I am no expert on paint Jim, so you should definitely ask at the auto paint place. Just remember that the bulbs get pretty hot and you have little ventilation on tanks as they sit inside the house. For all the trouble I really think is worth it to buy a used reflector. You have no idea how much more light you get out of a lightbulb with a good quality reflector. I bought mine used and it cost me 50 bucks. Same goes for you
Husky_1 you can buy it used. And if you can sell your double ended you should be set (maybe slight $ difference). There are a couple of things that I dislike of DE: No Radiums

, very delicate to replace (can't touch the bulb with fingers or your ruin it), and UV radiation requirin a glass pane between the bulb and the tank.
Thank you
Michael!!! I am so very happy that you like it. I am making the list of Livestock that I have (Fish, inverts and Corals) and it is looooong!!
I still would love for you guys to see it in person. I don't have the photo skills to get the colors and DEPTH of the corner tank. Most of the nicest corals are 12-15 inches behind the glass towards the center and it is very difficult to get a good, detail pic of them.
Today I had to trim a couple of corals for the first time since I set the tank up 5-6 month ago. The Green Bali Slimmer is growing like crazy!!!
I added a few things since I took those pics 2 weeks ago. I finally found a great looking Pink Yuma Ricordia that sits in the center. I also got 2 different BLUE bali slimers (which I have been after for a while), small frags, but if they do like the green they will be huge in no time. I cut the large pocillopora colony on the left in have and lowered it. I got a beautiful ORA Blue acropora (looks like a staghorn but thicker). I can easily have over 50 varieties of Corals!!!! not counting Zoanthins, I have 28 fish:
7 Anthias:
1 Male Lyretail
2 Female Lyretail
1 Female Barlett
3 Female Carberryi
6 Blue Chromies
1 Bicolor Pseudochromis
1 Purple Pseudochromis
4 Spotted Cardinalfish (Pajama)
1 Banggai Cardinalfish
1 Yellow Tang
1 Hippo Tang
1 Neon Goby
2 Ocellaris Clownfish (mated pair)
1 Fiji Blue Devil Damselfish (Yellow belly)
1 Diamond Watchman Goby
1 Six-Line Wrasse
7 Pepermint shrimp
2 Scarlet Skunk Cleaners
1 Harlequin Shrimp
1 Double head Cocoworm
1 Derasa Clam
1 Squamosa Clam
4 Maxima Clams
Still working on the coral list.