The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

Question for the corner club:

What do you guys do about sumps? Do you put them underneath the stand? Somewhere else? What is the shape? Do you get a custom tank for the stand?

The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

Just received my 116 g corner tank today and trying to see how to position the sump so i have Space left for the dosing and auto top off!

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Question for the corner club:

What do you guys do about sumps? Do you put them underneath the stand? Somewhere else? What is the shape? Do you get a custom tank for the stand?


I'm just starting my 92 corner and it seems like it pretty much has to be a regular 20 high tank that fits for a sump underneath the tank. You can get a custom made L shape sump which would be ideal but I didn't want to try it myself or pay alot to get it made.
I'm also going to have a small cabinet next to the tank to house my ATO water tank and other equipment.
Here are a few pictures of my 92g corner tank this morning. The sump area is pretty jam-packed. I have a 20g sump at the back, dosing bottles (ALK, CA, and MG) in front of it to the left. I also have a 3 gal ATO water tank on the right and a 3 gal custom built fuge on top of the ATO water tank. Other equipment include a BRS dual reactor and a 25W UV sterilizer. Everything is contained within the stand with nothing outside.

I cant tell any distortions w the naked eye when looking straight into the tank. Distortions are more obvious when trying to see some thing at an angle thats not straight forward, even then its not a dramatic enough to be a deal breaker IMO. I dont know if that makes sense but it does to me.

What do you guys do about sumps? Do you put them underneath the stand? Somewhere else? What is the shape? Do you get a custom tank for the stand?

I built my own 'L' shaped sump. I measured the the maximum plausible dimensions then took them to a glass cutter to cut them for me. Finally I siliconed it all together. When measuring make sure you add the thickness of your glass into your dimensions. Never had an issue w it.
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I just picked up a 54 corner, going to be setting it up in the next couple of weeks.
Building a hood for it, still deciding either wood or stainless steel.
Waiting on my skimmer and LED lights to arrive, then it will be time to swap everything over from my 35 hex that is hitting for classifieds.

I'm going to build it out of wood, but the front curved part is going to be stainless steel (my work has a full metal shop).
Then I'm going to have the LED light unit sitting flush on the top in a cut out with tabs holding it in place.
Should be up and running in a couple of weeks.

In the process of setting up my corner tank. Here are some pictures.

Custom sump and equipment

Tank with light and rock

Just starting leak testing sump and display tank
I'm doing the swap this weekend. Stand is painted, hood is built, sump has the baffles installed, skimmer arrived today, light will be here Thursday. Everything should be a direct swap over, going to do the sand and liverock first, put the Aquaclear 70 from my current tank on while it's getting settled. Then put the corals and fish in ............and hope for the best.
Then I'll work on setting up the sump and getting that all set. Been a few years since I did a sump system, so it could be a little trial and error to get things right.

And, after looking at all of your corner tanks, I went and got a 92 corner. It's very basic which is how I like to buy all my tanks. So I will have to start from scratch,drill it and install overflow. This system Will not be tied into my others it will be a seperate one. Can anyone explain to me how to upload pics on here I would like to start a build thread and maybe show off my other systems as well.
It's normally easier to use a hosting site like Photobucket, then you just link to your pictures.

A question for the corner gurus...............

What is the best placement for powerheads?

I have the return from the sump pointed down in back of my rock formation, that should prevent a deadspot there.

I'm using 2 - Koralia 850's for flow............what is the best placement?

