The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

Salty, that tank looks great, nice rocks. I do have one suggestion, try moving those rocks forward about 4 or 5 inches but keep them in the same exact configuration. I think that would make that tank look perfect. I wish I had those exact rocks. Plus you will get better circulation behind them. Once again very nice!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15157292#post15157292 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ocean Mang
Salty, that tank looks great, nice rocks. I do have one suggestion, try moving those rocks forward about 4 or 5 inches but keep them in the same exact configuration. I think that would make that tank look perfect. I wish I had those exact rocks. Plus you will get better circulation behind them. Once again very nice!
Thanks Ocean Mang. Just to let you know I have about 3 in behind the rock and gets pretty good water flow behind it... I am picking up another K4 power head to put in the other corner... Thanks again for the feed back....
Cool Salty. looks great. Do the rocks touch the sides? I was just thinking it would look good to give it more of an island type structure look. That is what I am going to do when I redo my rock in a couple weeks.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15157727#post15157727 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ocean Mang
Cool Salty. looks great. Do the rocks touch the sides? I was just thinking it would look good to give it more of an island type structure look. That is what I am going to do when I redo my rock in a couple weeks.
No they don't touch the sides about 1" away..... Quick question I have a mag 7 as my return is that small? At first I had a mag 9 and could not keep up with my overflow. And suggestions? Plus its loud..(not the pump but the water)
I am going to be redoing my tank and need some ideas...Anyway have a copy of their favorite corner tank aquascaping? I know I will probably have to go through all the pages of the entire thread, but was hoping to save some time :)
I agree w Ocean Mag, I love the aquascaping, but I would like those rocks in that same configuration, but a lil more forward to get that Island look. How many drains do you have in the overflow, because mines has 2 & I use a mag 18. as for reducing the noise of it, I surrounded the mag w sponges to absorb the vibration & therefore reducing the noise polution. Even w that as my return I still use 2 Koralia 4's for additional flow in the tank. Are the 4 T-5's all the light your going to have in the tank? You're more than likely going to need more light than that too. Let me know if you have any other questions.
BTW, I really like your Salty, I was thinking of doing the same thing, but with a peninsula protruding into the center.

I just loaded some more pics from my camera. I think this one is pretty cool!


Thats my Bi-Color Pseudo near the center of the pic
Thanks guys... Great Feed back... Learning alot to much in just 3mnt....

This is something I made up Bernie and guys tell me what you think...

Bernie the actual pump is not making noise its down in the sump(sounds like air in the line)

sdoggssf your tank is amazing!!!! TOTM material! I love the ricordea garden on the left side.

salty92 good to see you here, I told you this thread was the place to be to learn everything about corner tanks. Welcome aboard!

I am currently using a 400W MH and 4x 24" 75w VHOs. But I am going SPS intensive.

My main recommendation with the rock is that you leave enough space for the corals to grow. At the beginning we tend to put too much rock just to fill the void, but in the long run you will regret not having more space for extra growth of your colonies. But that its just my opinion. :)

I think you have some great rocks in there and that right now is the perfect time to move them around before you start placing some SPS or LPS. Even if you end up in the same configuration. The type of light and its placement will define the ideal places for your corals, clams, softies, etc... depending on their light demand.

I went for a softy island on the left, center and right area for SPS. Bottom right a zoanthis garden. Bottom left ricordea garden, and center mics clams.
Sdoggssf - I completely agree that you could easily walk away with TOTM. It looks better, brighter, cleaner, and more jam packed with super bright corals than lots of the super sized 200+gal tanks that have been dominating the TOTM lately. I really love that bright baby blue/teal acro thats right in the center of your tank. The colors on that are truely awesome! Every time I look at pics of your tank, it makes me want to completely tare down everything in my tank and start fresh. I love everything you've done in there from the crazy corals right down to the choice of fish, and the couple of clams right up next to the front glass, and the Halmidia patch on the right. I'm going to keep showing my wife those pics of your tank, and BEG her to let me set up another tank! Completely AMAZING everytime I look at those pics!
Salty92; The important thing about Live Rock, IMO, is that you have enough to handle the bio-load for your system. Once you have that amount, then add more only to suit your own aquascaping tastes...

your planned lighting should be enough for SPS, though getting 10 T5 bubls into the canopy might be harder than you think... If you can get 8+ in there, i'd say you'll be fine on SPS.... (Are you using ICECAP balasts & reflectors?)

Personally, my advise is to put as much LR into your sump area as possible, so that you can have as little LR in the display as possible. This will be ackward looking for the first year. But in 2 years, when the SPS grow out, you'll have some MONSTER corals that will dominate your tank, as opposed to cramped corals on loads of rock.

I made the mistake of making Interesting Looking Aquascaping out of rocks. Which while my corals are growing in, looks cool enough, but now that my corals are getting bigger, and i've added more of them, it looks really CRAMPED again... I cannot imagine how cramped it's going to look in 6 more months (but new tank is in the planning stage so hopefully it won't be a problem).

My next tank will have almost NO ROCK in the DT. There will be less than 50lbs in a 180gallon DT. (the sump has 250lbs already in it which is why I can get away with that low amount btw).

In 2-4 years my SPS should be quite large and dominate the entire tank... Until then... it will look frigg'n weird I admit... but the end goal is more important.
Do any of you guys have a Vortech pump in your tank to create the wave action? If so, where the heck would you mount???

I am looking at the Vortech mp20 rather than doing the SCWD setup and take out my Koralia 3.
bzuber, I really wouldn't know where to place them. If in the side most of the flow will go to the front glass. And if you put them in the front glass on the side most of the flow will go to the sides and none to the center. Of course two of them will create enough movement that indirect flow should get everywhere, but still, I don't see it as the most elegant solution for corner tanks. And for the price I think other options make more sense. In my case, the close loop with external Little Giant pump and OM4 is cheaper than 2 Vortechs and I think it provides better flow throughout the tank. I do not have first hand experience with the vortechs in this tank, so I am only "guessing" what the performance will be.... I could be totally wrong :)
I am considering buying the Vortechs someday, but I have already a good set of Tunze streams and multicontroller, so I'm not going to put my money in them right now. But I would be interested to know how they fit on a corner tank, too.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15165335#post15165335 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bzuber
Do any of you guys have a Vortech pump in your tank to create the wave action? If so, where the heck would you mount???

I am looking at the Vortech mp20 rather than doing the SCWD setup and take out my Koralia 3.

Yes, I have them (2xMP40s) and somewhere back in this thread I posted my video of a wave I created, including the position of the pumps, in my 92gal corner.

And there it is.. found it again on youtube...

Great video and nice tank setup.

I would hate to have to buy two Vortechs. I was thinking of placing one on the side wall, located in the middle/back part where it shoots across the middle of the rocks.

Hookup - since you have experience with these, if you only use one of the pumps does it still kinda work.