Tough call
Husky_1! I think the best bet is to look at tanks with different lights in person. When I first saw ROBZ's tank with 20K radiums I knew that was what I wanted. Before I was running 10k ushios on my 55 and getting good growth but the color wasn't there. This blue intensity and the pop of the fluorescence is unnatural, when you look at diving pics or videos the Ocean reefs are not as colorful as our tanks. But I like that look, I like the bluer tint over the reddish tint.
But it might be different for you. You are welcome to come over and see mine if you are ever in DC. That goes for you as well Jim, I know you visit the area often.... so next time stop by.
I couple of weeks ago I bought a 10k 24" VHO (Aquasun) by UV Lightning, and replaced one of the Super Actinics with it.... I hated the look. And it was just 1 of the VHO bulbs out of 4 and still, it made things pinkish.
As far as changing light bulbs, how long have you had the DE that you currently use? Might as well try to get as much out of it and then change to a SE. If you are getting growth and corals are healthy don't worry too much. Get a few months out of it, take your time finding good deals on reflector/ballast/bulb and go from there.
gawf4fun the compliment coming from you, the owner of "the" corner tank means a lot!!!

What white VHO do you use? I tried the aquasun but didn't like it.
Yeah, man, we have been very prolific lately in the thread, and the split has definitely helped. Good to have you back from vacation... now get back to work and start posting!!
As far as the blog. I think is a good idea, but it is time consuming to keep it up. Maybe we could try to organize some of the future postings while keeping the regular flow of comments, questions, etc. What I mean is the following:
We could do a weekly thing, where we ask everyone to post their pictures and setups and comments in one post about 1 subject. We could start with
Lighting and we can post the equipment we use, with pictures of the light fixture / DYI reflector, supplementation, etc.. and a FTS to see how it looks. All in one post per each of us. Then we can move to Canopies, Flow, Aquascape, Stands, Sumps, Refuges and Filtration.
Over the next few months we can collect all of the text and pictures , create a simple website and I will be glad to put it in my server.
What do you guys think?