The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

Well, sounds like I may want to avoid this item. I want some nice flow in the tank with the least amount of cords as possible, and the less noise, the better. Tank is in the bedroom, and if there was a "click" that my wife and I had to hear every 10sec or so, it could get a little irritating. Well, if I take the SCWD out of the equation and just split the return into 2 eductors, what does everyone think of that plumbing plan?

Jesse - is the swine flu back, or do you just have a cold?
Not taking any chances. I ended up with a Sea Swirl on my return and love it. It's a little more expensive though.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15694615#post15694615 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gerryo
Hi Michael. . We here in Canada seem to be at least 6 months behind the US with the intro of new items.

yeah i know, they gotta have everything first:D
h-mm i was trying to add a blog, but it didnt work haha

ok edit:-

basically i was trying to add a blog about our corners etc, i was thinking perhaps we could make an article about our tanks and get the reefkeeping boys to put it in a future monthly addition, obviously it will have to be good, this blog is purely an example, it needs lots of dialogue and more thourough pictures etc, this is a first draft so you know what im thinking, please chip in and help me out here :D
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do you think we should ask the mods to change the name of the thread as well? maybe something like

"the reef central corner club thread"
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15694615#post15694615 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gerryo
Hi Michael. Yes, only 106 pages and I have read all of them.
This is the first time I have seen the SCWD short. We here in Canada seem to be at least 6 months behind the US with the intro of new items. Especially here in Ottawa area. Will try to keep up - if that is possible.

Hey Gerryo! Fellow Ovas'er...

SCWD's are found here... they are available thru a number of LFS's... I know that Ottawa Inverts can grab you one, but I'm sure others can as well.

I've not heard good things about them in the long-run... say two or more years down the road... they seem to go wonky (yeah, that's a technical term.. :) )... so install it where you can service it if necessary...

If you think we are far behind the US, look how far North America is behind Europe... Not saying all northamericas are behind, but as an average of system and methods, in general we are a few years back.. but hey, it's easier to improve a method than experiement and discover new ones... so let them do all the hard work, and we'll fix it up right later down the road ... HAHAHA (jk friends...just kidding)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15698158#post15698158 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Michael
h-mm i was trying to add a blog, but it didnt work haha

ok edit:-

basically i was trying to add a blog about our corners etc, i was thinking perhaps we could make an article about our tanks and get the reefkeeping boys to put it in a future monthly addition, obviously it will have to be good, this blog is purely an example, it needs lots of dialogue and more thourough pictures etc, this is a first draft so you know what im thinking, please chip in and help me out here :D

There are no photos of my system on this blog.. therefore it is completely inadequate and basically not really worth reading... LOL

This is a great start and way more than a skelleton. I would suggest that we find a way to move the discussion of this "blog"out of this thread and into a place dedicated for it... not sure where... but I'd like to see a proposed format (Table of Contents) and then we can look to getting various corner tank owners to voulenteer to fill in the descriptions... after a few peer-to-peer edits, we should have one heck of a blog... IMO anyhow..
great idea hook, i thought the little blog i stuck up would just be an example, obviously we all need to input info into it, i like the table of contents idea, i cant do this on my own, id suggest some of you guys join up to the rc blog, and then we can all input bits into it before deciding together what stays and goes
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15697728#post15697728 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reefscape15
Well, sounds like I may want to avoid this item. I want some nice flow in the tank with the least amount of cords as possible, and the less noise, the better. Tank is in the bedroom, and if there was a "click" that my wife and I had to hear every 10sec or so, it could get a little irritating. Well, if I take the SCWD out of the equation and just split the return into 2 eductors, what does everyone think of that plumbing plan?

Jesse - is the swine flu back, or do you just have a cold?

I cannot speak directly to the SCWD, as I've never had one or seen one first hand... splitting the return is a great idea for sure... but that also scares me... :)


Cause the return is simply to get clean water back to your Display. Nothing more. ( I know you know that, but I'm just speaking out loud here.. :) )

Splitting it, indicates your looking to create circulation and flow patterns with it. Not a bad thing, so long as you are simply augmenting the good flow & circulation you already have...

Additionally, through my additional research I've come to believe that the flow thru the sump should be around 250 - 350gph... Not based upon your tank size, but simpy based upon the size of the skimmer.

Your skimmer? yeah, your Skimmer... But what? Your crazy you damn silly canadian, must be the maple suryp and rye...

maybe so, hickup, but think about this... Skimmers have a rating on them. They are rated for a target volume system size.

The question to ask is, "how did those companies get those ratings?". What are they based on.

When talking to compaines like Bubble King, MRC, Deltec, etc, the ones with actual engineers, not chinese knockoffs, they have test-spec's that they use to publish those numbers, and they all have a sump-turn-over rate of aroundd 300gph. (this is second hand info to me from someone who claims to have done the phoen-calling, whom I believe).

This allows the skimmer to skim out the organics at peak efficency before returning the water to the DT.

If we run 2000gph thru the sump, for a skimmer rated at 400gallons system size, and that same skimmer expects 300gph, how effective will that skimmer be? Likely not as effective...

What does it all mean to me? (the question reefscape is bound to be asking by this point)

As for your design of splitting the return, if your only splitting 300gph, will it even make a difference at 150gph per outlet in your system, and therefore do you want to go thru the work?

Fine, so you got some theory there boy from the frozen north... so what does that have to do with me...

well, nothing actually... its just info... :) the more you have the better armed you are... take it for what its worth, or more accurately what it cost you to gather... ;) However, my system has been reduced to ~300gph turnover, i've also stoped surface agitation from the circ pumps, and created a flow pattern that directs the general flow from the bottom of the tank, up and around (the front of the glass) to push the "oil slick" to the surface skimming overflow...


PS: If you were building a closed loop system for flow using this design, and somehow I've re-interpreted what you wrote to mean the return from your sump... then you have been hit by a wall of text that is almost meaningless for your scenario... it still crits you for 10,000,000... ;)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15698373#post15698373 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Michael
great idea hook, i thought the little blog i stuck up would just be an example, obviously we all need to input info into it, i like the table of contents idea, i cant do this on my own, id suggest some of you guys join up to the rc blog, and then we can all input bits into it before deciding together what stays and goes

I was able to get a blog setup, but i am not able to edit/add content from work.. which will severly limit my ability to add content.. haha..

I have a start of an article on basic aquarium setup that I would like you all to read and consider as the introduction to our blog. I think that anyone looking at our corner tank blog/article will most likely need some basic how to setup an aquiarum advise as well.

Either way, it's something to read.. :)
How do you guys keep from having sand storm I have a 2 k1s and 1 modded MJ 1200 I have the k1s aimed at each other and the MJ aimed up at the surface and it stirs up the sand alot
How do you guys keep from having sand storm I have a 2 k1s and 1 modded MJ 1200 I have the k1s aimed at each other and the MJ aimed up at the surface and it stirs up the sand alot
I have 2 K4s aimed at each other in my 54 and I only have issues with the left corner of the tank. For me I just keep the powerheads pretty close to the surface. Mine are about 2 inches from the surface of the water.
I went with 2 modded 900's facing each other about 4 inches from the surface. I also put 2 K1's in the corners a couple inches down pointed at the surface.
maybe I should add another MJ to diffuse the other one.. the one in there now is aimed up hanging on the overflow at the center of the tank and just rolls down the front and stirs up the sand sorry for the double post BTW
My MJ's are not pointed at the surface. These are my main flow. I later added the K1's to point at the surface and help mix the flow of my sea swirl that's on the overflow box.
Both my powerheads are pointed kinda towards each other, going over the top of the rock work, sort of down towards the center of the tank.