The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

Very cool! I do know what you (and your wife) mean about doing the DIY's for the tank. It is a nice feeling knowing that once you paint/glue/screw your final piece on, that you are pretty much done! When you glue a frag down, it's never done growing, and will never be done trimming it! I'm looking forward to seeing the addition of the Ozone on your tank! My brother-in-law uses it and swears by it. Im interested in seeing just what is involved in running it, as I will be switching to in-sump skimmer sometime in the future, and would like to inject ozone if the outcome is worth it.
140gal corner question

140gal corner question

I have a question for ya'll. I am looking into a 140gal 1/4cylinder corner tank from these guys. Please let me know your experiences and what ya'll think. I'm just purchasing the tank not the stand.
i think 36" height will be tough to light. Plus you will have to get your upper body inside the tank to reach the bottom.

My 92 is 24" and I get about 250 par at the bottom with a 400W MH.

I think I like the 155 better. 30" of height is plenty and I believe it is more manageable.

Of course... it all depends on what it is you want to put in the tank. Fish could care less for light the same with some softies, sponges, etc. But if you want to do SPS or light hungry corals height will be an issue. I think you might need to go into the 1000w MH realm. At which point you will have to also look into a cooling solution.

With the size of those tanks you are looking at least at 2 MH reflectors to cover the whole thing, I would be surprise if you can get that kind of light penetration with T5s.

Other than that... the only thing to keep in mind is the challenges inherent to corner tanks. Proper water flow, though achievable, requires some planning. Most of the solutions out there are directed at rectangular tanks.

What are your concerns?
some of my main concerns you addressed. i was planning on keeping sps up higher in the tank. but i guess cleaning is going to be a pain. i will take another look at the 155. i was also curious if anyone had ppurchase a tank from them
Tight fit, but my recently added reactor fits per perfect.



I haven't been through the whole thread. I mean 3 splits?!?!? I was looking for ideas, because one guy in my local club thinks the low flow under the rocks will create a waste collection point. My overflow has a double wall with grates at the top and bottom, so I'm pretty sure I'm getting flow through my rocks.

Anyway here's my entry into the corner club. It's a 55 gal that will be mostly LPS, zoo/paly, and softy tank. It's not the extra care involved with sps, I just don't see too many I like. Although I would like to get my hands on a frag of oregon tort, maybe some hollywood stunner chalice. But I digress.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Full tank shot 1"></a>

Previous owner works for GE and got transferred, so I got all this for $400:

55g corner tank
20g sump/mini-fuge
175w MH 20k ushio bulb w/ GE 150/175 ballast
Rio 2100 return pump
2-Rio powerheads (not used)
Custom white stand and canopy built by Joe at Fish World in Richmond, VA
Coralife 24GPD RO unit
Excalibur skimmer (not used)
40lbs LR/20lbs LS
Coralife ATO with ViaAqua 180
Misc parts and pieces (5-yo tank, use your imagination)

From my BC14:

30lbs LS (I only used 20, had the other 10 sitting in the stand)
15lbs LR
Flametail blennie
3 Astreas
1 Nassarius
1 Blue leg hermit
Unkown ceriths (bought four, they bred)
Half a dozen small zoo/paly colonies (or big frags)
One ricordea
Wild acro colony
Red mushrooms
2-acan frags (2 heads each, almost died under the 70w k-2 Viper, coming back nicely under the 175)
Cheap wal mart power head (originally used for mixing w/c)
Koralia Nano (not used yet)
Tunze Nano skimmer (not used yet, bubble machine)

Added in last week
20lbs LR (mostly rubble to fill in behind rock work and in fuge)
Powersweep power head (will be replaced, this thing is pathetic)
Skunk cleaner shrimp (hides all the time)
Royal gramma (hides even more)
Wheeler's shrimp goby

Future plans:
3 or 4 chromises (this weekend)
Tiger tail cuke
Red mandarin
Blue maxima clam
Some type of angel (I'm already cringing, but my gf and I both want one)
Corals, corals, corals
Koralia wavemaker system (unless you guys can think of anything that will work better in this unusually shaped tank)

Thanks for looking.
likwidglostiks - $400 for all that stuff? Good deal! My tank and stand was $425, and it wasn't even a reef ready! Anyways, it does look like your rockwork is a little "tight" if that makes any sense. it's hard to tell from the pic, but you should deffinately try to keep the inside of the rocks with as many spaces and passages as you can. I don't have any experience with the controllable Korallia powerheads, but I do like the standard ones. having controllable powerheads is really not a necessity, but it makes it easier to get the random flow patterns that we all look for. If you get a few higher flow powerheads and just take the time to get them aimed correctly, you can achieve the random flow without spending a small fortune on controllers and such.
I forgot to touch on the future plans for your tank. I would try to avoid the Cucumber till your sand has been established for at least a year or so. Same goes for the Mandarin; one year minimum for your tank to mature. Also, in a tank as small as a 54gal, I would avoid putting a Cucumber and Mandarin in the same tank. The Mandarin will need a heavy supply of live pods to survive, and even though the Cucumber will mostly clean up detritus and stir the sand, it will also be consuming some pods on its way around the tank. I don't feel that a 54gal would be large enough to support both animals at the same time.

You also mentioned an Angel being added to your tank. I have had 3 different ones in my 54gal, and they have been my favorite fish that i've ever kept! My personal experience includes a False Lemonpeel, Rusty, and Bi-Color Dwarf Angels. The best one for me was the False Lemonpeel. It was always out and about in the tank, never picked on a single coral, and almost completely rid my tank of algae! I brought home a Rusty Angel to give that one some company, and it ended up that the Rusty had a fungus which ended up taking out both angels. Now I have a Bi-Color and it's not really the best fish. It is kind of skittish and doesn't really take much care of the algae. Also, it picks at my Kenya Tree and Purple Anthellia quite a bit. They are both very resilliant corals, so it's nothing that I worry about, but if it starts picking on anything else it's outta there!

