Hello guys!!! A week gone on a business trip and there is already quite a bit to catch up!!!
Michael I like the blog and will try to help. The ToC is a must to get info organized.
I love the idea to ask the mods to change the name of the thread to better represent and help ID its content to RC users, without excluding any non corner users as it kind of does now.

I like a lot of
Hookup's ideas but I think that we should try to focus on the corner tanks and stay away from general new to reefing info. All the tidbits of useful information will still percolate from the blog, and much of that information will be invaluable to newbie but we need to focus on the corner tanks, otherwise we might make it a huge repository of data, not very user friendly. (It is just my opinion

gerryo I have an older 3/4" SCWD spliting the return into my frag tank with eductors at each end. As far as flow I get plenty with the eductors, and I am probably running 400-500 gph, but the SCWD just doesn't work properly. It is an older unit, that can't be taken apart, and even though I soaked it in vinegar for over a week I still think it has some buildup that clogs the internals because it gets stuck in one output without switching. I need to tap it with a hammer to get it to switch, it does so for a couple of cycles and gets stuck again. Great idea... fairly short lifespan... maybe poor design. I won't use it again. However, the new ones might be better... there are a couple of systems out there, like the
wav valve that I might try.
A lot of you use several powerheads inside the tank to produce decent and random flow.... do you dislike the Close Loop idea??
You can have a Close Loop with some PVC pipes and without drilling a single hole in the glass (I still prefer to drill but it is doable without drilling). I understand that it is easier to keep adding powerheads, you don't have to remove anything from inside the tank to place them but... they add heat to the system, the more you add the less natural look out of the tank, and you just have a lot of parts to fail and to maintain adding to the chores. At some point I would love to talk about how nice is to have the close loop and it is really not that difficult to setup. Mine cost about $100-120 including external pump, loc-line adapters, pvc and drill bit.
Michael I don't know if you are aware but there is a mod for the Tunzes that makes the 9025s as powerful as the 9045s and it is not that difficult to make. All you do is dremel some plastic off the front plastic piece. You can find the thread
HERE. If it does that to the 9025 I can't imagine the flow increase you might get out of modding the 9045!!! You are supposed to increase from 660 gph to 1200+gph.
I have done it in my tunzes and I can tell that there is a very noticeable increase in flow, but I don't have the tools to measure if it is indeed 1200+.
Also, one little piece of advice (little trick many of you might know already), if you have trouble finding info on RC, you can try this simple trick: add "site:reefcentral.com" to all of your searches in google and it will match results from RC only.