The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

I cannot say for 100% sure, but with two MP40s from EchoTech I had a wave in mine... no problems... in fact, I promise I could have spilled water... There was a YOUTUBE vid I posted on it somewhere back in this thread... I've since sold the ECHOTECH's and have almost completed by 180g upgrade...

I know the principal is different, but I think if you mounted it right in the back, at the corner, it would make a wave.
Hey Jbird, just read your build thread. Looking super! I wish that I'd had your experience prior to designing my own sump and equipment layout. In retrospect, I would have loved to configure an in-sump skimmer. I've subsribed and I'm sure I'll pick up some pointers to apply to my own 180 gallon corner which is here in Oregon as well, Lake Oswego. Where are you located?

sorry I didnt se your post. I am down in Medford. Thanks for taggin along. The build thread is gonna liven up as I got the tank today and made the transfer. WOW! What a big day! I feel like Ive created a monster. Its way bigger than I expected and WAY bigger than my wife expected. I hope Im still alive to keep the build thread goin! LOL
Here are some shots of my new 120g corner tank!




You can see my build here...
WOW Jbird! Up and running already! It looks awesome! Did you move everything from your 50gal into the 120 or is the 50 still up and running? I recognize the SPS cluster from your old tank. Looking forward to future additions.
Hi folks.
Iv'e only just found this particular section for corner tank owners, brilliant !
As a corner tank owner myself, it's nice to see how other owners overcome problems in their tanks, and in particular it's just nice to see corner tank pictures.
I love it.
WOW Jbird! Up and running already! It looks awesome! Did you move everything from your 50gal into the 120 or is the 50 still up and running? I recognize the SPS cluster from your old tank. Looking forward to future additions.

Hi Jim.

I moved everything over and built a sump out of the 50g.

Things are moving along quite smoothly now. I cant seem to keep my hands off it cause its just so cool! I know things will be a lot happier once I can leave it alone. LOL

Heres my newest addition. A pair of ORA true percs.


And because I love this peice, heres a top down from today.

Very nice tangers! Being a contractor, I see a lot of houses. Every one I look around to see a good spot for a tank. LOL. Some of the best locations Ive seen have been wood stove yours. I love it! Great aquascape btw.
Thanks jbird! Yeah, funny how when we were looking for houses that was the first thing we looked for when we were looking at houses! The realtor thought we were crazy!
Tangers - The tank is really coming along! Looking like your getting it stocked pretty well, and I definitely love all the fish you have in there.
Im looking for some suggestions for flow in my corner tank. It is 120g and I am running 2 k4s and 2 k3s and my RP is a quietone with head loss Im at about 750gph.

Heres a photo of the powerhead arrangment.


My problem Im having is the sand is getting scoured away in the front center of the tank. Theres actually bare bottom tight there now. Also at the very far side corners of the tank, down low, the flow is pretty gentle. Im curous how you guys with relatively high flow and sand beds have your power heads arranged. I would like to avoid placing the koralias deep in the tank if possible. I dont like the look of the cord extending up from it.

I've found if you point them up for the first few months, gradually the sand will pack in and you can lower them little by little. At least that worked for me.
Voldemort - Welcome to the thread! What tank are you running? Any pictures to post?

Jbird - I love the shot above with the sunlight pouring through the side of the tank. Is the bottom glass of your tank sitting right on the stand with no bottom brace?
I've found if you point them up for the first few months, gradually the sand will pack in and you can lower them little by little. At least that worked for me.

Hmmm Interesting. I will need to drop them a bit lower to point them up. Theyre current position is causing quite a lot of surface comotion. I may try it tho if it works out like you said. Thanks!

Jbird - I love the shot above with the sunlight pouring through the side of the tank. Is the bottom glass of your tank sitting right on the stand with no bottom brace?

Thanks Jim! The tank is acrylic and its sitting on a sheet of foam which is on 3/4 plywood. I used the foam cause the surface of the stand wasnt perfect. I have since added some moulding there to hide it...
AHHH I see!!! Can I ask why acrylic? Was it a custom made tank or is that a standard size? The only reason I ask is because I was considering an acrylic, but having small kids and a dog turned me away from it.
Yeah, I had it custom designed for this corner. Also my build has been a straight trade with a local acrylic tank builder. Im doing some work for him and in return he built me the tank, outfitted it with the equipment and the project is open ended, so I will continue to earn credit with him. He ownes the local reef shop.

If I had to pay for this system theres no way I could have afforded it.
Where can I see more photos of this system? I love the look of plating corals and this is spectacular... It's wonderful!

i agree, wow, its outstanding

Wow, its been a while since going through this thread. After all the holidays i guess i kinda dropped the ball.

thanks hookup, thanks michael. I appreciate the compliments. Its nice to get them after the hard work we put in. i will try to get some more details for you guys as well as pics over the weekend. im actually going to the parents house this weekend to finally get working on the canopy. its a 54 gal system thats plumbed into a 55 gal sump with a drain section, a skimmer/liverock section, a refugium/frag section, and then the return section. i does homemade 2 part, and runa reactor with phonban and carbon. hmm what else can i say.....still awork in progress, some of my "sticks" are not colored up to my liking. although the plates are doing great.
Jbird - Man you must really be doing quite a bit of work for him! I couldn't imagine having to front the cash for a system like that. Are you doing wood work for him? Very nice that you found a deal like that.
mostly woodwork and some tile. Unfortunately (for me) he can set tile, Id be able to earn a lot more credit a lot quicker if I could do all his tile. Tile is my main specialty now after 22 years in construction.