The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

Misled I saw on this thread way back that you used a SQWD on a spray bar I was thinking of doing kinda the same thing but using it on the return from the sump with a mag 9.5..worth it or no
It worked but the pipes tended to vibrate when it switched back and forth. I ended up with a couple mj mods.
damac20 great rock, good find!! I would remove half of it though, but that is just me and my obsession with "less rock is better" (Reefscape15 can tell you all about it :) )

It's looking great, keep it up.... by the way, is that a loose power plug I saw hanging over the water besides the reflector?? :eek:

Hookup I hear you... I am also a one tank man, with 2 sumps, a refugium, a frag tank, a QT tank, a rock curing tank, etc... :rollface:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15618061#post15618061 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by boret
damac20 great rock, good find!! I would remove half of it though, but that is just me and my obsession with "less rock is better" (Reefscape15 can tell you all about it :) )

It's looking great, keep it up.... by the way, is that a loose power plug I saw hanging over the water besides the reflector?? :eek:

Yeah that's kinda what I was thinking too. When I was buying it I felt like I was undershooting it by a lot to give it that open look. I guess since it's not as dense as most rocks.

Yes that is a power cord...its for the MH bulb. Normally it will be plugged in, I was just showing off the powerbrites.
Boret and Jesse - I agree with wanting to be able to feed, and not worry about overfeeding, but I also don't want to have to feed the tank every day. I know with a skimmer I definately want something with a needlewheel or meshwheel and a bubble plate. I guess I'll most likely be going with the Vertex IN-100, as it has the features that I'm looking for. I know this will be adequate, but not overkill where I'll have to be dosing every day and feeding every day. As of now, I only dose the occasional Trace Elements and Calcium/Strontium. I only feed my fish about once a week, and maybe once or twice a month I'll feed the corals with Rod's Food and Vitamins. I'd hate to have a skimmer that is so over powering that I'd have to start remembering to feed all the time, and use tons of additives. I know I need something better than my Prizm (which should be very easy!), but don't want something all that massive. The IN-100 has a pretty small footprint, so I'm sure I can get a sump to fit it in. I may have to only go with a 10gal, but I'm going to be trying my hardest to stuff the 20gal in there somehow.

Damac20 - I'll have to agree with Boret. I'd take either the top left or top right piece of rock out. I never ended up taking out any of my rock, but once I re-arranged it to give a little bit more of an open feel, I was back in love with my tank! That rock looks totally awesome though! I'd imagine that it's not very dense, which is a nice feature, and it looks like there's a lot of little nooks and crannies where you can plug frags in easily. Are you going to stay with a bare bottom tank or are you just waiting to get the rock how you like it before you add the sand? I could only see the first pic, but even though it's cloudy it looks like the MH and Powerbrites will give you a nice color.
Just got the second pic to come up, and I'd take the larger piece from the top right of the pile out, and place the piece on the top left of the pile in it's place. I'd leave the rest how it is. I love how the rock juts out on the sides in a few places. It looks very natural!
Damac20 - I'll have to agree with Boret. I'd take either the top left or top right piece of rock out. I never ended up taking out any of my rock, but once I re-arranged it to give a little bit more of an open feel, I was back in love with my tank! That rock looks totally awesome though! I'd imagine that it's not very dense, which is a nice feature, and it looks like there's a lot of little nooks and crannies where you can plug frags in easily. Are you going to stay with a bare bottom tank or are you just waiting to get the rock how you like it before you add the sand? I could only see the first pic, but even though it's cloudy it looks like the MH and Powerbrites will give you a nice color. [/B][/QUOTE]

Oh it will be full of frags! With WWC as my lfs there is always nice stuff to choice from. I am going to be putting sand in the tank. I am just holding off for a few days. I bought the tank used so yesterday when I was testing the return pump I got the nice suprise that it doesn't work. So my sand budget turned into the mag 7 budget. As far as lighting I am going to be going with a radium 20k bulb eventually. But I am going to run with what I have for a few months.
I got a few pics today with the tank freshly cleaned (for my daughters Bday! 2 years old already!!!! Where does the time go?!?:) ), with my Kodak Easyshare. Still not the best pics, but a few good ones came out. I'm still waiting to get my nice camera back from my parents, and I'll post those when I get them.


I LOVE this Echno!:

Another one:

Top down:

Some SPS:

Squirt aka Fat Boy:
Maybe one more!!! ;) raen

blackthunda77 nice tank. Very clean look!

Reefscape15 your tank is looking awesome!! I can't wait for better pictures, that fish is sick! :)

damac20 Wine sales and corner tank, you must be pretty close to heaven! He he he.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15621733#post15621733 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reefscape15
Michael - Do you have any updated tank pics? It's been a while since I've seen any of your tank. Just curious:)

theres a few in my red house buddy, thanks for asking, the threads going well too, second split soon, and lots of active corner owners as well, jesse your tank has come a long way as well, its fantastic and the canopy looks brilliant, plenty of info for new corner owners in this thread for sure. we have lost 1 or 2 members who have decided to get a normal tank :lol: weirdos haha, jk guys your input has been great.
im also having space issues, i took the cabinet doors off so you lot can see how desperate for a sattelite cabinet i am lol



Thanks for the kind words everybody! Yes I like the fish as well, but makes for a difficult fish selection in a small reef tank. Anything smaller will be eaten, and almost everything larger won't fit into my tank. I rely on my new additions being complete jerks or lightning quick!

Blackthunda - Tank looks great! I like the open sand space in the front. Did Boret have any influence on that one?:)

Michael - I will check out your link soon. The pick you posted looks great though! Very nice and clean tank! And congrats on the almost 2nd split!!!! I was around for the first one, and am excited about the 2nd, and 3rd, and long till we get our own sticky?!?!?!?!