Hey dude! Good to have you back. I bumped your thread on the other forum wondering where you disappeared. Congrats on the promotion. :thumbsup:
Did you get rid of the flat worm? Because I got a lot but I don't really know how to get rid of. I have two wrasse but seems they don't eat them...
Hey there! Yes I did get rid of them. I used a product that is specifically made it get rid of those guys.
I as well went the route of getting a six line wrasse, and a melanrus wrasse. Both constantly ate the really small ones. Knowing that I wanted to get acro's I could not wait and there were too many.
Just one dose and it worked really well.
How bad is your infestation?
Oh nice! What's product did you use? I need the same!
About my infestation, did you saw The Walking Dead tv series? Then it's a bit like that, Walkers everywhere on my rocks :uzi:
The product I used was by a company called solutions. From what I heard at my lfs this company was a spinoff from one of the major companies. It work immediately!!
And yes The Walking Dead! In our case lol the swimming dead!!
Hum... do you have a link where did you get it?Thanks a lot anyway :hmm5: