So I had a little bit of free time this weekend and did a couple of projects.
First I placed the Calcium reactor in a more convenient place. I used to have the CO2 tank underneath the sump and it made it very difficult to adjust. The Ca Reactor was also kind of tough to access and it was time to add media. I decided to clean it as well and end up placing everything on a better location.
I also replaced the Aqualifter pump with a peristaltic pump.
This is what it looks like now:
This is how I control reactor, by measuring pH of the effluent:
I use a plastic container with a plastic lid. It is one of those they sell to hold screws in a peg board. I drilled 2 holes in the top to have the Ca Reactor effluent tube and to place the pH probe.
I then drilled several smalls holes in the container, about halfway up, so there will be about an inch and a half of liquid and the probe can measure the pH.
The second project (...still a work in progress) is a
Sulfur Reactor.
I read this DIY article: and decided that this was pretty straight forward.
Here the final result:
I still need to test for leaks and get the media. I haven't found a LFS that sells the Sulfur media, so I will have to order online. This is the media I need:
The Sulfur Reactor it's supposed to be a great device to fight Nitrates. I have mine around 10ppm so it is not a huge issue. It is the biproduct of the reactor that I am interested in. The effluent of the sulfur reactor
will lower Alk. Mine is hovering above 12-13 dKh. I keep loosing Zoas and I think it is due to high alkalinity.