The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

This is the final product of that template:


While I am trying to find the pics with the second drilled hole I am coming across all of these. :)
Boret, thanks for the pics. Now I just need to figure out if I want to take the time to drill or just go with an siphon overflow. I really would rather drill but don't want to have to move everything out of the tank to do it.
I totally understand what a pain it is to move everything. Also, if you happen to break the tank you will have to get one really fast.

I do however highly recommend the drilled overflow. At 1-1/2" it is very difficult for it to fail. I have no gurgling noise as I had on the overflow box I used in my previous 55, and if you want to get decent flow you are going to need a huge box that will take a lot of real state.

I had to clean my overflow box often. I end up putting aluminum foil on top to reduce the light going in and the algae build up. Still had to clean it often. And, even though mine never failed, they can loose siphon and it will be the weakest point in the tank.

If I were going to do the drilling I would plan to do as many things on the tank as possible.

I would move everything in a 55-75 tank. I am sure you can find someone in your local aquarium club (there are several in NY) and make sure that I have the light, circulation and skimming set. That way you can take you sweet time.

Then you can take your time drilling. You can paint the back black! (I regret the blue color now... none of my blue corals really stick out) you can create a Close loop system, etc....

You can even play around with different rock designs, etc...

Just make sure you just do the move once to get everything that you might need done at once.
This is what I did myself.
I had the 55 where I have the 92 now. So I had to move everything out into buckets, brute trash cans, etc.. move the tank, and stand to one side, in this case in front of the fire place, and place all the rock and corals back in the tank as well as drill the ceiling to support the light.
I used an old CPR sump/skimmer combo I had laying around, but pretty much any tote with a return pump will suffice to hold a skimmer.
I kept 2 power heads and a heater inside the 55 tank.

This gave me ample time to work on the proper placement of the 92, the plumbing, etc...

I had everything planned, but you would be surprise how many little things come up.

boret can you post a FTS of your tank now please? Also What blue corals do you have? I dont think Ive seen blue corals, except for SPS. Im lacking blue in my tank.
Here with some of the names (btw i am horrible at coral names)
Pretty much everything that is blue looks either bright cyan/green or purple, because of the blue back ground.

You see!!! With the black background you can tell better all the colors in your tank. You can see the purple coraline in all the rock. The different greens of the hammerheads... great softy collection btw.
I digg that ledge on the top back corner. Does it come all the way from the bottom or you "glued" it in place?
I also like your three bottom "islands"... with rics on the right, msroom on the middle and zoas on the left.
Good job Bernie21! Now you have to start adding SPS :)
I've gone from a lighter blue background on my old 20 high to a black background on my 54. I think I might switch the black to blue just to see how I like it for a while. I have black sand as well and I think that in combination with the background makes it look a little dark. My plans were to set up a tank based around a pair of Black/White Zebra Maxima Clams, but I wanted to get a couple wrasses to take care of any Pyram Snails I might have. But, for now, the clams are on hold. It's hard to bring myself to spend $500-600 on the spot. Also, I'd like to get a couple less pricey clams in my tank just to make sure all is well for them.
Do you mean to tell me you guys keep your side walls cleaned???? Mine are painted black, but I'm letting everything cover with coraline.
No I don't clean mine, but it's still visible. I'd love it to be completely covered in coraline, but until then, I think i'm up for a change. I'll post some before and after pics.

Also, the rusty angel that i purchaced a couple months ago ended up having what looked like fin rot that i've seen in FW fish. I'm not sure if it's the same with SW, but with him passing, it also got my False Lemonpeel! So, i'm looking for a new algae eating fish for a reef. I really liked the False Lemonpeel, and it did a pretty good job on the algae, but I hate the thought of them being more likely to nip at clams than other fish. Anybody have any suggestions for a 54gal corner bow, mixed reef, with a 3.5" Angler? Thanks!
I agree I clean the front glass, but anything on the back is a PITA to reach so I'd just let the caroline grow there.

So I'm all settled in my new home and my corner is running smoothly! It was not a job I'd wish upon my worst enemy to move my tanks but its my labor of love, and its finished!

The first few weeks I couldn't get my rocks & corals back to a way I was happy with so it took a lot of tinkering to get anything that fit and didn't look bad too. Kinda happy the way I finally got things for now.
Right after the set up was done I had a weekend I went to Toronto and visited a great store for corals.
I picked up a Blastomussa Wellsi with 8 heads for $40(what a deal)! :)
And several frags of some Rics, zoas & a torch & hammer frag.
Next weekend I was in Buffalo, NY and brought back 2 new Zoas, & I got my 100GPD RO/DI from Melevs Reef!