The following Angels are listed in the order of what I would consider the best, down to not as good which would be suitable for your tank:

Lamarck's Angel - Safest around corals and pretty hardy

Japanese Swallowtail Angel - Poor shippers, but hardy after they become settled.

Masked Swallowtail Angel - If u don't mind paying, they are a great fish.

Atlantic Pygmy Angel (Cherub Angel) - Very hardy and safe

Flameback Angel (African or Brazillian) - Same as above, but just slightly less hardy and about twice the cost

Most other Pygmy Angels will usually be good for a reef tank, but you do run the risk of them getting a taste for corals. It's not uncommon for any Angel to have a taste every now and then, but most likely that is all it will end up being. Some of them however, will take a bite and then never stop! Avoid any of the cryptic Angels - Golden Pygmy and Potters - as for some reason they do not have a very good survival rate.

I think that's about all I can think of for now. I am a huge fan of Angelfish, and they have been a great addition to my tank. Let me know if you have anymore questions on them and i'll try to help however I can.
I know it looks like that in the pic. There is a series of caves in there. I stacked a couple layers of the face, then filled in with rubble. Lather, rinse, repeat and voila! The goby gets from one side to the other just fine along the bottom. The cleaner shrimp went in at the bottom left and I've seen his antennae in the top right near the grammas hiding spot.
The rocks and sand were seeded with what I moved from my one year old BC14. I'm thinking about six months for the mandy. I'm sure I lost some pods in the move, but I've seen a bunch of amphipods crawling around at night. As for copeopods, my eyes aren't that good. I never thought of a cuke consuming pods, but I know what you mean. My old roommate in FL had one and watching him feed was too cool, although they do just stick their frawns (?) out at eat whatever sticks to 'em.
Yeah they are pretty cool to watch. I'd just be concerned about the Mandarin being left with not enough pods. I'd say that 6 months would be a very safe amount of time seeing how you have used existing sand and some rock. In terms of your corals, which way are you planning on going? SPS, LPS, Mixed? Just curious.
Mostly LPS just because I like to see the polyps without a magnifying glass. I've got one wild acro colony on a ric rock I bought a while back. It's a mix of encrusting and branching. It was brown, but now it's turning green under the brighter light. I like my acans and calaustrea better. I'd like to pick up some frospawn or hammer as I've seen an ocellaris and a black clown hosting it. Both in the same tank. Maybe a leather, duncan, scolymia, more rics, and oregon tort. I don't really have a plan, I'm just gonna go with what grabs me. There was an article in RK a while back that took away my perception of "SPS"/"LPS" since they all grow next to each other on the reef in the wild.
I know what you mean. I've always tried to keep my tank truely mixed, but it is a little bit tough at times. I have more LPS right now, but i'm in the works of adding a few more soft corals and SPS to keep it mixed. I love the textures that come with SPS, the insane color combos that you get with LPS, and the flowing movement of Softies.
Just a few more pics off my phone.

Totally hamming it up for the camera!

Serpent Star and Left Handed Hermet

Crappy pic, but my SPS frags

Sad story.......I had those frags on the rack way up in the top of my tank, and it ended up falling all the way to the bottom!!!! I still have yet to find a small frag of Chip's Acro, Lime Green Millie, Pink Pocillapora, and Purple Base Encrusting Monti. It's an extra bummer, because there was another local reefer who was going to trade me some nice SPS for that frag of Chips. Oh well I guess. We all live and learn huh?
Some more pics.....

Bubblegum Echno frag

Eagle Eye Zoas

Some Zoas (i don't know what the orange and purple ones are), then RDE's, Green and Pink Paly's, and a very small Kenya Tree frag
I love that green angler. He ever give you any trouble? My gf thinks I'm crazy but I'd like to get one, I'm just worried about losing fish.

I wish my phone took pics that good.
I like him too, but yes he has given me a good deal of headaches! When I added him into my old 20gal, he only took about a week before he polished off a 3" Black Saddleback Clown, 2.5" Yellow Watchmen Goby, and 1.5" Ocellaris Clown. Somehow my 3" Bi-Color Pseudochromis is either mean enough or fast enough to avoid becoming a snack. They have been housed together for over a year and a half now. I've never had the Angler even try to go for any of my Angels. He did also eat a 3.5-4" Maroon Clown just a couple months ago. It's very frustrating to spend money on a fish like that and then have it be gone the following morning. If I had the room, which might just come available to me soon, i'd set up my old 20gal just for the Angler.

The phone is a LG Dare. 3.2 megapixel camera was one of the major selling points for me.:)
Hey all,
I've decided to throw in the towel. Several years ago I kept SW fish with no problems, but since getting my tank early this year I have killed every fish I put in. Most recent death is a flame angel, he was in QT for about a month, looked great, acclimated him to the DT and it's been about a week now and he's swimming around like he's blind and all of his colors have faded, very pale. I've seen it before so don't expect him to last more than 2 days or so.
Anyway, I'm out. Was wondering if you guys knew of anyone in Texas looking for a 92g corner tank. Figured I would offer it up here 1st since this is the corner thread and everyones been so kind to me before listing it up on craigslist. If anyone does just send me a message. Thanks guys.
sorry to hear this bad news, ammonia is normally why fish fade and perish, perhaps your filtration isnt mature enough for fish, anyhow, whatever you decide, the very best of luck, all the best :)