The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

Hey guys,
I'm leaving the corner club. The budget has been approved for a new tank. The planning begins... :)

I'm selling my corner tank, hopefully to a friend who I can convince that SW is awesome and FW is for fools.. (haha). But we will see.

I'll still be doing it in a corner till Sept or so... not sure how long its going to take to get the new tank so completely planned that i'm actually ready to build.. but I'm guessing at least 4 months.
4 months... well I guess that with the knowledge you acquired with the corner tank you should be able to do it in that time. It took me a year from design to water date, but corner tanks are more challenging IMHO.
Good luck with your new setup and be sure to tell your friend how much it is going to cost him as far as time and $$. How big are you going?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15131949#post15131949 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Hookup
Hey guys,
I'm leaving the corner club. The budget has been approved for a new tank. The planning begins... :)

I'm selling my corner tank, hopefully to a friend who I can convince that SW is awesome and FW is for fools.. (haha). But we will see.

I'll still be doing it in a corner till Sept or so... not sure how long its going to take to get the new tank so completely planned that i'm actually ready to build.. but I'm guessing at least 4 months.

well best of luck with your new venture hook, good luck buddy and dont forget to pop in here and show a link to the new tank:)
Thanks Michael/all. This thread is awesome and full of knowledgeable people willing to help out. I'll still be monitoring the thread, cause it's chocked-full-o-fishy-goodness, and interesting people.. :)

I hopefully won't own a corner tank anymore... best and worst tank on the market IMO... truly a rose with thorns...
Hook up, I m sorry to see you leave, but with that said... IM BACK!!!! Sorry for the long stay away fellows, but I have had alotof things going on, some good, some not so good, but all in all Im back & re-energized!!!! I have re stocked my tank since its crash, but its doing wonderful, I'll take new pics & also update my build & lastly post the link again for those who are interested!!
I took me a while to catch up, you guys sure dont lose a step, 20 pages again already!! Guys, your tanks are looking spectacular!!!

B2B72, I love your CBB, but does it bother your RBTA?
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well i suppose its about time i updated some shots, my tank recently went through a mini crash, i completely removed the rocks and re-installed to add some more corals,i ended up with hair algae and most corals were closed for quite a while, a lot of hard work went into getting it back.

im not too happy with it at the moment, its looked better, but im delighted to say its stable, 90% of the green hair has cleared up and the water params are spot on so heres hoping it gets back to where it was.

overall its mature, stable and clear, so not bad i suppose, heres a few recent shots




Hook!!!! - I'm very sorry to see you get out of the corner tank ownership. Truely, you've been a great asset to everyone in here who's been looking for answers on just about anything. Yes these tanks are a pain to keep and take care of, but after having one, i doubt i'll ever go back to a standard rectangle. Having said that, I would LOVE a 60gal cube! Anyways, it has been a pleasure meeting you on here and discussing our problems and progress. I hope your new build goes smoothly, and as Michael already said, A LINK IS A MUST! Also, i'm glad to hear that you're planning on keeping tabs on us around here. I hope you feel free to chime in anytime you feel the need arise!:)

Michael - WOW!!! You've got a lot of new stuff in there! Monti's and Acro's are looking nice. I'm glad the intro of SPS has been good to you. Also, Goniopora is new? New Clown and Yellow Coris? What happened to the Lemonpeel? Seeing that fish in your tank was what made me get them in my tank! Anyways, it's looking nice, and i'm sure glad that your mini crash wasn't too detrimental!

Bernie - Glad to have you back around here! I'm hoping for some updated pics soon! I'm sure you'll be back on your game in no time
hi-jim, the clown isnt new ive had him a long time, the yellow wrasse is though, i lost the lemon peel, probably starved tbh, the new corals seem ok, when the GHA completely clears up and ive added a few more corals i will take another picture, im also considering a flame angel at the moment as well.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15131403#post15131403 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reefscape15
Well that settles it!!!! After new skimmer, and upped flow, I am definately going to start a canopy project! Maybe over the winter this year I can get it going. I was given a link to a very nice breakdown on someones build, but I don't have that link anymore. It shouldn't be all that difficult to figure out on my own though.

