The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

So close, leaving about 3" on each side from wall to tank
Perfect it about 2 3/4 but I'm running koralias for now. Should I run my 750, 1150 or 1400? Can't remember what my larger one is.

Also should I lower the drain pipe, seems even with the overflow, sump has lots of room. Running about 600gph with my jebao dc6000 and if I bump it up to the next setting the sump drains too fast.
You want your overflow level about 1-2" lower then the display level.

I used to use 2 - Koralia 850's.

I have my overflow doing about 250-300 gph thru the sump, 5 times the display volume.
You don't want it too low, then it will sound like a waterfall. But you don't want it too high, then it's not skimming the surface.

Once you establish your overflow level, then you can top off your sump and establish the level in that. Then kill the power and see if it holds your water volume without overflowing.
On mine, the air relief hole is right in the inside bend of the I have that right at the water level so I don't hear it much.

That's the good thing about the megaflow slides to adjust the water level. No need to remove it and trim a piece of PVC pipe everytime, then go too far and have to start with a fresh piece.
Looking good.

Is the heater going in the sump? Or is it too long? You can put it in the overflow section of the tank, it will still heat the water fine.
It's too long, didn't think about the overflow, nice. Just trying to get it dialed in, so if I add more water it will fill my sump correct?

Jchindo you're running the proflex right? Did you remove the wall and sponge from sec 2 & 3?
I removed the wall. But left the sponge because skimmer bubbles kept getting through. Have to hold down the sponge with some rubble though. I just have to remember to clean the sponge though.
Yup that's all I do. Having a sump makes it very convenient. The only pain with the sump is the moving wall in the 1st section. It never stays in place. Also I put my heater in the return section just on a diagonal. Not pretty but seems to work.
Sorry slammed I just took a look at my sump. Had the same problem you are having and it clicked. I put the clear wall back to the far side of the sponge. It keeps the water level of the second chamber stable. And you can adjust the return level a little easier.