The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

does anyone have a link to the thread of the corner tank that was plumbed through the wall to a horizontal storage shed? The shed had the sump, pump, chiller, and reactor.

I have been searching for a hour for the thread.....
OK, let's try again. I'm still here. Had to take the tank in the lobby down because people couldn't keep their hands out of it. I figured what the heck, since I'd lost most of the sps.


I hopefully can change things later if I choose. I may have lost my 6 line last night. I heard something hitting one of the props in a powerhead after the lights went out and haven't seen him since.

that tank has come on very well jesse, it looks great, i can see the why the rock layout is the way it is now, looks just like a reef shelf, very realistic, is the light still the same? or have you changed it, looks beautiful.
Jesse - I also like the rock how you have it. I knew you spent a lot of time on getting them just so, but to be honest, it was hard to see the final picture. But now with some corals on and things colored up it looks great! Too bad about the SPS and the 6 line, but a softie/lps tank can be just as stunning. I am more of a fan of a truly mixed reef than just a SPS tank with a few acans or zoas. I think it's more challenging to get all types of corals in the same tank than just SPS or just LPS or just softies. I'm looking forward to seeing where this new direction in your tank takes you. Good to see you on here again!
Jbird - I love the Whipfin Wrasse! There was one at my LFS not too long ago and I almost took it home. But I just knew it would be eaten by the Angler in a matter of minutes.

Sapsis - the tank looks nice!
Hi everyone, I've been tagging along the past 3 days following the multiple splits and trying to read as many posts as I can and definetly enjoying all the pics. Back in 07 to 08 I had 92 corner and a 125 set up. Both were mixed reef. The 92 had 1x250 watt metal halide 20k, 2x65 watt pc actinics, and 1x96watt quad to try to fill in a few shadows. The few montis i had loved it, as well as green bubble, xenia, etc... I'll try to find a pic. The 125 had everything at one point or another. I definetly have pics of the 125 so i'll post em when I am not so lazy (and sick *cough, cough, wheeezzee*). Very long story extremely short, no tanks set up at my house but I have moved the 92 to my girlfriends house and set it up. It has a refugium (cant rememebr the company, will look it up later), plumbed to mag9.5 plumbed externally. Lights are 1 175 watt mh with 14k bulb, and 4 24inch, 24watt t5 bulbs overdriven to 40 watts each. I'll get pics up in a bit of my rock work and the whole install as I am rather proud of it all :)

my question to you guys is... do u think its enough light? I was thinking of going with a lumatek mh dimmable ballast and a se 250watt 12k with 2 aquasun t5s and 2 actinics. The t5 reflectors were corroded so as of right now, there arent any reflectors. Do you guys think when I add the individual reflectors it'd be enough for clams, montis, maybe an acro or 2 higher up?
Yea Michael, still running a 250 14k. Used a 20k for a little while but was afraid it wasn't enough light. I'm getting ready to pic up a new bulb and think I'll stay with the 14k. I have a HO ballast and want to add 3 actinics soon also.

salsipuedes, that should be plenty of light.
u mean 1 175 watt mh with 4, 40watt 24inch t5s is plenty for even clams in a 92 corner? Cause I used to have 3 175 watt mh 10ks with 4, 60watt 36inch vho t5's in my 125...

and instead of going 250watt mh, i was thinking of upgrading from the 24inch t5s i have now to 36inch instead. Suggestions, experiences with t5s people? I love the glitter lines from mh but seems like people are getting better growth with t5.... i'm open to all suggestions :)
175 may be pushing it with the clam, but as long as you stay at 12k you should be ok. As you said, most sps should be up close to the top.







what do u guys think of the rock work / color with the lights? No corals yet, tank is still cycling. day 4 i think. I'll post more pics in a sec soon as i get them uploaded to photobucket.





the metal halide is behind the t5s. I was thinking of getting a reefoctopus skimmer... this tank used to drain just into a sump with a skimmer, true berlin style. It had the dnw-150... but i think i may have to go with the 110 this time around due to space constraints. any thoughts on the 110 skimmer?

my mixed 125 in some of her former glory. all the rock in the 92 came from here... this pick was taken when she was about 9 months up and running. After tearing her down, all the rocks sat in the tank with only a powerhead and occasionally 1 175watt mh for about 1.5 years till the 92 was established last week.
I really like the rockwork, but I'm wondering if they are just a little too close to the side glass. It looks like they are pretty tight to the glass, but it's hard to tell from the pic. You will want to have at least an inch or two just to allow flow behind the rocks. I think if you switched to a 250watt, you would definitely not have to worry about clams or SPS, but you might be pushing it with a 175. The skimmer should do a decent job, but if you can find something with a little more punch it would sure help. I wouldn't use that skimmer on anything larger, but if you keep moderate to light stocking you should be ok. Check around on the footprint of some others just to see if you could get something more powerful.

I really like the 125 pic!
jbird- Thanks for the dutchbros link. I had never seen that before. I might have to try it out.
I love the yellow coris. I am thinking of picking one of those up that has been at the lfs for a couple of months. Do you think he would get along with my radiant?
jbird- Thanks for the dutchbros link. I had never seen that before. I might have to try it out.
I love the yellow coris. I am thinking of picking one of those up that has been at the lfs for a couple of months. Do you think he would get along with my radiant?

I couldnt say for sure. I dont know enough about wrasses. But my yellow has a super mellow disposition. He just constantle explores the rocks without a second thought of any of my other fish. He doesent hang around the fairy wrasse anymore, he's just all over the place.

PS Dutchbros at this point is mainly in oregon. It was started by a family in my area and has grown to epic proportions. They are the pioneers of drive thru coffee. The pacific northwest (especially southern oregon) seems to have a drive thru coffee stand on every other street corner. If you make it out here to sample some, dutchbros is good, but the human bean is better, and has overtaken dutchbros in number.
Multiple Wrasses in the same tank will be completely fine. Just try not to get ones that are too alike, as that may pose some territorial dispute between the fish. Sdogg has a Radiant, Yellow Coris, and Leopard in his 54g. I've seen a display before that had about 10-15 Flasher Wrasses all in the same tank. It was over 200gal, but it was incredible having the fish "flash" as they will when they are placed in a tank with a group of them. Only one male to 8 or 9 females.
Thanks for the input Jbird and reefscape. I think I might go ahead and pick up the yellow if it is still at the lfs. I would like to get another leopard wrasse, but have had no success with the two different specimens that I have tried on separate occasions. Both eventually after a month or so just dissapeared. I hear that is not uncommon, though. Have you guys tried your hand at a leopard? They make beautiful additions that is for sure.
My fairy wrasse disappeared. :( I love wrasses and may get a couple more. Absolutley love the look of the leopard and may consider one.
Hi guys!!

I've been traveling for the last 2 and a half months. I have not seen my tank in person for all that time. I have a live feed with a Video camera through my slingbox and have automated everything. I do have a buddy taking a look at things and cleaning the front glass.

Everything is still alive. I will be able to see it in-person in about a week. I will take pictures then. In the meantime I can only check the stats through the web server of the ACIII and try to make somethings out of the video camera.

This is going to make for a good test. What happens to a tank if you don't do anything to it besides automatic dosing and feeding? I will see in a few days.

Good to see the thread still alive!

Welcome to the new "members".

That's awesome Boret. I hope you've enjoyed your travels and that they were successful. Even moreso, I hope you find that many good things happened with your tank in your absence. I always look forward to returning home to see my tank when I've been away for a few day or more. I can't imagine being away from it for 2-1/2 months however. You'll have to post your comments upon your return.

Best of luck to you,
