The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

I had been dreaming of an upgrade fro quite a while. Just couldnt afford it and didnt have the space. When this opportunity presented itself, I was all over it! Not only could I afford it, I could have the tank built any way I wanted to fit my needs.

Im probably a couple weeks away from adding my two new tangs (powder brown and hawaiian yellow) I can hardly stand it. I keep hearing Tom Petty whisper "The waiting is the hardest part"
Thats awesome about adding the Tangs! I am a fan of the Powder Browns, and it's nice to see them in a nice tank instead of a Powder Blue for a change. What other fish do you have right now? I've been stuck with a Wartskin Angler in my tank for about a year and a half now, and I can't WAIT to get rid of it and start getting some different fish.

I'm planning somewhat of a change for my tank over the next year or so. I'm picking up a bunch more sand from a friends old tank and get the depth up to about 3" or 4". I'm in the works of building a canopy and overflow/sump which will most likely house a SWC 160 or 200 skimmer. Depending on how large of a sump I can fit under that corner stand, I'll be either taking my HOB fuge off and putting the contents into the sump, or just leaving it on the tank. More flow probably from 2 K4's, and a reactor running Chemipure Elite should be all the filtration I'd ever need for 54gal. I'll be adding up to 15 12volt LED's in blue and purple once the canopy is ready to be drilled. A DIY reflector for a 250watt MH and 2 T-5's on each back side of the tank with individual reflectors. I'm still debating adding another 2 T-5's across the front, but I'll have to wait and see how the layout of everything else goes.

As for corals, I have a pretty true "mixed" reef, with a fairly even number of SPS, LPS, Zoas, and Softies/Shrooms. I'm planning to add a few more soft corals (definitely a Toadstool), and hopefully picking up some more SPS frags soon. Whenever I can get the Angler out, I'd like to take out my Bi-Color Angel and Bi-Color Pseudo and start fresh with fish. A Neon Goby pair, Hector's or Court Jester's Goby, Kole or Tomini Tang, and 3-5 juvi Tomato Clowns. With the Angler gone, I'll be able to get a shrimp and Acro crab, and a Sea Hare to keep the algae down.

Hopefully all of these events will take place soon and I can start getting the tank cleaned up and finally the way I want it........But I too can hear the words of Tom Petty :)
Jim it sounds like the future for your tank is exciting! I tried a bicolored angel and he ended up taking a couple swipes at corals and I immediately removed him. my lfs (the other one) that sold it to me said if he didnt work out he would give me 100% credit for him. I took it back and within a day I wanted him back again. LOL. He was just gorgeous with the coolest disposition. I tried to tell myself maybe he was jsut sampling my corals and wouldnt hurt em and I over reacted. I just think the bi-color is one of prettiest fish in the trade. Wish I could confidently house one, Id do it in a heartbeat.

My current livestock...

1 blue hippo, about 3"
1 royal gramma, 2"
2 young clowns (true percs of picassos, positive ID pending)
1 cleaner shrimp
1 harlequin shrimp

Its a great feeling to have a tank with lots of room and few fish! Cant wait to stock it up!

Along with the 2 tangs Ive ordered I am wanting a flashers wrasse as well.

My LFS guy will order and copper treat my tangs for me for 2 weeks. I think the tangs are coming in monday so their still quite a ways from my tank. He said he just got a flashers in but it burried in the sand, his description sounded a lot like the one I want. When it gets happy and comes out, I'll take a look and possibly take him home!
I am also a fan of the Flasher Wrasses. I think my favorite is Carpenters Flasher or Filimented Flasher. They look pretty similar having an overall orange body, but there are a few differences between the two. I too have noticed my Bi-Color Angel nipping at a few corals here and there which is one of the reasons that I want to get rid of it. It has only been a Kenya Tree, Hairy Mushroom, and Anthellia, all corals that grow like crazy so I'm not worried about it wiping them out. I do like the "attitude" that the fish brings to the tank, and it is quite beautiful, but If I could do it again I would have never put it in there. I wasn't in love with it at the LFS, but it was a healthy specimin and CHEAP, so I got it to help keep the algae down till I get the new filtration up and running. I wish I would have went with the Lamarck's Angel that they had instead! But live and learn huh?
I had a pretty good deal yesterday! This rock..................


in lower left part of tank:

1226091100.jpg me...................

This sand and the K4 in the top of the pic!!!!!!!!

BIG empty spot just waiting for something awesome. I finally have some room for a clam or two down there!


Just a couple shots of my SPS stuff. Nothing special but they're growing well.

nice Jim!

