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Well its been a few weeks since my last post.
Things in the tank are coming along. I am finally getting some coralline algae! There must of been some hair algae spores in the water I had used from the old setup because I have patches of hair algae in the tank.
I certainly do not want to add any chemicals that get rid of this algae so for now I am keeping an eye on it and being extremely hands on with water quality. Planning to purchase a Hanna meter to really check my phosphate levels. For now the salifert kit is showing around 0.003 to 0.005. Not sure if this is too high.
You guys can let me know.
I also am noticing where the build up of detrius is accumilating. These areas are showing signs of less flow so I am planning on adding another 2 korelia pumps then this summer will add two more mp40's ES models.
I bit the nerves and bought some SPS acros. They have now been in the tank for 1 week and show very good signs, PE great! These are the first acro's in the tank besides the monti's.
So far none of the angels are touching the monti's or the acro's.
Tri-color wwc acro
Green birds nest
Green tenuous acro
This is next one is a nice one! Except I can not remember its name! Will have to call the guys at WWC.
Latest additions
Well its been a few weeks since my last post.
Things in the tank are coming along. I am finally getting some coralline algae! There must of been some hair algae spores in the water I had used from the old setup because I have patches of hair algae in the tank.
I certainly do not want to add any chemicals that get rid of this algae so for now I am keeping an eye on it and being extremely hands on with water quality. Planning to purchase a Hanna meter to really check my phosphate levels. For now the salifert kit is showing around 0.003 to 0.005. Not sure if this is too high.
You guys can let me know.
I also am noticing where the build up of detrius is accumilating. These areas are showing signs of less flow so I am planning on adding another 2 korelia pumps then this summer will add two more mp40's ES models.
I bit the nerves and bought some SPS acros. They have now been in the tank for 1 week and show very good signs, PE great! These are the first acro's in the tank besides the monti's.
So far none of the angels are touching the monti's or the acro's.
Tri-color wwc acro

Green birds nest

Green tenuous acro

This is next one is a nice one! Except I can not remember its name! Will have to call the guys at WWC.