Reefscape - Take a look at my canopy I built 3 months ago. Let me know if you need the instructions. The opening is very stable with the piano hinge and all the bracing. On the exterior, I painted 1x4 to match my stand. You can skin it with what ever you want!!!


I am finally finished tweaking my new corner sump I custom built last week. Take a look at the photo.

In my refugium, I threw in 5 inches of sand, live rock, red macro algea, and some chaeto. On the left side, I added a Euro-reef RS 80 skimmer and a Teco CA 200 chiller / heater (not pictured). I have 75% of my overflow water going into the skimmer section and 25% of my overflow water going into my refugium section. Everything drains to the back corner return chamber which currently holds a mag 3 pump. If you look below the fuge, I made it so it holds more of my return water (double decker) so the water wont evaporate as fast.

My next project is to add an A.T.O and a phosban / carbon reactor. I found one on bulkreefsupply where they combined the two to save space. I am still in my research phase for these two items so if you guys have any suggestions please let me know. (ATO and Phosban)

Hey guys, I haven't been on in a few days. I really appreciate everyones advice on my lighting question from a couple days back. The advice of what you guys use and the pics are great, I will be doing some ordering and setting up. I'll try and upload pics as soon as I got everything retrofitted.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15139713#post15139713 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bzuber
Reefscape - Take a look at my canopy I built 3 months ago. Let me know if you need the instructions. The opening is very stable with the piano hinge and all the bracing. On the exterior, I painted 1x4 to match my stand. You can skin it with what ever you want!!!


PM or post your instructions, once I build my new sump/refugium a canopy is the next project.

Bzuber - Yea that would be helpful to more than just me if you posted some instructions. It may have been your build that i've seen before actually! It looks very clean, and lots of room for lighting. For now I have a 250watt SE 20k XM in a DIY housing, but I need to rebuild the housing badly. I started out trying to make everything perfect, but then I got rushed at the end and pretty much just messed it all up. It lights fine, but the cuts aren't even, and I never put anything directly above the bulb to bounce more light around like I had planned. When I get my canopy done, I'll probably be adding a 175watt MH fixture, and 4-6 T-5's depending on what I can cram in there.

Michael - I almost purchased a Flame Angel when I picked up my Rusty, but then I noticed the Flame had signs of fungus, and the Rusty looked spotless, so the choice was obvious. Once I get my new skimmer, I'm adding either a Melanarus or Christmas Wrasse, Radiant Wrasse, and hopefully another Dwarf Angel. I love my False Lemonpeel and Rusty, and having those two makes me want more of them so bad! I'm sorry to hear about your Lemonpeel. That was a beautiful specimen you had:(
This is one of my first frags that i've made! I gave this one to a friend to try to repay him for a bunch of LR that he gave me when he downsized. Just thought i'd share some of my tanks progress


Also, here's another pic of "Squirt". What a camera hog!!!
Hey guys, got another question. The overflow in the tank that takes the water to the standpipe down to the sump is very loud. I'm wondering if you guys have any suggestions for silencing this? Do you think a cover might silence it? Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Research (google) "durso standpipe".
Is your tank Reef Ready? Or, did you drill the glass?
If it is Reef Ready then the Durso Standpipe is the way to go.

If you drilled it then you can do the same thing I did.
A 90 degree PVC elbow put it at a 45 degree angle. Basically the intake on the overflow, the highest part of the elbow shouldn't be parallel to the water. Once you reach the pipe that goes into the sump make sure it has the means to suck air. I achieved this with a T and a piece of PVC tubing going in the opposite direction. You want it a few inches high so water won't pour out from it. I will look for some pics I have and will post. It probably will make much more sense.
Darn!!! I wish I had come about that page when I was building mine. My final one was the 3rd attempt.
I am limited by the total height (82 inches) where the tank is located. (One of the AC ducts runs above) I had to come up with an opening system that will leave the door open half way. When I tried with a similar design to yours there was too much weight in the front and it will tilt. So I had to leave some support on the right and left side so it wouldn't tip over.
If you have an issue with height and would like to use that design, (future builders) you could put hinges on each front corner and have it split in the middle. So basically it would open like two cabinet doors in your kitchen.