Sorry I havn't got pics up of anything but since I moved from a 2 bedroom apt to a 4 bedroom home I have "new house syndrome" I do things on my list of things to do and it grows by 10 more things. lol

It'll probably take a couple years for that list to stop growing! I've been living in my house for about 3.5yrs, and have just finally started finishing up most of the stuff I wanted to do when I first looked at the house. It was built in 1934, and an addition put on in 1953, so it's needed a lot of work. Just don't get overwhelmed. All the time and money that you invest in your home will most likely be paid back to you if you choose to sell, so take your time and make it nice. After all, you have to come home and see your own work everyday!

Also, was the store in Buffalo called A Reef Creation? That is my all time favorite store!!!! Amazing selection of almost everything you could want. Just curious.

Congrats on the new house too!
I hear you man... we moved into our current house over 3 years ago and we haven't completed all the things we set out to do. It takes time.

I have worked this weekend in a new addition to the system and I wanted to get some feed back during the testing stage.

I emptied the little space under the stairs and made it into my 2nd wet room. I used to have the RODI reservoir there only, now I added a refugium and a 70 gallon stock tank. After some thought I decided to go with the stock tank as a Remote Live Rock / Sump, because it will increase the total volume of water of the system (close to 190gl) and it will provide me with plenty of space to add live rock. I will also be moving some equipment there like the second fan and the second heater.
It will also free up some stuff from the 1st wet room where the skimmer and 30gl sump will remain. I haven't connected it to the main system, still looking for leaks and trying to figure out weak points.

Right now I use a MAG 9.5 as the return, a WON 600gph internal pump to feed the chiller that outputs into the refugium and a MJ600 to feed the Carbon reactor.

The idea with this addition is to run all of those things off one external pump. As you can see in the picture I am using a Reeflo Dart as the main pump. This pump will feed the Chiller, the Carbon reactor, the refugium and the main tank. I also left a couple of outlets available in case I add things later on such a UV lamp or frag tank. The pump will is rated for a max output of 3600 gph, way too much for the return so what I will do is to throttle it back with a valve, but I also have a T prior to that valve that outputs back into the sump just in case I need to reduce back pressure.

From the main tank the overflow will go to the 30 gl sump with the skimmer, and from there it will go into the 70 gl stock tank.

I will also have to redo my ATO because with this setup, the 30 gallon sump that holds the skimmer will have a constant level and only the 70 sump will lower with evap.
I will have to move one of the DC8 to this room. Either that or add a 3rd one! :) (toys!!)

The refugium will be fed from the pump through 3/4" pvc, go into a SCWD and into 2 LocLines at each side of the fuge. The Fuge will overflow into the sump. This way the output of the fuge (pods) will go through the Main display before it reaches the skimmer.

I am considering the option of using a Y and connect the output of the chiller into the return line, that way it might be more efficient, otherwise it will go into the 70 sump and eventually get into the main tank.

Any ideas? Any thoughts?

Hey guys! Alright I'm firmly deep into the plans for a canopy and new lights thanks to your suggestions. Another question I had was about flow. Currently I have 2 tunze 6025s in the upper front of each corner pointed in toward the LR into the tank. I seem to have some dead spots and wondering if I need more flow. I was thinking of adding a koralife or 2 but am not sure which to get for my current tank since there are so Many different models. Any suggestions? I am planning to have mostly sps corals in the future and know I need quite a bit of flow for those.
I am about to add another 40lbs sand and do some rearranging of the LR and will post pics after that, the tank is really starting to come together.
I'm not too sure what the tunze powerheads put out for gph, but you can just try re-arranging them and keep an eye on them to see how your flow is. try to lower them on the glass a bit and aim them at each other. That will create pretty random bursts of flow in spots, and will help keep the water moving over your sand better. Also, when you move your rock, you can get a pair of smaller powerheads that are blowing behind the rocks just to get better circulation behind them. If you are going to add something like a korallia i'd reccomend a K-4. They have awesome flow, and can easily be modded with the maxi-jet mods to push around 3000gph
I tore down my tank a couple weeks ago, putting my live stock in a small tank. The cleanup and acid bath for the rocks is complete and now the rebuild has begun:

Here is a couple pics of my new aquascaping, no water in the tank, and the rocks are balanced for the mock up.



Right side: