The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

Looking good Husky, I am a real big fan of the simple, spacious look!! I do mot like crowded looks!! Its something that stuck w me when our local club president here switched tanks. He went from a loaded 200 to an open look in his 375 & since then, I have been the same way!!
Hey, how many fish do you guys have in your tanks?? Please list your tank size, total water volume & maybe your fish total & list. Thanks.
I'll start...
Tank: 92 gal, Total Water Volume (TWV): 110 gal, Total number of Fish (F#): 15, List: 2 Ocellaris clowns (1 blk & Wht), Coral Beauty, Flame Angel, Bluefin Angel, Prpl firefish, red firefish, Scissortail goby, Neon goby, Midas blenny, red spotted blenny, sunrise dottyback, Scotts Fairy Wrasse, Foxface, Moorish Idol.

I look foward to hearing every one elses.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15285517#post15285517 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by lotusstar
Hey guys! Alright I'm firmly deep into the plans for a canopy and new lights thanks to your suggestions. Another question I had was about flow. Currently I have 2 tunze 6025s in the upper front of each corner pointed in toward the LR into the tank. I seem to have some dead spots and wondering if I need more flow. I was thinking of adding a koralife or 2 but am not sure which to get for my current tank since there are so Many different models. Any suggestions? I am planning to have mostly sps corals in the future and know I need quite a bit of flow for those.
I am about to add another 40lbs sand and do some rearranging of the LR and will post pics after that, the tank is really starting to come together.

I use 2 modded Tunzes 6025 with 2 Swirler Steins. You can search for both on RC. The mod on the tunze is pretty simple and will improve its performance tremendously, all you need is a dremmel. You will get better gph numbers out of the modded 6025 than a regular 6055.

The Swirler Steins are fairly easy to put together and move the tunzes 90 degrees side to side. I am sure you can buy them ready made.

I am not crazy about a lot of powerheads in the tank.... 92 is not THAT big and they are difficult to hide.
I changed out my 54g for an internal overflow



updated pics of my tank

updated pics of my tank

It's been a while since I posted any pics. Here are a few. Now just waiting on the stuff to grow




Very nice setups everyone!!
That's a very cool column you have going on in there tgriffin.

Looks better fishyness I would still remove some rock. Just move it into your sump.

Way to go Husky_1 very clean look and plenty of room for coral growth. And enough space to have water movement all around.

BTW, any one wants to venture any thoughts on my plumbing and second sump setup? Any advice? (Pretty please sugar on top :rollface: )

Boret, your plumping looks good. Can not offer much as I am still in the design phase for my sump plumbing. Where did you get the true union ball valves, I don't recall seeing them in my local big box home center.
IMHO the best place for PVC is www (dot) flexpvc (dot) com
They have a great selection and very good prices. The Home Despotism next door to my place carries both True Unions and True Union Valves so for an emergency I can get them there. All I need to find now is half True Unions so I can modify outputs... I guess I will just have to buy the whole True Union and just use the half I need...
Lowe's has a better selection and better prices for plumbing parts. But both pale in comparison to the flexpvc place online.
Well, it is 4' by 5' by barely 5' tall hole in the wall.
I pretty much took a hammer and made a hole to access the space under the stairs from the garage and that is my second wet room. :) The first being an even smaller space in the furnace room.

I should have made my garage my wetroom!!! Or the bathroom in the basement... but have to keep the wife happy to maintain this hobby. ;)
Hey guys just figured I would introduce myself in here. I am in the process of collecting parts for my new 92 gallon corner upgrade. I moved last year across the country and we sold our tank and took what we could in a red sea max. Needless to say it is time to start again. We will be getting the tank the end of July and I will probably be starting a build thread then with updates on this thread.
List of equipment so far-
Oceanic 92 gallon corner
2x250w ice cap/ reef optix III pendents/ Pheonix 14k bulbs
4x24 w t5 retro
profilux II plus controller with stimu stick and ato
70 gal rubbermaid refug.
125 gal rubbermaid sump
Reeflo orca 200 skimmer
2x tunze 6055's
Reeflo blackfin 2500 return pump
and much more stuff I can't remember or need to collect. Looking forward to setting up my first "corner" though!
Great equipment list!! A couple of questions:

1. How do you like the Profilux II?
2. What about the Blackfin 2500?
Thanks, no opinions on either as I will be trying both for the first time. My buddy has the profilux though and I have been drooling ever since I saw it so I am pretty excited. I have always ran reeflo pumps so not too worried and or pretty excited about the blackfins.
I was thinking about getting a blackfin myself as a backup of my Dart. I hope they are still running the special.
Hey guys, I'm really disappointed. Everything in my tank went from great friday july 3 to dead by the 8th. 5 days, everything dead! Starting a new thread to try and analyze what happened. I had great water quality my LFS told me several times. bizarre, I'm bummed. Not sure how to proceed from here to find out what happened and more importantly make sure it doesn't happen again.