The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

Yea, but do you have three phase power to push a 30 hp motor???

Seriosly though, it's quieter than most fish stores I've been in. It's problem is it has water cooled berrings. Also I'd imagine it would cost a small fortune to run full time!!!!
Hey hey all. Been a little while since I posted. Just got married woohoo! The wife and I had a small wedding on a beach in Hawaii so been crazy busy. Not much good going with the tank right now, think it's pretty safe to say my first attempt into sps was a disaster. Looks like all but 1 of the 15 frags are dead. Was my first attempt so knee I'd have losses but this was a little more than I expected so quickly.
What's more perplexing is that I've decided I no longer actually have a "corner" tank. I have somehow imported the Bermuda triangle into my living room. Not nearly as cool as it sounds though. I have had 3 of 4 clown fish go MIA to never be found. After each 1 disappears the tank has been practically taken apart. The sump has fully been ripped out searched, rockwork taken out and searched. Don't have any fish that could have eaten them as the clowns were the only things in the tank. (not all 4 at once btw). They were pairs. Nothing on the floor around from them jumping. It's the strangest thing, always had best of luck with clowns but now they keep getting abducted. Weird!
this is NOT my tank (i wish some day mine will look like this =) it belongs to a friend of mine he might have shared with u guys but sure he hasnt put up new pics ....these were taking on a shitty cell phone camera about a month ago... The owner of the tank in on here his member name is Phishguy







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Jesse - That's got to be pretty nice to have no drive to work! And all the tools are a business write off. Do you have a crew of maintenance employees or is it just you? One of my more recent jobs was to power up 8 different pumping stations which provide water to a smaller town and some of the Corning Inc. complex. There was 6 50hp motors, and 2 30hp. We used VFD's (variable frequency drives), and had to keep most of them running at about 50hertz because at the standard 60hertz, it would be pumping too much water. It was pretty interesting to really see how much water you can flow.

I have thought about an external skimmer, but having something outside a sump kinda worries me about potential leaks. My friend has a 26gal bowfront, and I think I would be able to fit that underneath the stand, and then have a tall, narrow container for my ATO resivior.
Here's a few updated pics. Still from my phone cause I didn't get my camera back from my parents yet:(


he's a badass-

Maybe my favorite coral: Bubble Gum Echnopora-

Or this one: Acan Echinatta Orange Crush-

FTS actinic-
Ok it's been 2 days. I'll try again. GO YANKEES!!!!!! YAY!!! Being sober can have it's perks!:) But anyways, i'm going to the hardware store to get some eggcrate type stuff to make a frag rack or two, then FRAG TIME! I'll try to get some pics of what I get chopped up tonight.
Ok it's been 2 days. I'll try again. GO YANKEES!!!!!! YAY!!! Being sober can have it's perks!:) But anyways, i'm going to the hardware store to get some eggcrate type stuff to make a frag rack or two, then FRAG TIME! I'll try to get some pics of what I get chopped up tonight.

Thanks! I haven't had the time to mess around in it lately, but it's been growing out pretty well. SPS are gonna get fragged tonight! I got some LPS and Zoas broken up earlier this week and mounted. Hopefully they'll start covering up the glue soon so I can serve them up for trade or sale.
So I had a little bit of free time this weekend and did a couple of projects.

First I placed the Calcium reactor in a more convenient place. I used to have the CO2 tank underneath the sump and it made it very difficult to adjust. The Ca Reactor was also kind of tough to access and it was time to add media. I decided to clean it as well and end up placing everything on a better location.

I also replaced the Aqualifter pump with a peristaltic pump.

This is what it looks like now:


This is how I control reactor, by measuring pH of the effluent:


I use a plastic container with a plastic lid. It is one of those they sell to hold screws in a peg board. I drilled 2 holes in the top to have the Ca Reactor effluent tube and to place the pH probe.

I then drilled several smalls holes in the container, about halfway up, so there will be about an inch and a half of liquid and the probe can measure the pH.

The second project (...still a work in progress) is a Sulfur Reactor.
I read this DIY article: and decided that this was pretty straight forward.

Here the final result:


I still need to test for leaks and get the media. I haven't found a LFS that sells the Sulfur media, so I will have to order online. This is the media I need:


The Sulfur Reactor it's supposed to be a great device to fight Nitrates. I have mine around 10ppm so it is not a huge issue. It is the biproduct of the reactor that I am interested in. The effluent of the sulfur reactor will lower Alk. Mine is hovering above 12-13 dKh. I keep loosing Zoas and I think it is due to high alkalinity.
Man boret! You just never stop with the projects huh? It seems very well worth it though. Your tank hasn't been up all that long, and you have amazing growth and a nice, full tank!
Thanks Jim. LOL it's funny you mentioned about the "projects", my wife says I enjoy building devices and setting things up more than the tank itself.... I think she is absolutely right. I think it is part of the instant gratification that you can never get out of the hobby. Patience is paramount, and building things only requires you to wait for the glue/pvc cement to dry.

I also added a UV Light (25W) and I can already tell that the water is way more clear.
I can't wait until my buddy is done with the Ozone Reactor. I've seen it and it looks great. He is doing some testing. Once he is done I will add it to my system. It is going to be sweet.