pause in my move . I'm still playing a little while before I strip everything out ..... if I have to strip everything out .
So I have been using vibrant religiously to try and rid my byropsis. This has made the byropsis sort of wirey and easy to remove but not killed it. The one thing it has done is completely remove my buble algae which is a bonus.
Then I have been reading about Fluconazole , that if you do one dose it will remove byropsis. I've been searching the net and can find no negative reports from giving it a try , so I have some on order. If anyone knows why not to try this please let me know ,
Everything else in the tank is doing well blue spots still going strong , all fish growing and healthy, anemones looking good , and the remainder of my corals are doing well. I still have half the amount of rock I originally had in but I am actualy getting used to the tank looking like this. Strangely enough though with all this extra space the fish still do not swim over the top of the rocks ???
I've done another video of blue spots burrow, he's made it on the side of the tank so you can see straight in , quite interesting to watch .
I have just thought I have lied , one casualty , I had two engineer gobies , both the same sex, they both stayed at opposite ends of the tank but the one invaded , and the battle started , I tried to break it up but they were in a place I could not get to them. After a day of battling they both returned looking the worse for the experience , one pulled through the other did'nt . This has though had a possative effect on the blue spot , I think the one was bothering him.
So that's all that's happening for now . Bloody byropsis !!!!
So their has been a pause in my move . I'm still playing a little while before I strip everything out ..... if I have to strip everything out .
So I have been using vibrant religiously to try and rid my byropsis. This has made the byropsis sort of wirey and easy to remove but not killed it. The one thing it has done is completely remove my buble algae which is a bonus.
Then I have been reading about Fluconazole , that if you do one dose it will remove byropsis. I've been searching the net and can find no negative reports from giving it a try , so I have some on order. If anyone knows why not to try this please let me know ,
Everything else in the tank is doing well blue spots still going strong , all fish growing and healthy, anemones looking good , and the remainder of my corals are doing well. I still have half the amount of rock I originally had in but I am actualy getting used to the tank looking like this. Strangely enough though with all this extra space the fish still do not swim over the top of the rocks ???
I've done another video of blue spots burrow, he's made it on the side of the tank so you can see straight in , quite interesting to watch .
I have just thought I have lied , one casualty , I had two engineer gobies , both the same sex, they both stayed at opposite ends of the tank but the one invaded , and the battle started , I tried to break it up but they were in a place I could not get to them. After a day of battling they both returned looking the worse for the experience , one pulled through the other did'nt . This has though had a possative effect on the blue spot , I think the one was bothering him.
So that's all that's happening for now . Bloody byropsis !!!!
Try this, was in the same shoes and almost hit the reset button. My tank is clear of bryopsis.
Perfect jp. This is what I've been reading , my flucon arrived today so I'm giving it a go this weekend. Thanks cap , I might give this a try after , a few people have mentioned this to me but for some reason I've been more hesitant to add hydrogen peroxide into the tank. God knows why with all the other stuff I've put in and considering I'm about to give it the mother of all thrush treatment medications, it's obviously just a mental block I should push through. Lol .
I've just read through my thread and noticed I never posted about my ph findings. Sooo I had another thing about ph dropping on my tank. I found a few things I was doing wrong. It started from my high boron readings from a triton report, they kept coming out exceptionally high. Long story short the boron was in my favourite reef buffer that although was giving me better stability was also effecting my kh results and effecting the waters natural buffering ability. I stopped buffering , did a water change weekly for 6 weeks, no boron and no ph problems. I also turned my flow up in the main tank and this also helps . I now have ph of 8 , not super high , but stable and no buffering.
Treatment started. I was a little confused over what to do with my lights though. Some say no uv , some turn off all attinics . Some turn off first day of treatment then normal lighting. In the end I turned all lights of for 24 hrs. Then today I ran everything except the uv channel. But now I've read about attinics I've turned off the blue channels aswell just to be sure.
No ill effects on fish, coral or sea anemones