The green star polyps are a bit like the bicolored angel for me. They are GORGEOUS but I dont quite trust them in my tank.

Yes, you definitly need a nice clam! Tank looks really good.

Thanks j. It's much nicer when you see it without all the glare in the pictures! I still kept a piece of GSP that's about 2"x4". I had that rock isolated on the sandbed so it wouldn't spread to the other rocks, but it started creeping across the sand and almost got on a few of my mushroom rocks. I woulda been pi$$ed if I had to get rid of them! They're only blue spotted and red mushrooms, but they're probably one of my favorites! The blue spotted have turned almost purple with baby blue spots, and the reds are SUPER bright!'s been a while for quite a few of the regular posters in this thread since the last post. Just wondering how everyone has been doing, and how the tanks are coming along. I've ran into an Algae problem lately. Hair Algae has been getting pretty thick on the back sides of the tank since I took my Prizm skimmer off. I really need to get the sump system going! I have a trade in the works where I can pick up a 600gph Lifereef overflow in exchange for a couple frags. Hopefully things will fall into place quickly.
I agree Reefscape, that a sump would definitely help with that. I had algae problems in my 54 as well until I got a good skimmer (euroreef) and ran some carbon and gfo in the sump to get rid of my phosphates. I think the combination of the two got rid of the most troublesome varieties of algae.
hi-jim, ive not spent too much time on my tank in the last 4-6 months tbh, its still the same though, with running a business and the recession we have been through in the uk ive not had the funds to move my corner forward, still 4 fish and a couple of dozen corals, ive fragged a leather and thats growing, otherwise no changes really.
Good to hear that things are still going well, at least with the tank. It is harder to make a big purchase regarding your tank when the economy is so unstable, but it's kind of nice to make yourself to have a little break. It at least keeps me from making a stupid impulse purchase, and has given me the time to really focus on where I want my tank to go from here.

Dutchbros - I'm hoping that I can get this project done quickly, but I want to do it nicely, so I'll deal with the algae until I can get the sump/overflow the way I want
Reefscape- I agree. Like they say, nothing good happens fast in this hobby and it always pays to get it right the 1st time, which is why I have had to rework a lot of things twice with my tank because of my lack of patience.
I agree that this economy is certainly taking it's toll on this hobby. I'd been planning a skimmer upgrade but have delayed the purchase waiting for better times. Several of my local shops have gone out of business as well, probably the result of a lot of people like me, delaying purchases or buying on-line.

Like others here, I've been troubled by some recurring algae issues which started when I added more live sand to my system, starting a secondary cycling. Getting a handle on it now and hope to be in a position in the spring to get a new skimmer and add more sps to my system.

Other than that, I'm just living the dream. :lol:
So long time no talking to. Ive decided to go ahead and upgrade so I am growing up from the 140g corner to a 180g tank (230g total). But its been cool looking at all your tanks develop. I liked going through and looking at all the threads since the last time I was on here.
jbird- I actually live in Charlotte,NC. I do wish I lived in Oregon since I do love it there. My mother is from Dallas (20 miles from Salem) and have spent many holidays and summers there. Where in Oregon do you live?
As far as the username is concerned, it is a painting business (Dutch Brothers Painting LLc) that my brother and I have in Charlotte. Why, do you know somebody else with that name in Oregon?
Your tank looks great by the way and I hope to one day have some sps colonies that look like yours do.
jbird- I actually live in Charlotte,NC. I do wish I lived in Oregon since I do love it there. My mother is from Dallas (20 miles from Salem) and have spent many holidays and summers there. Where in Oregon do you live?
As far as the username is concerned, it is a painting business (Dutch Brothers Painting LLc) that my brother and I have in Charlotte. Why, do you know somebody else with that name in Oregon?
Your tank looks great by the way and I hope to one day have some sps colonies that look like yours do.

Its a very successful coffee chain that was originated here in southern oregon. Thats right, I forgot about the paint. LOL

Thanks for the kind words!

PS Im in Medford
OK, let's try again. I'm still here. Had to take the tank in the lobby down because people couldn't keep their hands out of it. I figured what the heck, since I'd lost most of the sps.


I hopefully can change things later if I choose. I may have lost my 6 line last night. I heard something hitting one of the props in a powerhead after the lights went out and haven't seen him since.
I have a little news with my tank :) Ive been slowly reaching my stocking limit and added these guys over the last week...

Yellow coris and longfinned fairy wrasse.

my "wifes" new hawaiian yellow.


I have had the wrasses for about 5 days and I must say, the yellow wrasse may be my new all time favorite fish. He is just soooooo cool!