New member
So just to be sure that my corner tank gives me a kick when i'm down...
I've ridded myself of the red-bugs... which almost wiped out some sps... one in particular I was more than ****ed to see get 80% eaten...
Anyhow, the stuff you use for red-bugs kills most inverts... particuarly crabs, hermits, shrimp.. (exoskelleton stuff) are going to be toast... So you remove them all before dosing... which I did... but my wife accidentaly cause their death while they were out of tank.. so I needed a whole new clean up crew... and after 4.5 weeks of no cuc, i needed them...
I ran fresh carbon to rid myself of all of the red-bug chemicals... waited 24hrs and when to get the crew...
I think that some of the red-bug stuff was still in the tank.. i do not see any hermits (many) and the cleaner shrimp and pistol shrimp are no where to be seen...
within 2 days I have green hair algae & cyano all over my system... everywhere... like i'm going to have to get some sea-hare or something to get rid of the GHA...
So I've pulled the test kids... right back to ammonia... and doing tests now... I've got 50gal of fresh salt heating up for the first of 3 or 4 changes to be done this weekend...
It's like my corner tank heard me talking about replacing it and threw a hissy-fit...
I've ridded myself of the red-bugs... which almost wiped out some sps... one in particular I was more than ****ed to see get 80% eaten...
Anyhow, the stuff you use for red-bugs kills most inverts... particuarly crabs, hermits, shrimp.. (exoskelleton stuff) are going to be toast... So you remove them all before dosing... which I did... but my wife accidentaly cause their death while they were out of tank.. so I needed a whole new clean up crew... and after 4.5 weeks of no cuc, i needed them...
I ran fresh carbon to rid myself of all of the red-bug chemicals... waited 24hrs and when to get the crew...
I think that some of the red-bug stuff was still in the tank.. i do not see any hermits (many) and the cleaner shrimp and pistol shrimp are no where to be seen...
within 2 days I have green hair algae & cyano all over my system... everywhere... like i'm going to have to get some sea-hare or something to get rid of the GHA...
So I've pulled the test kids... right back to ammonia... and doing tests now... I've got 50gal of fresh salt heating up for the first of 3 or 4 changes to be done this weekend...
It's like my corner tank heard me talking about replacing it and threw a hissy-fit...