The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

I think corals look the best when you use a combo of mh t5 actinic and powerbrites. the powerbrites really add that extra pop when used with actinics
I had a quick question about lighting as well.

I have a 150w double ended MH 14,000k bulb. I was looking at this LED setup for supplemental lighting:

I kind of like these because they are 12 inches so they fit in my canopy and have low heat output. I would like to turn these on a few hours before and after my MH cycle.

Thoughts? And what color? (10,000k Daylight, 460nm Actinic, or a 10,000k/Actinic combination)
bzuber - Those are the Powerbrites that they were talking about. I would go with the all actinic ones. Maybe you could do 2 or 3 of them. They get kinda pricey, but definately give off a very nice color and some extra shimmer.
here is how I have my powerbrites mounted in my canopy

Shot with SCH-i910 at 2009-08-29[/IMG]
The two on the sides pivot so I can move them to target the light on certain corals if I want to.
Here is an update on my corner. Thanks again for all the great ideas here.

Have the sump mostly set up and water running. Ended up with the Eshopps ADV-100.
Left the stand at 28" tall. It is right next to my computer desk and is perfect while sitting. Also a good height for the grandkids. Our 90 is 38 and need a ladder to do anything inside.
The ASM skimmer i planned on using has too big a footprint so back looking for the best bang for the buck that will fit 9.5 X 10 box.
Gonna steal the idea of using plexiglass rods but UPS has lost them and waiting for replacements. Should start working on our rock soon.
Gonna run a float valve in the sump hooked up to the ro filter. Have a similar setup going to our makeup tank on the 90 and have run for about 6 months so far with no problems.

A couple of pics ... should get better in a couple of months :D
Thanks for the clarification reefscape15 and advice on which color.

After looking at damac20's photos I am definitely going to go this route, thanks for the pix. It looks like you have the all actinic option. Once I make the purchase, I may pm you on how you designed your lights to pivot.
Thanks, I will continue to use my actinics. I think this is good to hear. I may have to "invest" in my viewing pleasure.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15682320#post15682320 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by damac20
I think corals look the best when you use a combo of mh t5 actinic and powerbrites. the powerbrites really add that extra pop when used with actinics
Just an FTI Dr. smith and fosters has them on sale for their summer sale. I found it to be much cheaper than most online retailers and about $70 less than LFS's around me.
a little update about my tank, i took the koralia 1powerhead i had out of the tank and threw it as far as i could:D i think it hit next doors green house, anyhow ive had a move about with my flow, i have a tunze 6045 in the rear corner now aiming at the top and front glass, 2 tunze 6025s, 1 each side of the tank half way down and pointing towards each other, and 3 koralia 2 aimed directly at the reef wall, i also have 2 maxi jet 1200s at low level pushing water away from the back of the reef wall, 8 phs in all haha:lol:

its moving in there now, long term the 3 k2s are going to end up in next doors garden as the k1 did, and im going to replace the 3 of them with another 2 6025s:)
Jeez Michael! Thats a ton of flow! I also am going to be bumping up my flow quite a bit. I've been looking at some different powerheads, and have been weighing my options. I have only ran Korallias so far, and am thinking of trying something different. I've been looking at a new CoralVue Dual Prop powerhead thats rated at 1500gph, and kind of split between 2 Korallia type outlets. Also, I've been thinking about just adding 2 Taam Seio Prop powerheads that already have a magnetic, adjustable mount and I'd be adding 2 of the 1000gph ones. That would bring my total in tank flow up to 3200gph with the Seio pumps, or about 2800gph with the Coralvue pump. Also, once I finish my sump I'll be splitting the return and adding 2 eductors to blast some water behind the rocks. A Mag-5 will most likely be used as return pump, which is rated at 500gph at 5'. Hopefully the eductors will add a bit of flow, but I've never had any experiance with these.
So, for my sump plumbing, I've had some ideas. 7" wide DIY overflow with a 1" drain into the skimmer section of my sump. This will flow into a fuge section, and then into the return pump section. My plan is to use a Mag-5 and run 3/4" pipe up and over the back corner of the tank. I'd like to try a SCWD that is routed to 2 seperate 3/4? eductors. I'd like to get the return pipe down in my tank low enough that the SCWD would be hidden from view. The way I'm planning, the SCWD would have to be placed in the tank upside down, and I'm not sure if this would make a difference. Also, by mounting this inside the tank, I'm hoping that it will reduce some of the noise. I know Jesse took his out due to niose, but for only $17, I figure it's worth a try.
You guys and your shortforms. Us noobies can't keeo up to all this. This is in the NEW TO THE HOBBIE thread isn't it?

WHAT IS A "SCWD"???????
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15693462#post15693462 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gerryo
You guys and your shortforms. Us noobies can't keeo up to all this. This is in the NEW TO THE HOBBIE thread isn't it?

WHAT IS A "SCWD"???????

:lol: hi-gerro, yep only 106 pages to read now
Thanx reefscape. I like the idea of having a "squid" in my tank.

Do you know if they are available in Canada? Or does anyone else know?
Hi Michael. Yes, only 106 pages and I have read all of them.
This is the first time I have seen the SCWD short. We here in Canada seem to be at least 6 months behind the US with the intro of new items. Especially here in Ottawa area. Will try to keep up - if that is possible.
I'm not sure if they are available up there or not. But they have been around in the states for at least a few years now. I'm hoping that Jesse will chime in soon on his thoughts about them!
gerryo, let me check with a friend of mine. He' has a store in Toronto area. They do make a little noise, which is why I removed mine. If you can, go with the one inch model. They supposedly last longer.
I have a SQWD on mine with a mag 9.5 and it really killed the flow I have the 3/4 model Iam thinking of putting it on a closed loop with a much lager pump