The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

Nicely written Boret... photos and all.. very good ideas that are not commonly shared (not secrets, but just stuff that some people know and others do not I guess).

The other thing I'd ad is frag your stuff to force new heads to grow... easily done with a pair of wire-cutters, and on fast growing stuff like Staghorn and Birdnest, or monti's, etc, you can get some interesting growth happening....

In my experience, plancing a coral on it's side creates some amazing growth, but it messes up the corals' head... they get all pee-pee'd wonding how the heck they ended up on their sides... and stop growing for a while (weeks to months is normal).. then all of the sudden they get over themselves, and explode out in growth...

I took my birdsnest when it grew it self out of the spot I put it, and just tumbled it sideways into a new spot.. after 1month it's produced a tonne of new growth spots... in 3-6months I'll tumble it again, just cause I'm curious what'll happen it i keep tossing it around.. (and I'm kind of evil that way)
That is a good point Hookup I will try it with my Bali Slimer to see how it grows. It is definitely interesting to see how corals will grow.
As time passes by and my corals grow I learn a bit more about placement and growth. I know that if I was to setup another tank I will do a few things differently. I still think the best piece of advice I can give you guys is to look at other tanks, in person if possible. Most areas have local marine clubs, and people willing to give you a tour of their setup. It makes a big difference when you can actually see a mature tank. The most shocking thing for me was the fact that you couldn't even see the rocks! :)

Reefscape15 I can't wait to see the new pictures! I am still messing around with a couple of DSLR cameras I borrowed. I am getting slightly better at taking pictures, at least they look at bit better. I will post some soon.
Updated picture:
Still playing around with different apertures to find the proper DOF for my tank but slowly improving the quality of the pics.

This is a great thread.

We are picking up a 54 gal corner tomorrow :)
Gonna take it slow this time .... Thinking i might have to build my own sump to get what i want.
The guy who set up our big tank wanted no part of a corner .... His loss

Getting a lot of good ideas ... Thanks
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15585878#post15585878 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by LV74-04
This is a great thread.

The guy who set up our big tank wanted no part of a corner .... His loss

You will soon find out why! HAHA!!!:):) Kidding of course. But you will come to find that a corner tank requires a lot more fooling around with to get it how you want it. Lighting, flow, sump, canopy, etc. all take much more thought and planning than a standard shaped tank. After owning one for a while though, I'll probably never own a standard rectangle tank. I love the different look of my tank, and IMO it's worth the extra hassle. Enjoy the new purchase!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15563909#post15563909 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by boret
Updated picture:
Still playing around with different apertures to find the proper DOF for my tank but slowly improving the quality of the pics.


Boret nice tank, did that monti grow on the back of your tank on the left or did you 'glue' it there?
Thanks McLovit!

I used an Aqua-Mag to attach a small piece that broke off the main Orange Cap that I have (these corals grow like crazy).



The piece was maybe 1" by 2". I placed it in the glass on the left side and in about 4 month it grew 4 times its original size. I made the mistake of putting it a bit to high (almost halfway up in that glass) and it started to shade everything underneath so I decided to lower it. When I tried to move it I found out that it was actually attached to the glass.I put a bit of pressure and it broke off leaving about a 1/2" fringe of the coral on the glass. It has now grown into about an inch and it is starting to fold up out of the glass towards the light.

I am sure that if I try to glue a piece there it will die!! But when they do it on their own they just grow.

here is a close up of it:


BTW, with the new DSLR pictures I get huge images that I am making smaller to post but I am not reducing them that much. Please let me know if the larger pictures are TOO big and they make it browsing this thread a pain. I can easily reduce its size. I have high speed internet and it doesn't take more than a split second to download them, but maybe people in other countries are having trouble loading them due to latency, or maybe there are some out there still using Dial Up. What do you guys think should be the max size of a picture to post in the thread? 800x800, 1200x1200?

The picture above is 900x900 and the full tank picture is 1600 × 1065px. Is that TOO MUCH??
For posting pics I usually go with 800x600. It allows most monitors to show the whole pic at once on the screen without scrolling.
There we go, I reduced them to 800px!
You lose some of the finer detail but it might make browsing easier.
Ok guys here's the best I could get. I had the tank sparkling clean, but then I caught my son with his hands in there, and I had to re-wipe down the glass and everything! These pics are only on my phone, but I'll get the nice camera back from my parents and get some better pics on here soon!


Right side:

Left side:

Some SPS frags (about 2" each):

My BIG Branching Hammer!:

Little Shroomish area:
Looking great!! I see some algae on the back glass. I used to have that until I increased the number of snails. I keep a fairly large cleaning crew. They keep the tank spotless. I only clean the front glass every other day. I got the special "reef tune-up" they have at for $109.00 shipped. It has worked great. I already recommended it to a few reefer friends and they are all extremely happy. Very worthy investment. BTW, I like the rock work much much better now.
Thanks boret! I am so much happier with the rockwork myself. I know there is some algae issues, and also I have Aptasia and Flatworms that I have to work on. New DIY overflow/sump and canopy are in the works already, so hopefully it won't be too long before my tank gets all cleaned up. I have to thank you again for being persistant on my changing the rocks around. The flow is so much better, now that i've moved the rocks off the wall and could finally squeeze another powerhead behind them.
He he he, I am persistent man! lol Now I need to hammer you about the cleaning crew! :)

Hey guys yesterday I won a Vertex 400w Electronic Ballast just for posting a comment on a thread. You can see the thread HERE. Cool website with cool articles and nice giveaways! Worth a visit.
reefscape15 did you remove your overflow or did it come without one.....looks great though also what do you use for flow trying to find the right amount for mine
I bought one that wasn't a Reef Read tank. Right now I'm using just a Korallia 1 and 3. I have a Mini Jet (160gph) moving water behind the right side of the rocks. I'm going to be adding another 1500gph of flow soon though, with a CoralVue Dual Prop powerhead. Thanks for the comments!
There is a new ATB HOB Cone skimmer that seems to work pretty well. I will see if I can find a link for it. Just in case you don't want to add a overflow box.

I personally drilled mine! :)
The new tank is home. We will set it far enough from the wall on the right to have a large sump with the skimmer and refugium.

Still studying the forum for ideas i can steal :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15596621#post15596621 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Hookup
Hey, i've seen one of those tanks before! Only the cool kids have those!


LV, go to the beginning of this thread and click the link for the first 40 pages. There's alot of info here!!!!

And Welcome to the Corner Club!!!!!