The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

Nope, I left it there... and see what happens.

What I just saw this morning was more horrific though...

Two cirolanids, one on each fish :eek1:

So now I'm am building some cirolanids traps... :mad2:
How thick is the glass on a 54g corner? I dont know what brand it is but I have a built in corner overflow if that helps and I bought it in July of 2007.

I was guessing 3/8 of an inch.
ive drilled the back of a 54gal. doubt very highly it would be tempered. pretty sure the bottoms are but dont think the backs are. my 54 obviously wasnt cuz i was able to drill my 2 drains with no problem, mine wa si think 3/8 thick
lotusstar - thats what I have for supplemental lighting, 2 24w T-5s fixtures. I run a 14k Phoenix 250w MH. So I go all actinics on my T-5s & if you think you have a 10K MH bulb, I would also go all actinic. Just my .02$.
Sorry guys, Im catching up on the last two pages so Im sorry if my post seem alil out of place.

As far as skimming is concerned... I recommend the bigger the better. I have a Reef Octo 200 Recirc & I love it!! I currently have 15 fish in my 92 & I feed heavily, I do a water change every 3 weeks. I tested my before I did my water change. 0 Nitrates, 0 Phosphates, etc... You have to have a good skimmer.

I have some GSP in my tank, but the rock that is covered w GSP is on my sand bed, so when ever it grows out of control, I trim it back & give it away, or trade it. I like it though.
Welcome STLmatt. Do you have a corner tank? Please fill us in.

Bernie21 - I've heard nothing on the sump as of yet, but i'm still hopefull. It's only been about 5 days since my Bro-in-Law got home, and i'm pretty sure he didn't rush right to the store to package it up for me. As for the skimmer he said he's sending a Coralife Super Skimmer 65. I know this will not be nearly big enough for what I want with my tank, but I think i'll use this rather than my Prizm for the time being. I really like the Vertex IN-180 and IN-100, but they are so new I haven't found a used one anywhere. For the price of a new one, i've found some much larger skimmers online, and I really feel that i will need something majorly oversized. What are peoples thoughts on the Coralife skimmers? I always thought that they were outdated, and way too turbulant to have much contact time at all. I guess we shall see how it works though
Reefscape15 the MSX200 would be a good fit for your tank if you don't want to add anymore water volume.
You can find it HERE for $279. It will handle 125g of Heavy bioload.
I went for the MSX300. A little bit of overkill but my idea is to reach close to 220 gl total system volume and SPS intensive.
Right now I have the 92 plus ~30g sump plus ~20g ref. I am adding a 70 remote live rock rubbermaid stock tank to the system. All I need to do is plumb it. I already have the PVC, connections and an external Reeflo Dart pump. Even with the MSX300 I get pretty good foam head out of the skimmer.

naprestsleep, I drilled 2 holes in the side of my 92. A 1-1/2" for the overflow and a 1" for the Close loop. The bottom of mine is definitely tempered.

bzuber in my 92 the glass is 5/8 of an inch thick.
Reefscape, I agree w Boret, w a skimmer rated for 125 gals you should be more than fine in your 54 g tank. As far as your sump goes, just be patient & you'll have it before you know it. It seems patience is the biggest problem we have w our hobby and the one thing we need the most, lol.
most skimmers on the market today exaggerate the water volume it can clean,i keep seeing threads on makes of skimmers that are poor and whats good etc, a skimmer rated at 125 gallons will be adequate for a 54 gallon tank with rock and average bio-load
Its rated at 350 on light bioload, 175 on Heavy Bioload.

Skimmer Light Bioload -- Medium Bioload -- Heavy Bioload
MSX160 ---------250-------------160--------------125
MSX200 --------350------------230--------------175
MSX250 ---------640-------------425--------------315
MSX300 ---------690-------------475--------------365

For $10 more I would go for the 200 over the 160 :)
I think most manufactures over rate their skimmers so I agree with Michael.
** I made a mistake in the first post, the MSX200 has a rating of 175g for heavy bioload not 125.
I agree that most manufactures over rate their skimming ability, but as long as their rating is double that of your system, you should be OK.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15254769#post15254769 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by boret

naprestsleep, I drilled 2 holes in the side of my 92. A 1-1/2" for the overflow and a 1" for the Close loop. The bottom of mine is definitely tempered.

Did you center the overflow or is it more toward the back/front? Also if you were to do it again would you change anything or add a second overflow on the other side?

My 92G is established but I want to add a sump so I am thinking of drilling rather than an siphon overflow box. I just got to come up with a plan to temp hold everything when I drain the tank and drill and while I leak test everything.
In this picture you can see where the 1-1/2" hole is in the top back of the right side pane.


Inside of the tank is the bulkhead for the Close loop. Ill try to find a picture that has that hole as well. It is about in the middle a bit towards the front of the same pane.
Here you can see a close up before I painted the overflow.
The idea is that I have enough space to run the 4 pipes of pvc for the close loop. I also placed the SeaSwirl so it stops just when is about to touch the overflow 90 degree elbow.
